Steffy and Wyatt go to the Forrester Mansion when Caroline gives birth to Douglas Forrester upstairs. Youll never know how sorry I am. Steffy and Wyatt share some wine and Steffy vents to Wyatt about Liam and Wyatt understands and agrees. Steffy was very hopeful and secure in her relationship, but meanwhile Hope found out that Liam didn't cheat on her with Steffy and that it was a lie fabricated by her brother Rick. Liam is thankful to Wyatt but still believes that he and Steffy are engaged. So, she cant die. The cookie is used to store user permissions for cookies in the Analytics section. Steffy didn't want him to explain anything at first but after he did she had mixed feelings. Taylor called Sheila and she came over thinking that she got a new chance to be in her grandson's life, but instead she was confronted by Steffy, Taylor and Ridge about what she has done. Liam and Steffy welcome their daughter Kelly, who Steffy named after Liam's mother. She kissed the shocked Spencer man and he went home and confessed what happened to Steffy. But what if Ellen never stepped into the shoes of our favorite therapist? Steffy confronts Hope, and warns her that Liam will come back to her because she has not betrayed him again. (2011). Badgered a weakened Ivy causing her to fall and hit her head (Dec 2015). The cookie is used to store user permissions for cookies in the Performance section. When they arrived in Monaco, they couldn't find Steffy and then they heard from the facility worker that Steffy went for a long walk. This cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Steffy visits Flo who is arrested for fraud, and kidnapping charges. Steffy decided that she wants to get married once she meets Finn's parents. How terribly sorry I am always going to be.. Finn still wanted to stay with Steffy and one day he and Steffy's brother discovered that Thomas's friend Vincent Walker faked the test so Hope would leave Liam which would open the doors for Thomas. She has an older brother named Thomas and she . Ivy makes a safe recovery at the hospital. When is spring break in florida 856 20 9985 8989 whole. Aly stated she was persuaded to say the words but she could never forgive Taylor for killing her mother. Morgan isn't able to kill her ex boyfriend so she and Tim flee the scene. Worked with her brother Thomas to keep Liam from seeing Hope in Cabo San Lucas and buying alcohol for Hope so she would be easier to go to bed with Thomas but the planned failed (2012). Someone shot and killed my husband? She sobs. Before leaving, Steffy made sure to put up romantic candles in her parents bedroom to create a romantic atmosphere. Taylor Hayes is returning to CBS Bold and Beautiful. But this time around, Hunter Taylor wont be playing the iconic soap opera role (pictured above). Steffy explained to Liam if he still feels anything for Ivy, she won't do this again. Steffy finds an excuse to take Thomas out of the office and leaves Taylor and Ridge alone so they can have a private moment. She added, Elan and I dreamed of having a large family as we are both only children and are over the moon that our dreams are coming true. This news came out less than a year after she gave birth to her second child. When Steffy see's her wedding dress that Bill picked out, Steffy decides not to go through with the wedding. Ridge managed to convince an initially unsure Taylor to be with him again, but he didn't tell her anything about the CPS call he believed Brooke made. Rick arrived in his office giving them a hard time. Liam gives her a kiss right before the midnight comes and their divorce is final. In the hotel room, Steffy asks Wyatt to support Liam and believes he is trying to do good with his foundation. Rick helps her to deal with her alcohol problem and the two end up in bed. Quinn texts Wyatt from Liam's phone convincing him to take over his position at Spencer Publications. The reverend greets Wyatt while Liam is confused. Alexandria Forrester (deceased) Zende Dominguez (adopted) Dino Damiano Oscar Marone. I thought we were together. Hes still there for her and always will be. Both girls are unconcious for a moment. However one day Bill stops by and blackmails Steffy into being with him by signing the annulment papers, and to not have her mother arrested for shooting him. The Bold and the Beautiful Recap for February 20, 2023. Wyatt proposes to Steffy who is hesitant at first but Wyatt convinces her to say yes. Steffy grants Ivy the position as the Face of Forrester. Steffy transferred to Forrester International after making a few moves on Liam, who had started dating Hope. Tried to break up Owen's and Jackie's marriage. Upon realizing that Hope never got the chance to be Beth's mother, Steffy gives Beth back to Hope and says goodbye to Beth. Kelly Kruger Brooks opens up about postpartum experience, Who'da Thunk It? Liam confronts Wyatt and tries to force him to step aside and let Steffy pick the man she wants while Wyatt tells Liam to respect his marriage and accept reality. But this time Hunter Tylo isn't playing the iconic soap opera character (pictured above). Later on in the season, fans saw her in bed with Finn reminiscing on their love story which fans have viewed as a sign that Steffy might be killed off. Hope regrets overreacting and follows them after learning where the two went. Steffy slipped in her bathtub and almost drowned. Steffy explaining