Multiple step dimmer Heres another feature that lets you set how bright the display is gonna be. Because you dont want any extra weight while traveling. If you are experiencing technical difficulty with our website or have questions about using our products. To the right of the meter is the start of the knobs, switches, and microphone jack. The Stryker SR-955HPC runs on a very straightforward piece of software based on Windows 7 64-bit. Check out our NEW CB World Product Catalog! I wasnt sure if this was stray RF getting back into the speaker but it was a minor issue and barely noticeable. Made Easy Amazon Photos Unlimited Photo Storage Free With Prime: Prime Video Direct Video Distribution Made Easy: Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands: Amazon Warehouse There will be a time, and when it comes you will be glad you read this article. They have made a radio that out-talks just about all others in the export market. Closed five acquisitions: $15.34. You can choose from AM/FM/LSB/USB/PA modes. Brands; Gift Vouchers; RONALD The RONALD is the base model in the President Ham Radio line. They havent been produced in quite a while and there arent too many in nice condition floating around anymore. From what Ive read on forums other people are also hearing these radios on the air and are commenting on how nice they sound. SOFTWARE UPDATE INFO I received the great email below from one of our readers that may be helpful for those running into software programming issues. Stryker SR-94HPC 10 Meter Radio : Electronics You can set it anywhere between super bright and off. Monkey Made President Procomm Stryker BY TYPE Fiberglass Magnetic Whip Base Station No Ground Plane Center Load / Trucker CB MOUNTS; CB ACCESSORIES. Manufactured from industry-leading materials using up-to-date equipment, it ensures everlasting reliability and enduring value. This makes Stryker SR 497HPC one of the most powerful CB radios on the current market. Yet the quickest clue is that "band" switch on the front of the . Many people out there may think that they have a loud AM radio. Lets say you want a compact and lightweight one, then Stryker SR-94HPC will flatter you with its entirely different look and feel. [/su_spoiler], [su_spoiler title=Q: Can Stryker SR 497HPC be used for CB channels without any additional settings? open=no style=fancy icon=plus-circle anchor=Customer-Review]A: Stryker SR 497HPC is a 10-meter CB radio and if you wish to turn it into an 11-meter device, you will need to pay someone to adjust it. Squelch is on the outside. The company's goal was to help patients lead healthier, more active lives through products and services that make surgery and . These radios are all very popular. Stryker CB Radios, 10-Meter Radios and Antennas - Walcott Radio RF gain adjustment is on the outside. The other complaint has been that often SSB export radios performed well on AM but not SSB or vice versa. If you want to pick easily, just look for the best and dont want to compare it any further, just click here to check the price of this exceptional technology. Stryker SR-94HPC CB Radio - #1 Source For CB Needs - Right Channel Radios Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. just got off the phone with shawn at stryker . After reading your thoughtful review, Im going to try the factory mic too. Dr. Stryker creates The Orthopedic Frame Company. Stryker SR-A10 MM Magnetic Mount Antenna Select 24 Stainless Steel Radio Case for 10 Meter radios with front microphone Select $18.95 16 Buy Together and Save $2.00 10 Watt External CB Speaker Select 19 DXX - Radio Bracket - Heavy Duty Steel Select $24.95 19 Buy Together and Save $5.00 RT4-4112 Gearkeeper Microphone Retractor Stryker SR-25MC AM/FM 10-Meter HAM Radio - Right Channel Radios Our reputation for producing quality American made equipment has been well earned and is respected internationally. Don't let the size fool you! font-size: 20px; A condition that may have already resulted in either local or distant . $449.99. font-family: sans-serif; It enables you to adjust the carrier anywhere in the range between one to 25 watts. [su_column size=1/2][su_box title=Pros of Buying Stryker SR 497HPC box_color=#00bf08 radius=0][su_list icon=icon: check icon_color=#00bf08], [/su_list][/su_box][/su_column] If you want to purchase it now, Get it on Amazon. When it comes to AM audio though there is a favorite of the loud crowd. We acquire Ascent Healthcare Solutions, Inc., the market leader in the reprocessing and remanufacturing of medical devices in the U.S. John Brown retires as Chairman and Stephen MacMillan becomes Strykers third Chairman of the Board. Outstanding AM audio and PC programming make the SR-955HPC th.. Small Size: L 5.87" x 4.75" x H 1.5" Stryker Radios SR-497-HPC AM/FM 10M RADIO. 