In 2019 the Federal Police was disbanded, and in May 2020 all remaining assets and personnel transferred to the National Guard. From January to August the Mexican Commission to Assist Refugees (COMAR) received 77,559 applications for refugee status, a 41 percent increase from the same period in 2019, and anticipated that it would receive up to 120,000 applications in total by the end of the year. Journalists in Iguala, Guerrero, received anonymous messages through social networks, such as Facebook and WhatsApp, threatening them and their families, according to civil society. According to NGO Article 19, lethal attacks occurred against journalists in Sonora, including the killings of Benjamin Morales on May 3 and Ricardo Lopez Dominguez on July 22 and the disappearance of Jorge Molontzin on March 16. As of November authorities held Emilio Lozoya in pretrial detention. Participation of Women and Members of Minority Groups: No laws limit the participation of women or members of minority groups in the political process, and they did participate. Various news outlets showed a video of two National Migration Institute agents with riot gear and shields grabbing one migrant, knocking him to the ground, and kicking him. 03 / Select Countries You can add more than one country or area. In July 2020 he was arrested in another country pursuant to a Mexican extradition request on charges that he diverted millions of dollars in public funds. Relatives of victims wait in anguish for news after a shooting July 1 at a drug rehabilitation center . Despite a 2017 injunction issued by a state district judge to prevent further grave abuses at the institution, the CNDH reported state authorities failed to supervise the conditions at Ciudad de los Ninos. In May in Chicoloapan, state of Mexico, municipal police beat and detained supporters of feminist groups as they led a protest against gender-based violence and political parties. Mexico has relied heavily on the military for drug control and to fight organized crime, leading to widespread human rights violations. Additionally, the INE introduced quotas to promote minority representation, requiring political parties to nominate a certain number of candidates belonging to minority groups, including from indigenous, Afro-Mexican, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) communities, as well as persons with disabilities. Outsourcing practices made it difficult for workers to identify their legally registered employer, thus limiting their ability to seek redress of labor grievances. Although authorities generally maintained effective control over the security forces, there were instances in which security force elements acted independently of civilian control. montirex junior pants (84) 3222-8522 ontario fishing license refund Defendants have the right to attend the hearings and to challenge the evidence or testimony presented. In August Yucatan passed a law legalizing same-sex marriage, increasing the number of states making it legal to 22 of the countrys 32 states. The National Guard and state and municipal police are responsible for enforcing the law and maintaining order. In April authorities arrested 30 members of the navy and charged them with forced disappearances in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, in 2018. The same tribunal rejected registration challenges from four other parties, including former president Felipe Calderons Free Mexico Party, which the INE argued did not produce sufficient evidence of the origin of some funding it received. Job announcements specifying desired gender, age, marital status, and parental status were common. Journalists reported altering their coverage due to a lack of protection from the government, attacks against members of media and newsrooms, and threats or retributions against their families, among other reasons. On August 3, Ravelo died from his injuries. Your well-being is our first priority. The year 2020 had the second-highest number of cases on record, with 8,626 reported missing or disappeared, down from 9,185 cases reported in 2019. The survey also reported that persons with darker skin completed 6.5 years of schooling, while those with white skin completed 10 years. The Federal Center also carries out mandatory pre-judicial conciliations at the federal level, with local conciliation centers carrying out the same function at the state level. He fled to Israel, and the government requested that the Israeli government issue an arrest warrant and extradite him. The list named at least 50 persons linked to President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, politicians from every party, as well as journalists, lawyers, activists, prosecutors, diplomats, judges, and academics. The governments National Protection Mechanism to Protect Journalists and Human Rights Defenders provided panic buttons, bodyguards, and temporary relocation to journalists and human rights defenders. OSAC Council. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, 2021 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, Section 1.
