is a personalized competitive program within USA Gymnastics.
PDF Chapter 6 CHAPTER 6 - XCEL COMPETITIVE PROGRAM - USA Gymnastics 1 0 obj
She may be done with competing, but the possibility of wearing shorts during meets has piqued her interest again, lol. Hours are usually much higher in the Development Program than in Xcel, and some gyms have policies that gymnasts may not compete in any other sport once they reach the upper levels. What did people search for similar to gymnastics in Huntington Beach, CA?
THE BEST 10 Gymnastics in Huntington Beach, CA - Yelp She competed L3 her first year back and L4 the next year. All acro flight elements receive VP credit, no matter how many times that element is performed, as long as the series is different. USA Gymnastics states that they created levels 1-3 to prepare gymnasts for competition. The JO program provides an excellent conditioning system and progressions, teaching specific skills in a particular order. The gymnast must score a 32 AA in Gold before advancing to the Platinum level or an 8.0 on an individual event to move forward as an Individual Event Specialist (IES). This vault is similar to the Level 2/3 vault in the USAG Development Program. If you wait too long, the window shuts. She has no high level aspirations. (Class C is 10u-12u-14u Divisions only)-> Play in the CENTRAL or ODD AGE World Series and receive $300 Discount into the Northern World Series in NW Indiana! Xcel Divisions: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, & Diamond Xcel offers two different entry divisions, Bronze and Silver, allowing coaches to . N:(2/_ytlivId #.. hTwc`aT306v14lks#&Q:T-~v'Ky=X,c*FRrXn*BJlW,M1H1+
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y0Zl{7:hy/#)LQ)'iwSH A[i Again don't forget to let us know what program you picked and why. The minimum age requirement for the Silver division is 6 years old. Type of awards and number to be awarded. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 15 0 R 16 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
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PDF Chapter 7 CHAPTER 7 - XCEL GENERAL MEET INFORMATION - USA Gymnastics What is the difference between the Xcel Program and the Levels in Gymnastics There are five divisions in the Xcel program: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond and now a pilot level for Sapphire in regions 3, 6, 7, & 8. It consists of 5 divisions, and each division has progressively more difficult requirements.
WAG How do they typically divide up the ages at competetions? (For xcel Its generally very easy for a gymnast who wants to go from the Development Program to move to Xcel, but it can be much harder to move from Xcel to the Development Program, and some gyms dont allow it. Xcel Program Divisions: Bronze: The minimum age requirement for the Bronze division is 5 years old. How Does Scoring Work in College Gymnastics? Here is an overview of the different womens gymnastics levels in the USA Gymnastics Program. VHcr_ki3 O2YI+N_f)"\8pzJ?? Once a gymnast can perform all the skills required at level 10 she may choose to try out for the Elite program. People also searched for these in Huntington Beach: What are some popular services for gymnastics?,, Xcel Code Additional A-Value Parts Skill charts (Final Mar 2015, Xcel Code of Points 1st Edition Revised Pages (February 26, 2014), Xcel Code of Points Errata Corrections/Additions (February 26, 2014), Xcel Code of Points 2nd Edition Revised Pages (February 26, 2014), Any club currently running an Xcel Program, Any club interested in starting an Xcel Program. The requirements are more specific in that, for example, instead of on floor saying that one of the tumbling passes needs a salto element, in level 7 the rules state that the gymnast must perform a back layout in one of her passes. The USA Gymnastics Xcel program was developed as an alternative competitive program offering individual flexibility to coaches and gymnasts. So we found a JO program that worked for us, low hours and flexibility. (This means the gymnast must be 6 before she competes in her first meet.) Any place not cool with that is never a place a kid should be. In this case, the age divisions should be determined and published PRIOR to the . All of my kids started in the Development (JO) program with my oldest daughter also doing TOPS / HOPES and still wanting to try elite. ODD AGE GROUP World Series - LIMITED to 60 TEAMS July 7-10, 2022 in Warsaw, Indiana 9u - 11u - 13u - 15u .