5. Verdict:If youre looking for a 10-meter amateur ham radio thats easy to use, then you will find this radio a good fit. Hours; About Us; Delivery Information; Terms & Conditions; Q Codes - 10 Codes - Frequency Chart; Power Supply Recommendation Charts; Customer Service. Advance.. AM/FM Recommended for: Amateur radio operators looking for a modern and powerful HAM radio that will fit in a small cab vehicle or for a low-profile installation. Radios. At yesterday's hamfest there were plenty of used HF radios in the $275-$300 range that covered the full 10 meter band, were not channelized, had no gaps in coverage, put out a clean 100 watt signal and had digital readouts of the frequency. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Stryker SR-955HP 10 Meter SSB Export CB Radio Review - CB Radio Magazine On top of everything, even its price is not too high. Audio AM and SSB audio on this radio are pretty awesome. If you want to purchase it now, Get it on Amazon. Now, if you want to compare our top pick with other Stryker CB Radios, please follow our short description of every other Stryker CB Radios. They have been around for a good amount of time and have found a strong following of CBers who like their styling and function. I did notice, however, that sometimes even with the talkback in the off position I was hearing some very faint talkback. Learn more about Dr. Homer Stryker, and the legacy that inspires our mission. If you are looking for a cost-effective and durable AM/SSB mobile radio with every other feature, then Galaxy-DX-949 40 Channel is the right choice for you. Back then, we raised eyebrows for embracing the 10 Meter Radio revolution. The made in the Phillipines Cobra 29 line has been called one of the all time best. One of the biggest complaints about SSB export radios over the years has been issues with frequency drift during SSB operation. background:#000; We've heard rumors of other Stryker radios in the works and can't wait to see what's next. [/su_row], [su_button url=[lasso amazon_url= link_id=8982]com-20 target=blank size=5 radius=round icon=icon: arrow-circle-right rel=nofollow]Check it out here![/su_button]. Browse the 919, 929, 939, 949, 959 & 979 models & more. . I am located out of the dominican republic north-coast and have this installed on / in my car, using a tram-browning BR-140 antenna: @1178mm = 27.192 SWR: 1.14 The variable power works in all modes and in AM at its low position youll have a 1-2 watt carrier and in the high position a 15 watt carrier. [su_column size=1/2][su_box title=Cons of Stryker SR 497HPC box_color=#eb4923 radius=0][su_list icon=icon: ban icon_color=#eb4923], [/su_list][/su_box][/su_column] So, if youre looking for a reliable CB radio, feel free pick anyone from Strykers collection. Stryker SR-25MC AM/FM 10-Meter HAM Radio . The large LCD panel and its programmable buttons will let you use it at very ease. Stryker SR-955 Check Latest Price on Amazon. Just like the General Lee this is the radio that people talk about when you hear the name Connex. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. We enter the surgical navigation market, providing precision in locating surgical targets. The graphs are fairly accurate compared to other radios Ive tested in the past with similar type displays. I had heard a lot of talk about the old Johnson line of radios and I had even owned one of their mobile radios at one time, but I never had heard one on the air or understood why they were so sought after. Imagine how much your CB radio will reach, when it meets with a computer. Similar in design and function both radios can scream on AM. To the right of these three buttons is the digital meter. If youre into roger beeps this is actually a pretty cool way to customize your beeps. The Companys sales grow to $17.3 million. it is pc programmable by a usb jack in back and . Stryker Radios SR-655HPC - 10 Meter Radio with Very Loud & Clear Receiver Best 7 CB Radios1. You still have to set the echo options using the echo knob controls. Different Stryker Radios products have various warranties. His voice was loud and clear and had a deep resonating sound that just boomed out of my speaker. [su_list icon=icon: check-circle icon_color=#00bf08]. Stryker CB Radios Stryker CB Radios Best Selling Stryker SR-955HPC 10 Meter Amateur Radio (61) $428.99 New Stryker SR-A10 10m Mirror Mount Antenna (47) $109.45 New Stryker SR-655HPC 10 Meter Amateur Radio - Black (32) $329.00 New $299.99 Used Stryker 25mc 10 Meter Radio Ain't a CB (3) $103.60 New All Auction Buy It Now 17 Results Brand: Stryker As new radios come on the market, and FCC gets wind of it, they are tested and added to the list. One of the very popular brands, Stryker has gained the trust of most of the Travelers. The chances that it would break after just a few months of use are extremely small.