"The Short-Nosed Sea Snake" shows that way back when the Octonauts were a relatively new team, Barnacles (then nineteen) was the youngest. Shellington and captain barnacles have been friends since childhood but shellington was never able to tell Barnacles his true feelings about him.. Kwazii: Yeow! I revealed the pirate pie secret ingredient! I felt sick to my stomach, and it throbbed faster. Around the campfire that night the Vegimals made spicy algae burgers for the crew and bamboo for Min but Barnacles didn't feel well or hungry. Captain, wake up!"
Surprises For The Octonauts Chapter 1, an octonauts fanfic | FanFiction And their brothers try to keep them hidden of their true identities as humans. [Kwazii laughs,too.] Shellington: I should give Dashi a cookie. She was always happy and never stressed. *yawns*" because he felt tired which got everyone else concerned because they said "He didn't even touch his food. I do not own the Octonauts. He knows everything about medicine, but write it down just in case. The venom will make me sick. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. The best, most cutest and binge worthy octonauts One-shots! Yesterday, I had a glass shard shot into my stomach. Matt said something that sounded vaguely like, Can I have my teeth back? So, I filled it out and I was accepted to the crew. "Then he started crying and felt himself going into unconsciousness. How will she handle all the new challenges that come with becoming a crewmate and even finding love? vegimals tweak dashi +9 more # 10 Octo-Oneshots by thethirdweasleytwin 6.3K 229 58 Based on @I'mTheKinderSurprise's story (go read their stories right now, they're amazing) Link for wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/266736899-the-octonauts-and-the-pirate-espionage, https://www.wattpad.com/story/266736899-the-octonauts-and-the-pirate-espionage. She obviously hadn't been sleeping often, feeling that she needed to do all the work overnight. When Biscuit followed Kwazii home How will the poor thing function with his new humanoid body? As she came into the Launch Bay, her jaw dropped. He was a pirate known as "Kwazii the Brazen" until he was separated from his crew. I wonder what it is Perhaps a kitten of his own?
Octonauts Wiki:Fanon/Fake of Fanfic Stories by Tweak He was finally better. And he took Barnacles to the Sick Bay. (Looks)Peso: It's 2 babies, a Male Cub and a Female Bunny! She just so happens to be a fox. But, Dashi realized as she looked at the chaos in the Launch Bay, Tweak had been holding back, not telling anyone her troubles. One of the kelp fish is named Varech, which is French for ", "The Fin Whale" features a reappearance from, Gigi the kelp fish from "The Kelp Fish" is the grown up version of one of the young kelp fish seen in ", In "Margaret's Story", during Margaret's birthday party, Humphrey says that he does not want Margaret to act like a "slut". Tweak: Done! She lifted her head and saw on her bedside table a bunch of juicy carrots and a note. When Shellington showed his friends that good things just come to them they decided not to work hard anymore.Ever since a couple weeks ago the other crew members have been slacking off. Dashi hugged me and we finally arrived. I felt like I could throw up, but it didn't. Shellington: Hi Dashi, want a cookie? He had extremely dark bags under his eyes and was consistently yawning. Inkling: Why yes! After Barnacles finished his extra large workload for the day he flopped onto his bed and sighed heavily. Sometimes, the Vegimals' language is rendered as childish versions of English phrases. She helped me back to my room. (The next morning)Barnacles (while peeking out of his window): Oh no! Shellington took me to see a really pretty coral reef. Dashi noticed them, and got out of her seat and sat next to me. Kwazii: Sorry granddad, I still want to have more adventures with the Octonauts. The Scientist turned himself into a baby ott Kwazii and Peso have been the best of friends for a long time ever since they've been part of the octonauts. The work on the Gups was barely started. But when half of the octonauts members and half of the paw patrol memb. just some stories i decided to write after an idea