she and Liam have history, and Ivy explaining she thought Steffy would be a fun person to hang out with coming back to L.A., but this was unbelievable. At first, things weren't looking good for Ivy but she eventually makes a full recovery. Steffy was comforting her depressed mother in Aspen while Ridge was heartbroken when he confronted Brooke and asked her if she made the CPS call on Thomas. The fans and reporters are all over Steffy and her selfies. Despite the Ike factor and their relationship shaking the branches of the family tree, the proposal she accepted washis. Steffy said that things went out of control to the point that Hope was being chased by the press while she ended up in the hospital two times. Taylor wonders if she will get a happy call from Steffy or a sad one. Hope asked Liam if that's true. Turns out she liked it. Steffy feels like Wyatt's trying a last ditch effort to win her over and brings it up to him. Brooke and Ridge went back together and Steffys mother ended up disappointed once again. I want to be there as your wife and I want us to be there for each other. On the wedding day Steffy was helping her mother with make up and styling her hair however their happiness didn't last long. Steffy Joyously Remembers Finn and Then Breaks Down Weeping When Shes Told Hes Gone, An Increasingly Desperate Sheila Promises Steffy She'll Be Back After Liam Turfs Her Out of the Hospital Room, Just a few years ago, soap opera producers seemed to feel that older women should take a back seat to younger stars. More: B&B should take notes from *this* show. Taylor didn't want to believe that her son kept a secret from them, but Steffy confirmed that she remembers that too. There had to be a reason that the couple made love for the last time shortly before Finn died, shot by accident by his own mother, Sheila Carter ! She thought it was time. In Steffys room, Steffy cries, How could I forget Finn? After Steffy told Sheila once more that she will never be a part of her family and revealed that she knows about her manipulating Brooke's life, Sheila pulled out a gun and was about to shoot Steffy. Steffy says that she wants to talk about her father who is an amazing man. Brooke uncovers it and tells Taylor to tell Ridge or else she will. Maya doesn't want to talk about the past." Hope reminded Steffy that she has no room to judge after her own past mistakes, but Steffy changed the topic back to Brooke and accused her of decades of similar behavior. Phoebe heard from Steffy that Rick tried to kiss her. Steffy and Liam reminisced about all their memories and hugged on the couch when Ivy came home from shopping. Meanwhile, Thomas and Rick are both upset that Eric didn't choose either of them, however Thomas gets jealous of Steffy being handed the position over him. Katie was shocked as it was the first time she heard it. Steffy informs him she knows about the video. She knew that Brooke suddenly wanted her father back and she was scared that they will get back together if they see each other and talk. Steffy's mother told her that she should take her children and travel as it might help her to grieve far away from all the painful memories. Hope told Steffy that now Liam know everything, including his dad's latest scheme. Steffy says that Hope didn't mean to hurt her. Steffy flirtingly shows Liam a piece of sexy see through lingerie from the Intimates collection asking for Liam's "professional opinion". Once they get out of the ocean, Steffy is ecstatic and tells Wyatt how great he's made her feel. Quinn tells Steffy that Wyatt is there for her. Liam tells Steffy that she shouldn't propose for him and that he should do it alone. Steffy peeks thought the window and see's Hope and Liam making out on the bed. At first Liam believes that Bill took advantage of Steffy because she couldn't think clearly, and that he vowed revenge. Steffy lived with her parents and two siblings when Morgan DeWitt decided that she wants to steal Steffy's father Ridge Forrester. Steffy shows up to the office and finds Hope there with her father, talking to him about her mother, Brooke and how much she still loves Ridge and asking him to forgive her and to give her another chance. Liam told Ridge that Bill would sell his shares to him, so Bill would have no part of the company. Steffy was disappointed when Bill married Katie and outraged when he made her CEO of Forrester. Steffy quickly changed the topic back to her parents reunion. Quinn dismisses this as she had never heard of her, but then told this to Eric Forrester at home, who asked if it was Sheila Carter his ex-wife. Steffy at first refuses to believe it, and vows to not have Hope take her away from her. Bill tells Liam in front of Steffy, Wyatt, and Katie to respect his brother's marriage and move on, while Katie tries to get Liam to understand. Quinn convinces Eric to make Ridge co-CEO along with Steffy. Hope tells Steffy that Phoebe was stolen. Also Steffy and Liam one night have sex. After the paramedics get there, they tell Deacon that Finn didn't make it and he calls Ridge and tells him that Steffy and Finn have been shot and that Finn died. Sheila was angry because she was again stopped from killing/harming Steffy. Steffy tried to tell Liam but instead got caught up in his desire to renew their vows. Steffy calls Liam on her cell phone but he does not pick up. Steffy thinks that the