Higher Risk Travel - Education Abroad Office - University of South Carolina San Luis Potos, second most dangerous city in Mexico During the COVID-19 pandemic, indigenous persons faced additional hardships in accessing educational services. In January 2020, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights issued a report on Guatemala, referring . Despite these prohibitions, there were reports of security forces torturing suspects. The army and the navy have human rights units to create protocols and training. Following the August 2020 killing of Pablo Morrugares, El Diario de Iguala newspaper published a note blaming organized crime and Governor Hector Astudillo Flores administration for violence against journalists and impunity. Safety Tips for Travelers . In June the government amended the General Law on Womens Access to a Life Free of Violence to include media and digital violence as a form of violence against women. This Standards Bulletin from the Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) for Forensic Science provides a monthly update on: Standards moving through the OSAC Registry approval processes for published and OSAC Proposed Standards. By law a union may call for a strike or bargain collectively in accordance with its own statutes. As in 2020, NGOs in Campeche and Yucatan submitted multiple civil injunctions against the project citing a lack of transparency regarding environmental impact assessments and adverse effects on indigenous cultural heritage. In July the Sonora State Prosecutor Generals Office detained Rojos alleged killer. To receive government recognition, unions and their leaders must file for registration with the Federal Center. In July 2020 legislators approved a law making all judicial sentences public. See the Department of States International Religious Freedom Report at After accumulating nine hours of overtime in a week, a worker earns triple the hourly wage. COMARs budget increased modestly in recent years but was not commensurate with the growth in refugee claims in the country. Users can access Events, OSAC Analysis reports, Incident reports, and Crime & Safety reports. In October and November, I spent several . There were reports of numerous forced disappearances by organized crime groups, sometimes with allegations of state collusion with authorities. On August 30, the Extraordinary Mechanism for Forensic Identification became fully operational. The previous platform lacked interconnectivity between states and failed to connect family members effectively to the remains of their missing relatives. Labor inspections focused on the formal sector, leaving informal workers with no labor law protection. Voting centers for federal elections were generally accessible for persons with disabilities, and ballots were available with a braille overlay for federal elections in Mexico City, but these services were inconsistently available for local elections elsewhere in the country. According to NGOs, however, the state search committees often lacked the capacity to fulfill their mandate. The CNDH maintained a human rights program to inform and assist members of indigenous communities. The law also provides for the rights of appeal and of bail in most categories of crimes. The web site offers its visitors the latest in safety and security-related information, public announcements, warden messages, travel advisories, significant anniversary dates, terrorist groups profiles, country crime and safety reports, special topic reports, foreign press reports, and much more. The constitution allows any person to arrest another if the crime is committed in his or her presence. There were numerous instances of criminal armed groups extorting, threatening, or kidnapping asylum seekers and other migrants. According to National Security Secretariat statistics, between January and June, state-level prosecutors and attorneys general opened 495 femicide investigations throughout the country, exceeding the 477 state-level femicide investigations opened in the first half of 2020 (statistics from state-level reports often conflated femicides with all killings of women). INEGI found that 53 percent of women of reproductive age used modern contraception in 2018 (the most recent study). Women, children, indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, LGBTQI+ persons, and migrants (including men, women, and children) were the most vulnerable to forced labor (see section 7.c.). Three states have state-level IDP laws, but the country does not have a federal internal displacement law, which created challenges in resource allocation and interagency governmental coordination. Media outlets reported authorities tortured and sexually abused Ravelo. Municipal candidates and challengers seeking to oust incumbents were the most common victims of political violence, with victims spread across the political spectrum.
osac mexico 2019 crime and safety report - Toyology In July a joint investigation by media outlets reported a leaked Pegasus list of more than 15,000 individuals as possible targets for surveillance in 2016 and 2017. As of July 13, a total of 3,501 prisoners had contracted COVID-19 and 75,162 had received vaccines, according to the CNDH. The Catholic Multimedia Center reported that criminal groups harassed priests and other religious leaders in some parts of the country and subjected them to extortion, death threats, and intimidation. In February 2020, it called on El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico to protect the rights of migrants and refugees to leave their country of origin, noting that asylum applications from . In March 2020 a federal judge issued an arrest warrant for Zeron on charges related to his conduct of the investigation, including torturing alleged perpetrators to force confessions, conducting forced disappearances, altering the crime scene, manipulating evidence, and failing to perform his duties.
World Report 2022: Venezuela | Human Rights Watch All OSAC products and services are always completely free of charge. NGOs alleged that provisions in laws threatened the privacy of internet users by forcing telecommunication companies to retain data for two years, providing real-time geolocation data to police, and allowing authorities to obtain metadata from private communications companies without a court order. Also in June a federal judge sentenced the former mayor of Chinipas, Chihuahua, Hugo Amed Schultz Alcaraz, to eight years in prison for his role in the 2017 murder of Miroslava Breach, a prominent La Jornada newspaper correspondent who reported on organized crime and corruption. Victims relatives and civil society continued to criticize handling of the original investigation by the Attorney Generals Office, noting there had been no convictions related to the disappearances of the 43 students. Legally mandated joint management and labor committees set standards and are responsible for overseeing workplace standards in plants and offices. Write by: . The NGO Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights identified 15 incidents between January and July of mass forced internal displacement (defined as the displacement of at least 10 families or 50 individuals) due to violence. There were high rates of impunity for these crimes, consistent with high impunity rates for all crimes. During the electoral season (September 2020 to June), assailants killed 36 candidates and 64 politicians. In July 2020 authorities extradited Lozoya, former director of PEMEX, the state-owned petroleum company, from Spain. The government, in conjunction with international organizations, made efforts to promote the safe, voluntary return, resettlement, or local integration of IDPs. Reproductive Rights: There were no confirmed reports of coerced abortion or involuntary sterilization on the part of government authorities. Enforcement, however, was inconsistent across the states. INEGI reported that 2 percent of the population (2.5 million) self-identified as Afro-Mexican. According to a 2019 National Child Labor Survey, the number of children ages five to 17 in child labor, including in hazardous household work, was 3.3 million, or approximately 11.5 percent of children in the country.
