I shared this info in Discord yesterday, but wanted to share it here since it's a common question. All Bounty Hunter allies gain 9 stacks of. Conquest map nodes are dynamically generated. Loquitur SWGOH 3v3 M2: How Much Time Do You Spend in SWGOH Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Jedi Academy Episode 284 Live Q&A #swgoh. These Keycards are what unlocks the major rewards at the conclusion of Galactic Conquest, so try to maximize these rewards while you can. Consumables reset each Conquest and any left in a player's inventory will be lost when the event ends. These durations only decrease upon successfully completing a battle. If a First Order unit does not score at least 1 critical hit during their turn, they gain Advantage for 2 turns at the end of that turn if they did not already have it.
This data disk is best for those SWGOH players who deploy General Anakin Skywalker 501st squads into Galactic Conquest frequently, or squads like Geonosians, General Grievous droids, and Bossk lead bounty hunter teams. Theres also opportunities to purchase stim packs to automatically restore a percentage of stamina on a character by using Conquest Credits or Crystals. At the start of battle, Old Republic allies gain 20% Tenacity for each Old Republic ally. These points are added together and will determine which reward crate you will earn at the end of the event. Whenever an ally recovers Health, they also recover 10% Protection.
My own data disk would be one that either cost less Stamina per fight, or speeds up Stamina regeneration between fights. Restores 50% Stamina to the selected character. Players earn Conquest Keycards for completing battles and feats that are used to determine the Reward Crate they will earn at the end of the event as well as obtain intermediate rewards which can be immediately claimed. SWGOH 3v3 Grand Arena LIVE! SWGOH rewards players for spending their Galactic Credits by either helping them gear up their roster with fantastic gear, or using Galactic Credits to purchase consumables which progress them further along this game mode. Ranking All Conquest Data Disks + Best Sets of Disks + Team/Disk Combos - YouTube -- HUGE thanks to my newest channel member - Y905yr - Meatbag All about conquest today! Galactic Conquest took some Modifiers from Galactic Challenges and added them to the enemies. To be clear, how you use Data Disks to progress through Galactic Conquests comes down to theorycrafting thats reliant on your knowledge of SWGOH. If you have a strong defensive roster filled with Galactic Republic teams and Jedi, try to equip Data Disks that award extra Health, Protection, and Tenacity. Hard mode will open at 4m GP (required). Each Combat Mission will have a randomly generated team based on Faction, or a pre-made team, that may receive one or more Enemy Modifier. Its short of an instakill, but itll pack a serious punch. on the weakest enemy when a non-Tusken unit is in the leader slot, First Order TIE Pilots unique ability "Keen Eye" text is inconsistent at Tier 8 and 9. Players progress across the Sector Map by choosing the next node they want to go to and every visited node can be revisited at any time during the event.
Conquest Data Disks : r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes - reddit.com Game code and certain audio and/or visual material document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Electronic Arts Inc. You can judge the effect of the data disk as if they are character abilities. In order to get the last reward crate, you will most likely need to 100% the entire Conquest event, meaning 3 star all battles and complete all feats. I'm down to one last feat because I finally managed the 700% TMR against SEE. Each node will contain 3 random disks and players will only be able to choose one of them. If you see nodes with a Phoenix or Ewok squad, you can try to wipe them out with a beefy Enfys Nest.
Best data disks to use in SWGOH Galactic Conquest - SQUAD Caustic Emissions and the thermal detonator one. Your characters will lose 10% stamina after every battle, resulting in a stat loss if you decide to use them again. I was originally having issues getting 3* (and therefore 3 Key cards) on Geonosian nodes. These Feats have been datamined and may contain some that have not or will not make it into the live version of the game. I am more just reporting what I found fun. 48 Total = 1 at each quantity and type of currency.
Conquest #10 - What's new: Data disks, daily plan and feats - SWGOH When an ally deals damage to an enemy, that enemy gains 8% turn meter and 3 damage over times, which cannot be resisted (This effect does not stack). See. These come as rewards you will receive after completing battles and as you move up the reward ladder. They will apply stats and mechanics at the same time as abilities do (not before mods), and they do stack.
