Original scabbard. Very representative set od a police dress bayonet $800, A second Model Luftwaffe Dagger M1937 by S.M.F. Very nice untouched dagger with a very good blade. The public sale of these items conform to the regulations of free trade without being affected by the "Regulations on Arms", as is clear from the opinion of the "Permanent Interministerial Commission on Arms and Explosives" (CIPAE) dated in November 7, 1995 . WWII German Leather K98 Bayonet Frog. Look here for daily deals on German World War II bayonets, swords, daggers, and other edged weapons. German WWII - Svmilitaria.com You are currently viewing page 1 of 16. I believe the portepee is a reproduction. You can browse through the affordable selection of WWII German daggers for sale on eBay to find the designs or types that might be right for your needs. WW2 Daggers. "SA" member, model 1933, with the dedication of E. Rohm, Carl The handle fittings have a lovely old uncleaned dark toning from age, with the high points standing out richly. GERMAN MINIATURE WW1 WWI NAVAL DAGGAR FOR SALE Dagger has good details and small chain hangers. German Daggers - Collectors Firearms Named German Army Officer Dagger With Etched Name on Blade $ 495.00 Item Number: 66242 German Fire Police Dress Bayonet by Johann Leupold of Bayreuth $ 150.00 Item Number: 64893 SOLD! Also has excellent blade with no problems. WW2 German Firemans dagger Collection Very rare, Ultra rare Bulgarian Royal Air force officer dagger /w etched blade by Eickhorn, RARE!!!! Wittmann Antique Militaria - SA Daggers (Sturmabteilung) Section SALE! Guard, tang, and pommel has chips, loss of plating. Very unusual $175, This dagger is unmarked very well made with what looks to be wood grips. Bright un-sharpened blade, anchor cross guard with release button, white celluloid grip with eagle and swastika pommel. collectors and dealers all over the world. frameheight: 'px', Original bring back piece. First Model Chained Luftwaffe Dagger by Carl Eickhorn $ 850.00 Item Number: 64825 Uncommon German Model 1919 Provisional Reichsmarine Officer's Dagger with Portepee A very nice factory ground Rhm dagger here, with everything going for it including an exceptional blade! Daggers - Luftwaffe - Military Collectibles, Inc. Free Insured Priority Mail on All Orders in the USA - Shipping Below Cost Overseas, Germany Awake - Deutschland Erwache! German Swords, Daggers & Bayonets | JB Military Antiques 1st model Kreigsmarine (Navy) Dagger 1919. Original German WWII Early Identified Numbered M33 SS Dagger by Gottlieb Hammesfahr & Co. with Scabbard. $6,995.00. . Car & Truck Safety & Security Accessories. This is an AW Jr maker marked bright blade. The ALCOSO marked bayonet is finished with a high-quality nickel plating showing minor handling / storage wear. Read more. Un-sharpened 10-inch bright blade. WW2 German Himmler Presentation Dagger. }); GERMAN MINIATURE K98 COBLEN DRESS DAGGER FOR SALE, Neat little dagger with Coblenz painted on the scabbard. SKU: 021023-1. Very faint maker marked on blade that has been sharpened. The grip has a couple of small chips, the largest being on the side with the nickel eagle, to the right of the SS roundel. The SA dagger was the service dagger of the Sturmabteilung (Storm Detachment) formed under Adolf Hitler and Ernst Rhm's authority in 1921. Australian Dollars (AUD). Shop our selection of World War II Weapons from the world's premier auctions and galleries. Whilst my interest is broad, it centres on the edged weapons manufactured and carried during the Third Reich period 1933-1945. arrowsColor: '#fff', Grip has 3 small cracks at bottom. $40SOLD, GERMAN MINIATURE WW1 WWI NAVAL DAGGAR FOR SALE, Dagger has good details and small chain hangers. Chromolit Solingen.1933, Early 1st Model Luftwaffe Dagger. WW2 Jacket for US Marine in China Choice! German Edged Weapons - German Officer Sword | Rare WWI Militaria P.O. type swastika, flanked by down swept, stylized very good grips, WW2 German Navy Kriegsmarine Officer's dress dagger, with a bright twin edge blade, with no makers mark. Portepee is near perfect !! Gold wash fittings with gold portepee. National Hunting Association Cutlass with Original Frog and Hanger by WKC, TENO EM Dagger Hewer (matching) with Frog by Carl Eickhorn, Army (Heer) Officer Dagger by Carl Eickhorn, Heer Army Dagger from WKC Solingen with Tomahawk Style Eagle, Richard Abr. There is another, much smaller and shallower chip on the reverse where the grip and upper guard meet, A very nice early Hitler Youth Knife (HJ knife) by the seldom seen maker, Heinr. Police decal with a very heavy wear with a good portion of the decal worn away, also, the NSDAP party shield decal is very worn condition as well. Blade is very fine with a few small spots