[/su_spoiler]. It looks nearly identical to the ANDY USA CB radio, except it operates on the 10 meter and 12 meter amateur radio bands. Oversensitive Receive While the receive on this radio is excellent is also has some of the same issues the CRE 8900 and Alpha Max have regarding receivers that pick up a lot of extra noise. In fact, Stryker SR 497HPC is everything a good CB radio needs to be. [/su_spoiler], [su_spoiler title=Q: Once its converted to 11-meter band, is it legal to use it? open=no style=fancy icon=plus-circle anchor=Customer-Review]A: My advice is not to convert it to an 11-meter radio as it can easily go over the 4W limit, something thats banned in many countries around the world. Output For most people using this radio on SSB you wont need a linear. The new radios with these newer style boards seem to have an oversensitive receive, so running the RF gain at about 3/4 almost becomes the norm. A decade in development, the Circ-O-Lectric bed capitalizes on the legacy of the turning frame. You may like:[2021] Stryker SR-955HPC All the Features Youll Ever Need from a CB Radio. MAP Price : $303.99. You may not find an SSB system in this radio like the SR-955 but if you want to choose a CB radio considering power then Stryker SR-497-HPC will be the perfect choice for you. Mar 9, 2014. Again, Im not going to go through all of the software options because the software is very similar to the CRE 8900 software and I posted a video online showing the software. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Stryker is one of our top selling brands for CB radios and 10 meter radios. The Stryker 440 was designed by industry experts and they took into account the features that people really wanted in a radio. The radio also has lighting all the way around the front face of the radio. Stryker Corporation - Wikipedia Stryker Radios | Copper Electronics Please keep up the great reviews, we really appreciate it. These are the CB radios on the list of top-selling CB radios and going through the features of the radio, getting this CB radio is a great choice; it will meet all your needs. Timothy Scannell is appointed President and Chief Operating Officer. While not technically a CB radio out of the box, the Stryker SR-955HPC can easily access CB channels with a few simple modifications. MM-4 . Stryker Radios Stryker SR-94HPC 10-Meter HAM Radio. The best most of us will ever do is to enjoy the great sound they produce on the air. There was great fun in generating my own rodger beeps up to 14 tones long with any note between 400-2550 Hz in the software. Stryker Radios 10 Meter Radios CTCSS Module (CTCSS MODULE SR94HPC) 0. So if your PC is running Vista, install the Vista driver, Windows 7 install the windows 7 driver and if your still running XP install the driver with no association listed. President CB Radios | Right Channel Radios Are you looking for a powerful CB radio, but you dont feel like spending too much cash on such a device? Check Recent Price. This little gun will meet all your expectations b/c it is suitable to all kinds of radios, best in class & can combat any bad weather situations. AM/FM High performance outstanding AM audio and PC programming make the SR-655HP the new industry.. Add to Wish List. The frequency/channel display and the meter display are digital and the colors in those areas match the backlighting on the rest of the face. It's the ultimate President CB radio at reasonable cost. The higher range comes from a higher power and the higher power of a Cb radio comes from SSB and Galaxy-DX-949 is featured with this. These radios are also prone to bleedover so if you have high power stations nearby or are a truck driver thats something to consider. One of my favorite older radios is the Golden Eagle Mark III. So this wont bother you a bit if only ignored. Stryker Radios SR-497-HPC AM/FM 10M RADIO. Twice the power output of the Galaxy DX98VHP and almost 4 times as powerful as the Connex 3600 and Stryker SR497, if you want to be heard - this is it! Please understand that there may be possible delays in delivery/transit times due to carrier restrictions. SCAN Pressing this button enables the radio to scan through the frequencies until it encounters a signal strong enough to break the squelch. 