Top 10 Data Disks to Equip RIGHT NOW for Conquest!! | Star - YouTube Normal has no minimum required Galactic Power, but 2,000,000+ is recommended. The Wandering Scavenger has 3 variations to what it will have in stock. Each sector also has unique feats that rewards Conquest Keycards for completing them. Depending on your GP and characters, the sectors should be fairly balanced and a player should be able to get through it one way or another. Manipulating turn meter and mass buff granting toons work well too, so teams like First Order, Jedi, and Galactic Republic will thrive using Massively Overpowered. Data Disks effects are stackable and it is possible to equip multiple copies of the same one. https://t.co/9kMxb41Z9N, How Amazon uses its services to power your favorite games When you complete a battle or feat, you will earn a specific amount of Conquest Keycards. Named after a Steely Dan album. Fave combo - Offensive buffs, Defensive Buffs (this one needs work, they are for one turn, gained at the start of a turn and expire before providing any benefit, unless you get counter-attacked during that turn) and the Portable Cooling Systems takes some beating. (Palpatine is just there to give Vader some extra speed) Hope this can be helpful for other people. Learned how to play drums through Rock Band. If he didn't I'd restart. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Can taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi. Every conquest has it's broken combo, and it's that one this time around, If you can find one, Ability Exhaust, Thermal Exhaust and as many Caustic Emissions as you can find. The enemy for the Boss Mission will be the same for all players. TIA Its definitely one of the most flexible modes theyve built with a lot of promise.
Conquest Data Disks - SWGOH-4 Life You can still go back to previous events and try to 3 star them, or do feats that you may have skipped. Reply to this topic Sign In or Register to comment. Whenever a Mandalorian ally takes damage, all Mandalorian allies gain a stack of, Whenever an ally is revived, all other Nightsister allies gain. Each Sector in Galactic Conquest has Feats to complete. All the Player's units also receive a DoT at the start of each turn, which cannot be dispelled or prevented. This OG data disk has GOAT status in the SWGOH community, and we will never forget how it carried rosters to the ultimate Galactic Conquest goal of a red crate! Make sure to hit that like button and subscribe for more awesome videos!Shoutout to GrandSlamA and the Chairborne Rangers guild for the data disk modding tha. If no summon is present at the start of the encounter, summon a Snowtrooper Operative if the ally slot is available. It will be interesting to see some of the interactions with the data disks. Then Vader goes and he will destroy the enemies with Merciless Massacre. Whenever an Old Republic ally uses a Basic ability, they also deal True damage to all enemies, which can't be evaded. Each Data Disks require different amounts of Data Capacity to equip and Players have a max of 12 Data Capacity for them to utilize. Stacking as many as possible made Grevious and absolute monster and he crushed teams like nobodys business. The Razor Crest is one of the rewards from the initial Conquest exhibition events. If the Boss has no Marked allies at the start of their turn, they randomly Mark one of their allies for 3 turns. Once you reach the point where you cant keep going, you are effectively stuck. What squad, data disks, consumables, or strategy did you use to achieve some of the more difficult ones. Also, your roster isnt locked during Conquest, so you can move mods or gear and level characters if you need to. Players are able to see details on every node up to three rows away from their current position, the nodes beyond that have their details hidden behind what the game refers to as a Fog of War. The Boss gains Taunt at the start of the encounter, which cannot be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Whenever a Galactic Republic ally takes damage from an enemy, they reflect 100% of that damage back at that enemy. For instance, you shouldnt hit a wall of Galactic Legends or something unreasonable hard. The key for Massively Overpowered to work is to equip it alongside data disks that grant turn meter. If your character isnt at 100% stamina, you can open a menu and see how the remaining stamina affects that character's stats. Hard difficulty has a minimum required Galactic Power of 4,000,000+ with 5,000,000+ recommended. Special shoutout to our fallen soldier: Deployable Cooling Systems. Share your best strategy for conquering different feats. Once a player commits there is no way to change their decisions. To remove a data disk, it will cost a small amount of Conquest Credits . If you finished all the Sectors within your roster's capabilities, go back and take your best teams to go for the 3/3 Conquest Keycards. Each stim only increases stamina for one character per use and players can apply them from the squad select screen. Consumables do not carry over from event to event so you will want to make sure to use them before the event ends. You can recover stamina passively, or you can use a consumable to instantly regain a percentage of your stamina back. Conquest 13 Data Disk List.