popped into my head the idea in question:shellington was in his lab working when tunip comes in and offers him a kelp cake then leaves the rest on the table shellington brings 2 more chemicals to work on when he trips and causes all 3 chemicals to fall onto the kelp cakes tunip comes to the table and takes them unknowing of it being infested with chemicals shellington panics and tells captain barnacles and so the 2 have to stop everyone from eating them but one of the crew members slips past and ends up eating a kelp cake. Tweak thought someone turned the octo-alert on. But, the farther down the group ventured into the tunnels, the more narrow they got. We spent most of the morning in the library, but even if we wanted to we couldn't go talk to peso. Then the crew realized they were slacking off and giving the captain too much work like Tweak exhausting both of them to the point where they both got sick and fell unconscious ending up in the Sick Bay. Tweak sat next to her poor friend and asked him if he was all right and he replied he was so exhausted he couldn't stand and/or walk. The answer is all that happens in this book! Barnacles told Tweak "I haven't slept for weeks. We hopped into the repaired gup e and headed out.Then he kissed me.I fainted like a feather.I was driving and kwazii took over and we went as fast as we could.I have a new crush:Kwazii Kwazii POV:I was blushing.That was only one day we were together!I love you tweak.I say.ThanksTweak says.We kiss again and again and again. Tweak: Juan, Juliana, Cap and I have a present for you! A few minutes later, the captain came into the Launch Bay. Tweaks POV: I rolled over and stretched. The Captain looked tired himself. Kwazii. They quickly picked the flower and made it back to camp. ), Here i make oneshot ships and oneshots here. Being in the same area with your crush often means that its easier to ask them out, especially when the crush likes you back. She sighed but before she can walk away barnacles kisses tweaks check quickly and says "Tweak.. I take s Kwazii has been through a lot, but this time, he might just have to come to terms with himself. Hope you enjoy the carrotsLove fromThe OctonautsPS.
So he went to get captain Barnacles. (Shellington and Dashi blush at each other than kiss)[Tunip faints and Barrot goes over to help him]Peso: Flappity FlippersInkling: IndeedKwazii [interupting Professor Inkling]: I KNEW IT, I KNEW YOU GUYS WERE IN LOVE WAIT TILL EVERYONE SEES THIS! Kwazii: Dashi, Shellington will love you! Shellington: FineInkling: Barrot you're the best man,Tunip you can be the JR best man,Kwazii and Peso can be honorary best men,Shellington can be the ring bearer,the Vegimals can be the music players, Dashi can be the bridesmaide, and I'm the justice of the peace! http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/JuniorOfficers. Kwazii: We don't know what they will do to you if you do this. "Wanna help me fix the hot cocoa machine on the gup x, it's been acting strange recently." Inkling: Is everyone ready to watch Juan and Juliana learn? In "Blythe and the Risso's Dolphin", Tweak says she hopes she has as much fun as Blythe and Lekona once she gets married to Anita. She had a little crush on the captain but she never had a great time to tell him. Sarabi's mother. Work Search: Feel better, your crew/friends." Shellington and Dashi get the fancy penthouse room! Octonauts Fanfics Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. In "Even The Best Fall Down Sometimes", Barnacles tells Shellington (who has recently suffered from an emotional breakdown due to Barnacles', In "The Undersea Twister," Barnacles goes to speak to Deborah, remorseful for having. "Yes, she will. You're really burning up!"
Surprises For The Octonauts Chapter 2, an octonauts fanfic - FanFiction.Net (Meanwhile)Tweak: I know i'm a tomboy type of rabbit but I know how to make you rock that wedding dress Dashi! this is when Shellington gets nightmares. Barnacles can tell there's unrest. You put on your sting proof gloves and help it! There's something wrong with Tweak!" Cause if you are,I'll post you kissing on the internet. once everyone's gone we'll sneak out in the gups! Barnacles: I think so too!