of discoloration > no nicks with sharp point tip. jQuery(function(){ Research past prices of World War II Weapons to buy or bid confidently today! Understanding the common features of daggers like this can help you select the pieces you like. . WWII German Militaria, WW2 German Militaria, Nazi Relics Wanted See details. Original Rare German WWII Model 1936 Officer's Chained SS Dagger with Type II Chain & Scabbard. The light yellow, almost cream colored grip is stunning, and virtually without flaw, This WW2 German SS dagger may have seen better days, but its still a rare find with its Partial Rohm inscription AND numbered cross guard. WALLSEND. type swastika, flanked by down swept, stylized wings. $185.00 WWII GERMAN NCO SWORD $750.00 WWII GERMAN FIELD MARSHALL PRINZ EUGEN SWORD Out of stock MODEL 1873 PRUSSIAN ARTILLERIE SABER $465.00 WWII JAPANESE LAST DITCH ARISAKA BAYONET Out of stock FRENCH LEBEL BAYONET $170.00 COLD WAR ERA CAMBODIAN AK BAYONET $110.00 WWII Issue Training Bayonet Out of stock CAMBODIAN AK BAYONET $110.00 We have over 20 years of experience helping our Veterans and their families obtain a fair value for all of their German military souvenirs. Short Luftwaffe Single Etched Dress Bayonet by Klass . This is a Hitler Youth Knife etched with very faint, 'Blut und Ehre! WW2 German SS Dagger by Eickhorn. The handle fittings have a lovely dark toning, with the high points standing out richly. Whether it's our edged weapons, WW2 German knives for sale, or US military knives used in the past wars, we have you covered. WWI German Trench Fighting Knife Dagger. For sale is a WWII German K98 bayonet with frog in very good condition. Blade is floral etched on both sides and shows a panoply of swords, drums, spears, helmets, and canons! Ivory colored wire wrapped celluloid grip. Overall in very nice condition with good blade that show some small spots of discoloration. 42032. This category showcases WW2 German daggers and swords made for Germany's elite, military forces, including 1st & 2nd pattern Luftwaffe German daggers, Kriegsmarine daggers, Heer dress daggers, Prinz Eugen swords, Prison Administration swords, German dress bayonets, plus many other WW2, dress- and military- German edged weapons. SS Visor Cap Eagle by RZM M1/72 Aluminum Choice! 9 -inch bright blade that has minimal handling / storage wear and is mounted with checkered plastic handles. I am able to share the knowledge of over 30 years as a professional collector. WW2 German Army Cavalry Visor Cap w/Traditional Badge. German SA dagger, manufactured by J. P. SAUER & SOHN, SUHLMaterial, Very good tight grips with no problems Scabbard retains 98% of original paint with one small depression (see pics) Original Hanger which shows some wear A nice representative SS Dagger in overall very fine condition $ 2500. jQuery(function(){ 1935, Early model NSKK dagger. Neat $150SOLD, This dagger has no markings in very good condition. Blade is excellent Could have been some sort of a sample type.? Luftwaffe cutlass model 1935, manufactured by David Malsch Steinbach (Tuhr)Original cutlass, first v.. Hard to upgrade $1100. This one shows honest age and use with several worn spots. G40705 Add to Compare. She shows her age, but is a great dagger for someone looking to get into SS dagger collecting but doesnt want to pay an arm and a leg. This sharpened blade is stained and has a few nicks on blade. Puma model Kreigsmarine (Navy) Dagger 1938. Edged Weapons - German Military - Daggers - Page 1 - Simpson Ltd $195.00 Germany. Herder Partial Ground Rhm SS Dagger with Serial Number, Hitler Youth Knife Heinr. Home / Weapons / Edge Weapons / WWII German K98 Bayonet w/ Frog 43 CQH. 10-inch sawback blade. Here we have a nice, early first model RLB EM Dagger by WKC Waffenfabrik Solingen in overall nice condition with a few notable flaws (outlined in the following description). Overall very good with the blade showing some spots of distress in the finish. We have the daggers broken down by category. anchor cross guard with release button, white celluloid grip with eagle and swastika pommel. WWII German Italian Made Model 1943 Style Army Field Cap. Interior liner heavily worn and damaged condition. We specialise in buying and selling the finest quality military antiques from 1800--1945 and with an particular emphasis on Third Reich Militaria And Especially Edged Weapons, Important Awards and items associated with historical personalities. D2079 Read more WW2 German Army Dagger Crossguard Damaged . Very unusual $175 SOLD GERMAN MINIATURE SS DAGGER FOR SALE Early Layaway plan, FREE shipping, best prices, RARE items: Medals, Waffen SS, Holocaust, daggers, Helmets, Badges, Totenkopf, Field gear WW2 Original german militaria nazi ss panzer totenkopf