SWGOH Rank 1 Meta Report Attackers gain Potency equal to 80% of their starting Potency (stacking). These fierce combatants and have been lying in wait (Enemies will start the battle with preloaded Turn Meter.). The scavenger can also have a chance to contain shards/blueprints for the exclusive unit but they are currently not available in the first run of the event so it is uncertain which store variation it may appear in, but it will only be appearing in Sector 5. Until then you can consider this guide as a good starting point, but you should still play around with what data disks you can work with. You will have a data capacity amount which limits the number of data disks you can equip at a time. Summoned Separatist allies have +25% Speed, Max Health, and Max Protection, and damage they deal is increased by 25%. TIA. https://t.co/Wm5LulWtYt. Galactic Conquest lasts two weeks. Endless Ranks (Player): When defeated, remove 1 stack of Endless Ranks from all Imperial Trooper allies and revive with 60% Health and Protection. At the very end of the Sector will be the Boss Mission which will have its own unique Boss Modifier and Feats. Given the speeds of the Geos it was hard not to have the enemy team just start a tm train. If there is an Empire ally in the Leader slot, they gain +30% Max Health and Max Protection. All other Separatist allies gain half of these bonuses. Increases Max Health, Max Protection, Offense, and Speed by 60%. Whenever an enemy buff is dispelled or expires during a Jedi ally's ability, that Jedi gains Advantage for 2 turns and 25% Critical Damage (stacking) until the end of battle. Whenever a Resistance ally gains a buff, they also gain 5% Potency, Critical Chance, and Critical Damage (stacking) until end of battle, and 10% Turn Meter. Whenever a Sith ally defeats an enemy, they gain. Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved | NorthernArena, How to earn max rewards in SWGOH Galactic Conquest, Make it a habit to check two spaces ahead to find yourself the path of least resistance. It looks like you're new here. Thank you for this article! I don't see the interest of double cost for : energy an endurance. When a Player uses a Special Ability they lose 15% Max Health and Max Protection, gain 15% Offense, and all of the Boss allies gain 15% Turn Meter. Consumables are items you can get in Conquest from the Wandering Scavenger or the Conquest Store that can grant temporary bonuses for your units that will last for a specified number of battles. During a conquest event, you will play as far as you can and at the end of the event you will be able to collect your reward crate, depending on how many Conquest Keycards you earned for that event. AWS' DeepRacer League pits self-driving cars against each other - all in the name of machine learning Whenever a Scoundrel ally deals damage to their target enemy, for each buff that enemy has, that ally gains that buff for 3 turns. Sadly my stupid ignorant mind thought 10% or something was too low chance for CD to reduce to I decided against. My opinion is the data disks are bugged and we're getting different and way more options than we're supposed to be. Are you planning on giving us your answers to those questions. At the start of battle, all allies gain Frenzy for 2 turns. In the event, you will lock in a difficulty and play multiple sectors while choosing a path of nodes that is comprised of enemies, data disks , and consumables . Most of this information is for the launch of conquest and may change throughout the exhibition series. Hi Yuri, Gambit works better as an attacker. Conquest Data Disks - SWGOH-4 Life Daily Plan Feats Recommended Disks Enemies Data Disks Recommended disks to help you on the quest for the red box. https://t.co/9kMxb41Z9N, How Amazon uses its services to power your favorite games At level 7 of the ability, the damage penalty will be removed and Bounty Hunter allies will assist at full damage. Its likely you can progress through with low stamina using a Galactic Legends squad, but itll eventually get heavily nerfed through the stamina penalty.