collision she had with Hope might be the best thing that happened to her and Liam. After their happy reunion, they went to celebrate Finn's return together with Steffy's parents and their children. Wyatt arrives at the beach house and comforts Steffy who is losing hope. Once in LA, Finn and Steffy were ecstatic to have their happy family life back however Steffy felt angry when she heard that Finn's adoptive mom Li Finnegan was hiding Finn from her all along. Eric collapses on the floor. Quinn continues to persuade Steffy to go back to Los Angeles and reunite with Liam so Hope can be with Wyatt, but Steffy shows no interest of going back and Quinn is told of how Steffy tragically miscarried Liam's child after a motorcycle accident. Dont Miss: Plastic Surgery For Stretch Marks. Steffy admit she's still in love with him! Wyatt tells Steffy he knows it wasn't her fault Ivy fell down the stairs. Sheila Plots to Kill Steffy and Make It Look Like an Overdose as She Stands Over Her Hospital Bed. She runs straight to Liam and tells him everything. She tries to take care of Kelly, but she suffers when she bends or carries her daughter. Liam brings up that he saved her from the Seine and more recently married her to stay in the country. When Steffy arrives at Brooke's, she demands that Kelly goes back home with her. Wood has been playing Steffy Forrester on B&B since taking over the role in 2008. Suffered a head injury after falling off ATV in Cabo San Lucas (2012). Quinn again tries to convince Steffy that she should go back and reunite with Liam as well as deliver the news that she is able to conceive again. Brooke found out and stopped the wedding, cementing her place as Steffy's enemy. Wyatt started flirting with Steffy stating she's beautiful and intelligent and she should give him a chance. Steffy took the situation delicately and explained it was an accident. Wyatt supports Steffy and tries to support her feelings. When Steffy kicks Bill out, she falls and goes into labor. In the office, Ridge arrives and Steffy shows him the unsigned, non filed marriage certificate. Steffy once again shows no interest of going back to Los Angeles, but can't hide her feelings she still has for Liam. Liam tried explaining to Steffy he's in love with her cousin. Hope asked Steffy if she holds her father accountable for all of his indiscretions or does he get a pass. Taylor confessed that she did a lot of self exploration. The two are standing extremely close to the exposed electric panel and when Steffy tries to retrieve her cell phone that Ivy threw, Steffy pushes Ivy into the panel Ivy is electrocuted. Oliver didn't bite, but Steffy did manage to publicly embarrass Hope at a showing for her Hope For The Future fashion line by rigging the sign to read "Ho" For The Future. Also Check: Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery Cost. When she went for a checkup, it turned out to be cancer, which surprised her. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to protect or allow the user to use cookies. Brooke diffused Steffy's bomb by telling Ridge about Oliver herself. Steffy was told a botched D&C procedure had rendered her unable to have more children. Steffy told Thomas how happy she and Liam were, unaware that a tearful Hope was within earshot. Liam get suspicious of Flo and asks Wyatt to talk to her more, who then reveals to him that Flo said she never had a child but cleared it up with him. She cant let her send her back to prison. The laser removal doctor comes through the door, for Steffy's second half of the removal surgery. Steffy, Finn and Kelly decided to travel together for some time and shortly after the happy family arrived back in LA Steffy found out that Liam is in jail for a hit and run. Steffy tells Liam that a part of him wants to be with her and wants to call off the divorce. Steffy starts packing up Steffy's clothers and wants to move her out of Liam's home and says that she is through with being nice. Since then, he has appeared in horror films, won many awards and built his name and reputation as a Canadian actor, singer and talk show host. Quinn insists to Wyatt that her love with Eric is real and that it makes her happier than shes ever been. Liam surprised her by having her "all-time favorite" singer, Julia Michaels, perform at the reception. The flight takes off while Liam's stuck in the bathroom. Steffy, Liam, Finn and Hope wait for the test results which reveal that Liam is the father. Had post traumatic amnesia after witnessing Finn's death and getting shot herself. As Sheila sits and listens to them, they all agree that its only a matter of time now before the rest of Steffys memories return and she can tell them who did this. Liam continues to assure Steffy she has nothing to feel guilty about and that it's not her fault. Eric calls everybody out on the immoral things they've done but reminds them that he forgave them. Liam is worried how their marriage will look like. Steffy ask Liam why he called Phoebe Beth, and angrily tells him to stops calling her daughter Beth. He drives his car though the wall of Morgans home to get inside. She reminds Liam that he is in a good place, relaxed and free and asks him to not go into all the Hope drama again. He said that he and Steffy grew closer since the time he and Hope broke things off. Luckily, in Los Angeles, she wasnt able to hook up with other men than Ridge.