The Xcel Program: A Complete Guide There is no undertime deduction. The Bronze Division is . All rights reserved. This is consistent through all Xcel divisions, although it doesnt really apply to Bronze because the Bronze gymnasts are limited to 2 flight elements per routine. Want to know the difference between the Junior Olympic and Xcel programs. One Thing Every Gymnastics Newbie Should Know? :rD R?wk:QSB-D8X52TwIQf&_an2{!+ls">8+Qq0?ugs9eX/HSu>|J
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Elevate Gymnastics Xcel Team Classes If a gym appears to celebrate the success of one track while ignoring the other group, that might not be the right environment for your gymnast. My older daughter did both and my younger daughter did rec (since this seems limited to artistic). She likes lots of things. ), you might be wondering whats expected of them. Each division has difficulty restrictions specific to that division. Before choosing either competitive track, it is a good idea to ask your gym about the costs and schedules for each program before making a decision. The gymnast must score a 32 AA in Platinum before advancing to the Diamond level or an 8.0 on an individual event to move forward as an Individual Event Specialist (IES). 2019by Gleason's Gymnastic School est. The $50 Early Entry Discount cannot be applied to this special offer.Northern B & C World SeriesJuly 19 24, 2022 NW Indiana (Includes: Crown Point, Highland, Schererville, Portage and LaPorte)8u 10u 12u 14u 16u & 18u(Class C is 10u-12u-14u Divisions only)-> Play in the CENTRAL or ODD AGE World Series and receive $300 Discount into the Northern World Series in NW Indiana!Eastern B & C World SeriesDate: July 20-24 in Williamsburg, Virginia10u 12u 14u 16u & 18u(Class C is 10u-12u-14u Divisions only)Pacific Southwest A & B World SeriesJuly 27-31, 2022 in Palmdale/Lancaster, California8u 10u 12u 14u 16u & 18u(Class C is 10u-12u-14u Divisions only)Womens OPEN / 23u /18 & Over World Series Date: TBA Location: TBAWomens OPEN / 23u /18 & Over World Series Date: TBA Location: New York (Limited to 24 Teams), Sports Desk: Senior Winter Worlds Highlights, Sports Desk: Spring World Series Mar 17-19. So much depends on how your local gyms choose to treat Xcel. The Xcel Code of Points is the official book for the National Xcel Program. If you have any questions please feel free to give me a call or send an email. R5 Xcel Chair
Between monthly tuition, meets fees, and competition wear, gymnastics is an expensive and time-consuming sport. Tony A. 3 0 obj
The place has a friendly staff. Levels Guide. Good coaches, good kids and hours that work for the family, way more important then the name of the program. The coach and gymnast can make that decision, and they can ask for the first vault score before deciding which vault to perform for the second vault. (This means the gymnast must be 5 before she competes in her first meet.) XDU! Rules & Regulations and Regional Committee Chairs contact list, Xcel Code of Points 1st Edition Revised Pages, Xcel Code of Points 2nd Edition Revised Pages. The gymnast must score a 31 AA in Platinum before advancing to the Diamond level or an 8.0 on an individual event to move forward as an Individual Event Specialist (IES). 4 0 obj
Here is more information on the silver routine requirements. My daughter found a JO program (as it was then) that let kids choose their stream, and also allowed them to pursue other activities while training/competing. %PDF-1.7
The USA Gymnastics Xcel program was developed as an alternative competitive program offering individual flexibility to coaches and gymnasts. In most traditional levels programs the gymnasts would not be allowed to touch level 6 or 7 tumbling if they are sitting at a level 2. Learn more about theLevel 5 Gymnastics Requirements. It is a separate, alternate program. Here are the difficulty restrictions for Xcel Bronze bars: Each Xcel division has certain rules that differentiate it from the USAG Development Program. Cast (not mount or dismount) hips must leave bar, 360 circling skill (not mount or dismount), Cast squat on (with or without jump to high bar), Cast stoop on (with or without jump to high bar), Cast straddle on (with or without jump to high bar), Cross straddle jump = A (any split angle), Dance passage: 2 Group 1 elements, directly or indirectly connected, one of which is a leap with minimum 60 split, No B or higher skills (exceptions: straddle jump and side leap are allowed). An Bronze gymnast can pump her legs, or perform small casts between skills, as much as she likes without getting a 0.30 extra swing deduction. For additional information regarding foreign athlete participation, refer to Chapter 2, page 26. There are 4 Special Requirements on each event, except for vault. ?v2
E#T##P=V4W=/C?FICz[`B#EtBL8'"SDB}S'?"L"pA3fH0UMa_m'tx|>G.iz]q&5A_7dgC9YK~|:8S.~? Sports Desk: New Alpha Classes Winter Worlds, National Convention Final Day: A Chat with Bill Horton. Team Extreme is currently compiled of 50+ gymnasts and growing. Ages and Groups: Age determining date is the opening date of the AAU Gymnastics National Championship, June 23, 2021. The TOPS program is how most Olympic gymnasts get to the Elite level, and how they get there at such a young age! The Bronze division is similar in skill requirements to the JO Programs levels 1-2. Hours vary from club to club but are generally much lower than the Development Program. The program allows gymnasts to develop new skills and advance through the competitive levels with less intensity and less pressure to acquire a certain set of skills for each level. and have "Surprise Time!" Our Gymsters feel great about themselves as they learn gymnastics in a constantly changing program with fresh ingredients and new equipment setups each week. 32.00 AA at Level 6 Level 6 may be skipped if a 32.00 AA was achieved at Level 5, 32.00 AA at Level 7 Ind. As the pandemic dragged on, I was really sad that I had to stop training when I couldn't suppor", All "Gymnastics" results in Huntington Beach, CA, Trending Searches in Huntington Beach, CA. This means that to compete this level, the gymnast must learn a specific routine for each event. Who will benefit by purchasing the new Xcel Code of Points? There is no minimum time for Xcel floor routines. These are optional rules that can be used while the gymnast is learning levels 4-6 skills. There are two parts to the vault, each worth 4.5. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thegymnasticsguide_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegymnasticsguide_com-banner-1-0');Part 1-A is a Straight Jump onto a mat stack of 16-48 height.
She has done 2 years of Gold. Now youre familiar with the requirements for the Xcel Bronze division. We didn't know any better when she first started but this alternative route worked out well for dd and she then transitioned into JO at level 7 without a problem. The Xcel program has five competitive levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. In both Xcel and the Development Program, the hours and costs go up as a gymnast moves through the levels, so speaking with the gym owner or coaches should give you an idea of what kind time and financial commitment youll be making if your kid sticks with gymnastics. When things shut down, I was able to keep working with my trainer, Tawnya, through zoom. Sapphire (Trial): The minimum age requirement for the Sapphire division is 12 years old. The larger the meet the more broke down the age groups were. You dont need to score out of any of the JO levels in order to compete in the Xcel program, and it cannot be used to skip any of the JO program levels.
Level 5 is also a compulsory level. ", "When I tell people that I stretch and go to StretchLab, the first thing people say to me is "yeah, I need to start stretching again."
Xcel Team | 1101 NW Jefferson St. | Gage Center I have not actually seen any of that happen to any of the kids, with exception of one who recently left and she has a natural drive and talent the others didnt.