Mexico - United States Department of State In June the Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision confirming that the exercise of the right to strike suspends the processing of collective conflicts of an economic nature that may be pending before the court and the topics that they present, unless the workers express in writing their agreement to submit the conflict to the decision of the court. The constitution and law prohibit discrimination with respect to employment or occupation. Federal and state databases were incomplete and had data-crossing problems; forensic systems were highly fragmented between the local, state, and federal levels; and the sheer volume of unsolved cases was far greater than the forensic systems were capable of handling. During the electoral process the INE received 147 complaints of gender-based political violence, a significant increase from the 47 complaints it received during the 2017-2018 electoral process. On June 17, while journalist Gustavo Sanchez Cabrera was riding his motorcycle, two unidentified individuals in a car crashed into him, exited the car, and fatally shot him. Forced internal displacement disproportionally affected indigenous communities. There were reports some government agents were complicit with international organized criminal gangs, and prosecution and conviction rates were low for these abuses. Social programs to combat child labor did not address all sectors where child labor occurred. Although the constitution and law provide for an independent judiciary, court decisions were susceptible to improper influence by both private and public entities, particularly at the state and local level, as well as by transnational criminal organizations. osac mexico 2020 crime and safety report In its data collection, the government often merged statistics on forcibly disappeared persons with missing persons not suspected of being victims of forced disappearance, making it difficult to compile accurate statistics on the extent of the problem. As of September workers had reviewed and voted on 1,790 collective bargaining agreements, less than 1 percent of the total number of agreements. The law provides for the freedoms of peaceful assembly and association, and the government generally respected these rights, with some exceptions. Minors were recruited or forced by cartels to traffic persons, drugs, or other goods across the border with the United States. The Quintana Roo prosecutor general confirmed police officers used disproportionate force during the arrest. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. Discrimination and Societal Abuses, Systemic Racial or Ethnic Violence and Discrimination, Acts of Violence, Criminalization, and Other Abuses Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Other Societal Violence or Discrimination, a. State and municipal laws addressing domestic violence largely failed to meet the required federal standards and often were unenforced. In June another priest died in a cartel crossfire on the Durango-Zacatecas border. The government investigated and prosecuted some of these crimes, but the vast majority remained uninvestigated and unprosecuted. Subcontracting is allowed if it is used to perform specialized services unrelated to the main economic activity of businesses or public institutions. As of August 16, the suspects remained in detention awaiting trial. That means the homicide crime rate was 29 per 100,000 in 2020. According to civil society, libel and defamation proceedings tripled from 11 cases in 2019 to 33 cases in 2020. While penalties for conviction of forced labor were commensurate with those for similar crimes, very few cases were successfully prosecuted. San Luis Potos, SLP.- San Luis Potos is the second most dangerous city in the country, according to the National Victimization Survey on Public Safety (Envipe) 2021, carried out by INEGI. There were credible reports that members of security forces committed some abuses. Police occasionally failed to provide impoverished detainees access to counsel during arrests and investigations as provided for by law, although the right to public defense during trial was generally respected. In July 2020 the Supreme Court agreed to analyze the case but as of August 23 had not issued a ruling. From 2013 through . Federal government funding for womens shelters for the year was the same as in 2020. Gomez had advocated against illegal logging and the destruction of the Michoacan monarch butterfly habitat. On August 8, self-proclaimed members of Cartel Jalisco New Generation released a video showing a group of armed men threatening to kill journalist Azucena Uresti for reporting on self-defense groups fighting the cartel in Michoacan. (No Ratings Yet) Emergency contraception was available, including for survivors of sexual assault. OSAC has developed into an enormously successful joint venture, with U.S. companies and organizations receiving the tools they need to cope with security issues in a . The Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) was created in 1985 under the Federal Advisory Committee Act to promote security cooperation between American private-sector interests worldwide and the U.S. Department of State. If the relevant authority accepts a CNDH recommendation, the CNDH is required to follow up with the authority to verify that it is carrying out the recommendation. The CABs were widely alleged to administer these elections with a bias against new, independent unions. The constitution and law prohibit all forms of forced or compulsory labor, but the government did not effectively enforce the law. An additional February reform mandated pretrial detention for femicides, sexual violence against minors, forced disappearances, and corruption. As published in The Yucatan Times, OSAC . There were some complaints of illegal searches or illegal destruction of private property. Criminal cases related to such violations were rarely carried out. Migrants were also recruited by criminal organizations to conduct illicit activities. The report noted 40 state prisons experienced overcrowding. Child Abuse: There were numerous reports of child abuse. Indigenous persons generally had limited access to health care and education services. Of the 32 states, 24 criminalize sexual harassment, and all states have provisions for punishment when the perpetrator is in a position of power. Federal law criminalizes spousal abuse. The government made efforts to prevent, investigate, and punish acts of disappearance involving government agents. On June 6, authorities arrested former Nayarit governor Roberto Sandoval and his daughter Lidy Alejandra Sandoval Lopez for corruption and money laundering. car accident in brooklyn today belt parkway.
Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) - United States Department of Note: The safety and security equipment and services sector encompasses several different segments, including some defense products. Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: unlawful or arbitrary killings by police, military, and other governmental officials; forced disappearance by government agents; torture and degrading treatment by security forces; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest or detention; restrictions on free expression and media, including violence against journalists; acts of corruption; insufficient investigation of and accountability for gender-based violence, including but not limited to domestic and intimate partner violence; crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting persons with disabilities; and crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex persons. Women tended to earn substantially less than men did for the same work. Corruption: There were numerous reports of government corruption during the year. On January 14, community leaders went to the municipal headquarters of Ayutla de los Libres, Guerrero, to urge revocation of Protestant families local property rights for refusing to participate in the construction and servicing of the local Catholic church. On May 18, an exhibit in Mexico City on Israeli innovation was vandalized with anti-Semitic and anti-Israel messages. Birth Registration: Children derive citizenship both by birth within the countrys territory and from their parents. The reforms provide workers with the right to freely elect union representatives and approve or reject collective bargaining agreements through a secret ballot process before they are registered. The government has an established procedure for determining refugee status and providing protections.
US Government Issues Another Travel Warning for Mexico For a plaintiff to secure damages against a defendant, authorities first must find the defendant guilty in a criminal case, a significant barrier due to the relatively low number of criminal convictions. The midterm elections, the largest in the countrys history due to the record number of more than 20,000 offices up for election, had a 52 percent turnout, a record for a nonpresidential election.
PDF 5,400+ AT A Organizations GLANCE - There were no reports of political prisoners or detainees. The federal government created a National System for the Search of Missing Persons as required by law, but as of August it had not established the required National Forensic Data Bank. Most formal-sector workers (70 percent) received between one and three times the minimum wage. By law government health providers are obliged to offer sexual and reproductive emergency health services for survivors of sexual violence within 120 hours of the sexual assault. Five states have laws that restrict the publishing of political caricatures or memes. These laws were seldom applied.
US Overseas Security Advisory Council issues new Travel Advisory for Mexico Arbitrary Arrest: Allegations of arbitrary detentions persisted throughout the year. There were accusations of sexual abuse against authorities during arrest and detention. Barriers to accessing contraceptives stemmed from lack of knowledge, poverty, lack of access to health services, and sexual violence from family members, strangers, or friends. In May voting in prisons occurred for the first time in the countrys modern history after the Federal Electoral Tribunal ruled prisoners in pretrial detention had the right to vote. Discrimination: The law provides women the same legal status and rights as men and equal pay for equal work performed in equal jobs, hours of work, and conditions of efficiency. The law establishes penalties for discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, color, religion, language, pregnancy, political belief, or any other nature that violates human dignity. From January to June, the CNDH received nine complaints accusing government agents of forced disappearances, including five against the army and four against the National Guard. NGOs stated authorities failed to investigate torture allegations adequately. NGOs operated 85 percent of the facilities, and government organizations operated the remaining 15 percent. The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) is responsible for independently investigating security force abuses, including killings, and can issue nonbinding recommendations for prosecution. Lopez had filed a complaint with the Interior Secretariat asking for greater government intervention in the indigenous Tsotsil regions following increased drug trafficking-related violence. The government did not enforce the law effectively. Rather than receiving daily wages once a week, as mandated by law, day laborers had to meet certain harvest quotas to receive the promised wage.