items for sale Cross guard is unit marked !! Blade near perfect. Blade near perfect. ?? Near perfect condition shows only oxidation to the silvered parts which could easily be removed with a polish. German Third Reich WW2 Navy dagger Sold for 380 DLV flyers knife Sold for 460 German Third Reich SS Dagger and scabbard by Robert Klass Sold for 1,500 German WWII Third Reich Rad dagger. Original German Daggers from WW1, WW2 and Associated Knives for sale. Germany (Third Reich). . WW2 Original german militaria nazi ss panzer totenkopf items for sale We buy and sell WWII German daggers, swords, uniforms, helmets, hats, medals, badges, flags and more! Portepee show some wear with a few wires distressed on reverse. Germany, Luftwaffe. German Daggers The iconic German dagger has long been a key element in collecting Third Reich militaria. GERMAN DAGGERS | WW2 GERMAN DAGGERS & SWORDS - Ulric of England Scabbard is also very nice with small dent midway on bottom metal. but it still displays nice and did I say it was cheap! $55. rare ww2 german army officer's dagger with double etched regimental staff by max weyersburg of solingen $ sold german sa m1933 sa/nskk dagger & scabbard by ed louper $ sold post ww1 era weimar german navy officers etched sword with scabbard $ 895.00; sold nazi germany 1st model 1933 sa dagger with scabbard by f.dick $ 950.00; sold Relics of the Reich is proud to offer some of the best collectibles in WWI and WWII German Militaria on today's market. SS dagger with a ton of appeal! The handle fittings have a lovely dark toning, with the high points standing out richly. $900.00. Exceptional WWII Nazi German SS Dagger with sheath $ 2,650.00 $ 2,250.00 Categories: Edged Weapons (Swords, Knives and Bayonets), World War I & II Pristine example of the WWII Nazi German SS dagger by ASSO ( A. Schuttelhofer, Solingen-Wald). Total length (including the hilt) is approximately 14.5. The dagger features a 12-inch bright steel blade, marked, ORIGINAL / EICKHORN / SOLINGEN on blade. Portepee may be a very good reproduction ??? I believe the portepee is a reproduction. Manufactured by Luke (mark on ricasso with logo). Contrary to popular belief, WWII German Daggers were not used as weapons, but simply as an accessory to the uniforms of the German Officers (and a very fancy accessory at that). anchor cross guard with release button, white celluloid grip with eagle and swastika pommel. Like it? German WWII Army Dagger Hangers. Portepee and frog in good conditon Looks like it has seen some use > see pics Offers?? Unusual $145SOLD, GERMAN MINIATURE K98 CHROME DAGGER FOR SALE, This dagger was made in Japan and is a (post war ?) Not a real high quality miniature but in very good original condition and not very common No idea as to when it was made ?? framewidth: 'px', The deep gray scabbard is without rust or oxidation, but is missing one of the throat screws. WWII German K98 Bayonet CRS43. Here are some of the main options you will discover during your search: The handles for WWII daggers can come in different styles just like the blades. Subscribe. The WWII German Army (Heer) dress dagger was first authorized for army personnel to carry in 1935. The quality edged weapons I sell are from my own extensive collection and are surplus to requirements. Here is one of the nicest all around WKC Heer Army Daggers weve seen in a while, and with a not too often seen grip color, and very collectible tomahawk style cross guard as well! WWII German Items Daggers and Edged Weapons WWII German Items Caps and Hats WWII German Items Helmets WWII German Items Flare Pistols WWII German Items Flags, Banners, Armband . By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies. Scabbard shows normal wear and some loss of paint in areas but is overall very good. Scabbard paint all intact ! This is a TIGER, maker marked bright un-sharpened blade. Scabbard paint all intact ! A bit salty, but still a very nice mid-period, uncleaned and unmessed with SS dagger by Gustav C. Spitzer. Caliber: N/A. the scabbard lost many of it's paint and the inner higher end part was replaced. Terms & Conditions This category showcases WW2 German daggers and swords made for Germany's elite, military forces, including 1st & 2nd pattern Luftwaffe German daggers, Kriegsmarine daggers, Heer dress daggers, Prinz Eugen swords, Prison Administration swords, German dress bayonets, plus many other WW2, dress- and military- German edged weapons. The leather washer is present, nut hard. Blade is excellent plated. (German Daggers) 0.00 SUPERB, WW2 Era, German Folding Bowie Knife With Rostfrei (Early Stainless Steel) Blade By Anton Wingen Jr, Solingen With Stag Antler Grips, German Silver fittings & Leather Scabbard. WWII German Army Officer's Dagger Knot.