Conquest 13 Data Disk List - Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Forums It would really suck to lose the opportunity to earn max Keycards because you didnt do your research. Whenever an Empire ally in the Leader slot uses a Special ability during their turn, all Empire allies increase the damage they deal by 10% until the end of the encounter, and then all other Empire allies are called to assist. This means you won't be able to go to YouTube or Reddit and find the best way to min/max your sectors; everyone is on their own for the most part. We talked about Massively Overpowered a paragraph ago, but thats a rare data disk that takes up 4 slots. SWGOH Roster Reviews - Show Me Your EWOKS!!! This chance is reduced to 25% for bonus attacks beyond the first. There are 20 Combat Missions, 1 Mini Boss Mission, and 1 Boss Mission per Sector, with the Mini Boss Mission, and Boss Mission at the middle and end of each Sector. Put Weapon Tech on vader. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. You will most likely not be fighting the same opponents on the same node as another player. Ramp up your damage output so that you can clear the higher and more difficult tiers, especially in the Hard difficulty Galactic Conquest. I am running hi Hi , I wanna know if Gambit is a healer ? However, they will be added for the next event. Normal mode will be available at level 85 and recommends 2m gp. Also PRAISE SIGSIG. The map has a fog of war in place that only allows you to see 2 nodes ahead.
How to put Conquest on Easy Mode - Best Data Disk combo? SWGOH Endless Ranks (Enemy): When defeated, remove 1 stack of Endless Ranks from all Imperial Trooper allies and revive with 30% Health and Protection. Overall this new mode appears to be one of the most ambitious game modes that CG has ever made.
Ranking All Conquest Data Disks + Best Sets of Disks - YouTube Voluntary Vanguard is amazing, it easily carries weaker teams through feats. This is where players can acquire Data Disks. The bosses and map layout however, will be the same for everyone. Oh how wrong I was My favorite combination, like others have said, is the buffs + cooldown reduction. That being said, not everyone is intended to complete the entire event every single time.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'swgohevents_com-box-4','ezslot_8',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-swgohevents_com-box-4-0'); Conquest will initially launch as an exhibition series and may change from month to month. The event is separated into two difficulties, Normal and Hard, that determine the strength of the enemies that are encountered as well as the rewards that can be earned. Be sure to join the SWGOH Events Discord and let us know your thoughts and opinions about Conquest. Once acquired Data Disks can be equipped or swapped out for a small amount of Conquest Credits at any time. All other Separatist allies gain half of these bonuses. Theres no shame in spending Conquest Credits on stamina boosters for those cornerstone teams that can piggyback you to victory. At the start of the battle, the strongest ally gains marked. This will Stop the enemy TM train and then remove TM so your team can get a turn. CG_Doja_Fett_MINI. While this list can get most squads far, there might be a data disk down the line thatll run Galactic Conquest by itself. These units have been preparing for battle. Always check the modifiers before starting battles. In the event, you will lock in a difficulty and play multiple sectors while choosing a path of nodes that is comprised of enemies, data disks , and consumables . If you find a couple nodes with Nightsisters and Rebels, maybe its time to unleash your Emperor Palpatine squad.
Below is a list of possible Boss Feats and the history of Sector, Team, and Modifier that was applied to the Boss Battle it went to. Admiral Piett has been added to the list of Accelerated Characters. The 1 cost data disks can be a lot more flexible and could have a higher impact mechanic.
Let's Chat About Conquest Strategy - Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Forums Feats are broken into 3 major categories: Each Sector and Boss battle feat will reward a different amount of Keycards. True Defense: 10% reduced damage taken per stack; lose one stack of True Defense when receiving damage. Once you lock into a difficulty, theres no backing out for that event. Before you lock in a mode, you can look at both reward ladders and see what rewards they offer. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. In the future we will likely see changes in maps, feats, nodes, requirements, and more.
Recent Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Posts - devtrackers.gg App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc. This means that while you can normally counter a Rebel team easily with Emperor Palpatine, they may have a Modifier that allows them to attack again 100% of the time when they crit, potentially leading to an endless loop of attacks that wipe you out before you take a turn.