6 IRF-520 MOSFET transistors. After months of frustrating attempts at getting the radio to communicate to a PC with standard USB cables, I contacted Stryker and was told of the mistaken lack of inclusion of the factory USB cable. The Stryker 440 was designed by industry experts and they took into account the features that people really wanted in a radio. Ranger RCI-69FFB4 400 + Watts Modulation SSB 10 Meter Radio - Walcott Radio As interest in these products grew, Dr. Stryker started a company in 1941 to produce them. CB Coax Cable . 5 Best Stryker CB Radios: Reviews In 2023 - Electro Talks The Stryker is a highly deployable-wheeled armored vehicle. Software & Programming Stryker SR-655HPC, SR-955HPC, SR-447HPC2 & SR-94HPC Software Questions. MM-9 Medium. With their high power output, 10 Meter Radios can overpower CB transmissions and other important local communications. Radios requiring technical services may be delayed 2 to 14 days. Buy Stryker SR-955HPC 10 Meter Amateur Radio at Amazon. I owned the Omegaforce from Magnum and have experienced the power of the Top Gun Modulator system first hand. The Yaesu FT-101 and FT-102 are two very popular transceivers with the CB radio crowd because of their high quality and multiple functions. $17.94. Stryker spent a long time working with the factory to develop this radio and the goal was to create a SSB radio that would retain all of the positive aspects of their previous AM radios while offering SSB stability. We are listed on the FORTUNE 500 for the first time. Last but not the least, SR-955 gives you the liberty to control the backlit display as per your environment. MM-9 Long. The SR-447HPC2 uses Negative Peak Compression . Connex Cb Radio Customer reviews and photos may be available to help you make the right purchase decision! This means that once you buy one of their radios, you wont get in a need for another one in many, many years. First on our list is the Magnum S9, an amazing mobile radio from RF Limited. ANL/NB The switch allows you to enable the ANL (Automatic Noise Limiter) or NB (Noise Blanker). The radio features the well known Top Gun Modulator control which allows this radio to key as low as 1 watt and swing to 40 watts with very loud audio. Please feel free to give us a call. Stryker Radios | Automotive CB Radios, Antennas, Parts There is no denying a loud radio. While the graphs themselves arent particularly large, its easy to see the movement even from further away and its very cool to be able to see your SWR and power output at the same time on an internal meter. TOP 7: Best CB Radios - YouTube Still, compared to other CB radios of similar performances, Stryker SR 497HPC is a pretty affordable choice. Released a few years ago, Stryker SR 497HPC came into existence as a result of the manufacturers wish to create a two-way radio that will be super-powerful, yet not costing too much. One of the biggest complaints about SSB export radios over the years has been issues with frequency drift during SSB operation. So while the radio can be programmed and also has options through the menu function, the face of the radio is still very similar to older exports. Without Any Extra Cost to You!. All of the labeling on the radio is back-lit very well and so this radio is very easy to use at night. This is the brand that has gained a tremendous reputation over the years. Mobility is very necessary for a CB radio. How often have you felt that the person on the other is not listening right or clearly? However, the fact is that Stryker SR 497HPC is a professional-grade CB radio, so saying that its expensive would be an overstatement. There is no denying that they have produced some of the best radios around. Comes with a pre-wired frequency counter jack. These babies are getting hard to find in nice condition and so the price of one is getting higher and higher. After a good tune these radios can do 40+ watts with loud loud audio. CB Radio Shop with Accessories & Radios for Sale: Walcott Radio But there is something to be said for having a radio that people will remember. The variable power is on the outside and again you can set it anywhere you like.