Octonauts Fanfiction : r/Octonauts (Idk how to write summaries, this is a Kwazii centric story where he almost freaking died from hypothermia because I was bored. For the last few days, she hadn't been getting much sleep, always staying up late at night to get things clean and fixed for the next morning. Kwazii Cat: Seems you guys are in love,right? We forgot a flower girl, ummmBarrot I know you're a boy but you can be a flower boy! Peso was checking Tweak over when Dashi arrived. Dashi: Super! What happens when the Octonauts aren't exploring, rescuing, or protecting? "All right, Octonauts. All octonauts and vegimals: Woo hoo! Can you do that? I shrugged. they deserve more. This is just a crossover for Octonauts and Pokmon where a Pokmon oc of mine ends up in the Octonauts world! They were shocked to see him in such a way but were even more shocked to see Peso,Tweak,Turnip and Prof. Inkling glaring at them. Sarabi hates her neglectful mother. Then, more people came until 2 people were left to come. Barrot: Buk doo doopla(Translation:I'm busy but I can have Tunip do it)Barrot: Bopoponquop (Translation: Tunip go get Shellington's magnifying glass)(Tunip gets it and brings it back)Inkling:Oh now I can see the krill in the photo! They were burned in this magical land, as they were too powerful and dangerous. Lekona asking people to settle things over a pint. "Barnacles thought.
Octonauts: Dashi Has An Accident - YouTube Kwazii: I know you are angry. I was the first one up, as usual. Ever since I was a baby, I was made fun of because I was the "dwarf".
Surprises For the Octonauts - Chapter Two - DeviantArt Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. "I can handle it from here. Dashie: Tweak's in labor! Done by Deborah after being shouted at in "Even the Best Fall Down Sometimes". HurryJuan Takes The Gup D and Juliana Takes the Gup CPeso: It's hopeless! Dashi: Do you need Peso? An AU where The Octonauts is actually a children's reality TV show. Everyone was like "Oh my gosh! Tweak Bunny: Hi,Cap! Kwazii: Yow! Deborah and Shellington realize they love each other, he wouldn't have been nearly as happy if it had happened to his daughters, Light and Dark The Adventures of Dark Yagami. "I don't like this."
Chapter 5 - Get Well Soon | Octonauts Fanfics Wiki | Fandom When she saw me, she smiled. Inkling: My name is NOT Inkers! Juan: good idea! Shellington has already healed from his emotional funk. Inkling: Into there! Kwazii: What does that mean? I nodded. Inkling (while squirting out ink): Oh my!!!! Calico Jack: You are still defending them? Shellington: Yes. Tweak smiled as she rolled up the note and bit into a carrot, which was super juicy. Dashi: I'm okay Tweak. Dashi: Perfect! Not to mention he hasn't slept for weeks and he was very stressed out." She walked out and looked at the Launch Bay which was gleaming clean. Hectic as it was, I got a journal to write my feelings down. She was crying on the floor when I came down. I remembered how afraid I was that Shellington was dead. "Heal" reveals that Shellington is his surname, and his first name is Oliver. Tweak: YES CAP YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She headed up to the HQ, to see all her friends smiling at her. When the Octonauts became poor, they had to seek for a game called 'Murder Mystery', all of the Octonauts and Vegimals has to play the game in promise for a million doll. So Barnacles said "I'm going to head into bed early. Our babies are going to be octonauts! The ending disclaimer reveals that these "identity crises" refer to the fact that he's a trans man; he used to be female for a time until he became male. I struggled to sit up, and then I remembered. I haven't seen a scenario with these guys. The Vegimals go in the Gup-Z2, with Tunip piloting it. You'll have to read to find out >:). But Peso reminded Barnacles he just woke up from a coma and needed to take it easy for a couple of days while the bruise on his paw healed. Kwazii, Peso into the Gup A! When I entered the kitchen, I was surprised only Dashi was in there. An hour later, the Octonauts had made it to a white sandy beach, jagged black boulders dotted here and there, but with little intrusion from any form of life. Today, Dashi is leading us all on an expedition of another cenote and the caves connected to it. The title says it all- Octonauts one-shots! Complicity- to be involved with others in illegal activity or wrongdoing. His crew left him a note that said "Hi Captain. Tweak:I do! The captain's face had gone completely paler than normal and Peso was trying to stabilize him by the time they reached the medical unit. Dashi's Little Space part 4. Dashi had just come down to check something on the engines, but when she heard the sobs and saw the green bunny crying under the control panel, she rushed to her side to comfort her, her original purpose forgotten. A more straigt example would be Seacliff, the previous captain, who was abusive towards his staff. Calico Jack: Forget it. Shellington: I'm ok. Almost Sick. The other crew members don't know about Barnacles' claustrophobia. Usually, Dashi was quick to spring into action, but for the next week after she had discovered she was pregnant, Shellington began to realise she was becoming noticeably less and less energetic. Barnacles: I do[Tweak and Barnacles kiss][Shellington puts on Barnacles and Tweak's rings]All of the Octonauts:Bye guys!Enjoy you honymoon! Hours later, she stood up, satisfied with her work. "That was great! He wasn't waking up. Tweak opened her eyes to find herself in her room. Bless Shellington and Dashi and however many kids they have! She was getting a slight head ache, but she wasn't too worried. Well, not for Peso, often too worried to even mutter a word even relating to love out to his close friend, Shellington. What goes on behind the scenes? The title says it all- Octonauts one-shots! I wanted to just wash away all the pain. He passed us each a book. Captain Barnacles sometimes refers to Shellington as "champ" and Deborah as "princess". Because the crew has been lazy, they left the others that WERE working hard extremely exhausted. You don't understand your own implications do you? One day, however, Tweak convinces him to let his guard down and long story short; she finds out. Shellington: What? Barnacles (Over the loud speaker in the octopod): Attention Octonauts, Shellington and Dashi are getting married! Kwazii sees his grandfathers face. (All octonauts hear the radio come on)Captain Barnacles: Calling all octonauts! It was not in his plans to be a father, not even when he picked up those eggs that were near the octopod.oAn Au where Shellington is more brotherly with the Vegimals and they eventually have a father-son relationship. It seemed like just a normal day for the Octonauts. So he detached Barnacles from his drip and helped him walk into the HQ and sit in a chair. I'm so happy now, but Shellington has a huge hole in his stomach. Though as no no knows, two witches have been born into this world of magic. Surprises For The Octonauts Chapter 2, an octonauts fanfic | FanFiction Chapter Two Usually, Dashi was quick to spring into action, but for the next week after she had discovered she was pregnant, Shellington began to realise she was becoming noticeably less and less energetic. Peso sat up the unconscious polar bear and gave him the elixir. Shellington: Excuse me! Also Barnacles obviously wasn't well. But one day tweak was walking around the octopod until she bumps into barnacles and his eyes widen. Other Vegimals: Joppok {Translation: Cool!} So her name is "Fox Fox". He' As most octonaut fans know . After the creature report the show ends. He asked if we would be willing to go collect the ingredients for it. Barrot: Zooba Zooba {Translation:You're welcome Tunip}Shellington [looking on his Kindle Fire]: Who posted this video of Dashi and me on Youtube?? A bully mentioned in "Even the Best Fall Down Sometimes" has his name (Cullen) revealed during Shellington's drunken antics in "Happy Birthday, Shellington". Why have you not given us anything from the Octonauts? Please consider turning it on! The Gups had been in a state and she had to clean them. When finally she got to bed, she slept like a log, but always had to get up early to get everything ready for a mission. We'll try again tomorrowJuliana: Aww! Shellington: I Shellington take you, Dashi, to be my wife. Barnacles and Tweak remained in the gup A, chatting about some upgrades Tweak was planning on making to it, whilst the others went off exploring. Who would've guessed a life-threatening situation would lead a river otter named Nessa to the one place-and sea otter-she belongs? This leaves Kwazii and the Vegimals to plow the fields. One day, the Octonauts wake up human-but why is Peso so small? Don't let me down. Deborah does this in "The Undersea Twister" when Shellington apologizes for supposedly causing her argument with Captain Barnacles. But when we were driving home, he crashed and fell into my arms. back in the gup! Check out amazing octonauts artwork on DeviantArt. His mind always filled curiosity of the ocean around him. And as you said at Captain and Tweak's wedding to me, It says that in your files that you cannnot be the justice of the peace! All the Octonauts (exept Shellington and Dashi because they were still kissing and Tunip because he fainted) were laughing[Dashi and Shellington stop kissing]Shellington: I call Dashi's tent! He gave Barnacles a check-up and took his temperature and told Tweak "He did have a very high fever,he was completely exhausted,dehydrated and he had a cut. Tweaks POV: I rolled over and stretched. He decided to head into the Octopod to get some rest but another creature needed help. We left you our work to do for us. Captain Barnacles started to play a rousing ditty on his accordion, and Peso came to join in with the xylophone. All the Junior Officers minus Kitsune. Cookie Notice Luckily he managed to save Barnacles before he went over the rapids and brought him back to camp. Inkling: First test! She was so distraught and her sobs were so long and loud, she didn't hear the Octo-Chute hatch open and someone come through.
Octonauts Stories | Quotev Do you need something to eat? Want to join our next mission? Deborah's friends from school, who all have grandma names (Gloria, Mabel, Susan, etc.). The crew started to tell him "Cap, we're sorry. For the first time she realized how tired Tweak looked, the dark circles under her eyes. Deborah's father, a sexist, racist hypocrite who believes he's entitled to his children's love.
Shellington's Second Love (A Shellington x Tweak Story) Come to the launch bay as fast as you can. We should've paid more attention and been more diligent than selfish and lazy. The titular junior officers are: Elekai Echidna, the serious son of a soldier. When he finished he was so exhausted he could barley walk. " Deborah and especially Margaret hate their father Humphrey for being a verbally abusive misogynist. "Oh no! Everyone: HIP HIP HOORAY! the.playroom. Peso: I've never helped give birth to a baby, even in medical school. Before her arrival, though, it was Deborah (eighteen). (smiles)Tweak:Come on Cap,let's find out if it's a boy or girl! (Captain Barnacles steers the Octopod to Hawaii just like His and Tweak's wedding)(When they get to Hawaii)Peso: Can I be ring bearer? Or will he give up and go home? The True Meaning of Christmas. Everyone ran up to him and tried apologizing to him but Barnacles cut them off. To be continued. Kwazii has a secret.
She sobbed openly, clutching her knees. Peso, and Dashi are using the gups to transport supplies from the Octo-port to the Octo-repair station. In "The Kelp Fish", Kwazii being silent is treated with major concern. And he was right. And make sure to have some extra air tanks because we have no idea how long we're gonna be down there," Captain Barnacles explained to the crew in the launch bay. Shellington: Congratulations Tweak! Chapter Two. Shellington: No. They were as bad as the top of them. Shellington POV: I shivered as I drank it. Shellington's POV I woke up the next morning having a huge cramp in my stomach. Shellington: Hey, why not have a wedding? (Originally from FF.net). TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Sorry for not telling you the whole time! This puts the Octonauts in turmoil. This fic follows the Octonauts alongside four junior officers, who are being trained to become full-fledged Octonauts. [All of the Octonauts, including Dashi and Shellington laugh. He was too busy fixing up Shellington. Dashi put her arm around tweaks shoulders, allowing Tweaks head to rest on her shoulder. If you're from my school then plz leave I stg. She will have the babies tomorrow! {Translation:Here comes Tweak}[Tweak gets to Barnacles]Inkling: Do you Tweak take Barnacles to be your husband? There were bumps and bangs all over the Gup E, and as for the Gup B, driven by Kwazii well, it wasn't a pretty sight. One chapter even mentions that she is dead to her. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Peso gets swept away by a Tsunami while on a mission on a deserted island. Kwazii and Peso have been the best of friends for a long time ever since they've been part of the octonauts. If we had just realized," "It's OK. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Sometimes Barnacles even stays up all night just trying to get his extra large workload done. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. The Captain lifted her gently into his arms. [blushes and gets a cookie.] Boy, I was confused. Dashi: Wow! [Barnacles pulls out a ring]Barnacles: Tweak Bunny, will you mary me? I looked down at where Kwazii was sleeping. Kitsune's name means "fox". After that incident, we had some sweeping to do. From now on we'll all work on the Gups, not just you. (Back in the Octopod)Inkling: Tunip, you and the other vegimals can play music! I wanted to scream in pain. When we got there, Professor Inkling was already up and reading. Kwazii: Yeow, Is the dress done yet? poochon puppies for sale in nebraska; Tags . They go around the sea looking for good plants to use in the seaweed farm. She just kept sobbing, her head between her knees, feeling like the world was on her shoulders. I got out of bed and walked to the door. Thanks to @thethirdweasleytwin for letting me use their idea. Mine was Medical Medicines, Kwazii's was, Natural Nautical Remedies. Why did that snake bite me? One day when the Octonauts were in China helping Min the Mapmaker collect special herbs in the Chinese Bamboo Forest, Barnacles wandered off from the group and discovered a snake which bit him in his left wrist out of self defense. I started wearing makeup and shoes that made me taller. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Im high on random lemon sparkling water thing from italy i think maybe its made in the usa how am i supposed to know, with my friend who is equally if not more high on the random lemon italian sparkling water that probably has alcohol or something\, definitely not high lmfao lololololololoaoiodafosdboaibeiwvf;oavwefsv. Dashi: KWAZII! Hurry and make the elixir before it's too late." "Evil" may be a stretch, but Sarabi is certainly more rude and hotheaded than the other Octonauts. Dashi (who is in the room with Shellington): They are a wonderful couple and they had Juan and Juliana and they are married! I am shamed. Great! Min quickly heated some water and boiled the flower into an elixir. Shellington: Sure! Inkling: Oh my! I don A bunch of oneshots I come up with about Octonauts. With nothing in their possession, the . I hope you all like it! Shellington: excuse me! (Translation: How exciting is that?) I love Octonauts way too much don't judge. I ship kwazii and peso so much so why not make a fan fic Just some Octonauts drawings and some other things I've done over the past however long I've like the Octonauts. (Shellington & Kwazii), D&D Panic (The Scene that didn't make it to Young Shellington Sea Otter), The Real Husbands of Octonauts' Gals (Real Housewives parody). Inkling: NO! This is something random that came to my head after reading other stories and my own imagination combining. "Heal" mentions an unspecified incident that caused Deborah to cut pickles out of her diet. I woke up the next morning having a huge cramp in my stomach.
The Octonauts (Cartoon) Shellington/Tweak Characters: Shellington Sea Otter Tweak Bunny Dashi Dog Kwazii Kitten Prof. Inkling Tunip and the Vegimals Peso Penguin Capt. He surveyed the chaos in shock, then saw Dashi with an unconscious Tweak in her arms. One of the joke disclaimers simply reads ". Juan and Juliana: Sorry we are late!! It looks like you were poisoned." While Tweak is still an engineer with no qualms about getting dirty, she still dreams of having a beautiful wedding. Barnacles: Dashi activate launch and manual steeringDashi: I'm on it Captain! We're just dating. Tweak: Peso's right! She looked down at the green rabbit, still sobbing, but quietly now. Tunip was the first there. Professor Inkling Octopus [hopping out of the chair]: Shellington,Dashi,Kwazii,Vegimals,time to go. I began flirting with boys My life was miserable. I am really sorry, granddad.. Calico Jack: Kwazii, what are you talking ab-. Juan: What does implications mean? Inkling is in his library, while Shellington is in his lab compiling research papers for the Omura's whale. Eternal Tears Hopeless Ch III - I'm not me, an octonauts fanfic | FanFiction Eternal Tears Book Two: Hopeless Chapter IIII'm not me "And then Shellington was all like, 'It wasn't my fault!' Too bad for him!" They both shared a hearty laugh. Oh yeah this story (Warning: Old story and very cringy! Juliana could have been the flower girl INKERS! ", technically, the first chapter, an introduction to the characters, was published in January of that year, but August 15th is when regular chapters began being published.