A series of photos have emerged claiming to show dismembered bodies in Mexico. I agree trust me she wouldve rather died n battle. No,there are many factions of CDG the big 2 being Metros and Ciclones..Metros jefe El Gafe. When the group decided to leave and started walking toward the border, Mark wanted to visit a bathroom, but his friends decided to wait in the car just across the border.

to all that support Los Ciclones. The Satanic Spring Break Sacrifice Of Mark Kilroy | Murders and 98 is attacking mata. Believing his magic spells were responsible for the success of the cartels, Adolfo made a proposition to one of the most powerful families he knew - the Calzadas. A foul, rotten stench emanated from the small structure. (Bettmann/Corbis). Former Brownsville, TX, deputy sheriff George Gavito recounts the 23 grisly "palo mayombe" human-sacrifice torture-sex killings perpetrated by the gang led by Adolfo Constanzo in Matamoros, Mexico which ended in April, 1989 and are basis for the Zev Berman feature film Borderland (2007).

Among them was a tall, pretty college student named Sara Aldrete, who would become his second in command and was known asLaMadrina, The Godmother. In another of the photos, the dismembered body of a man is shown with various body parts thrown on the ground. So, with a TV crew filming them, they did just that. Jim Schutze. A caretaker on the property said he recognized Kilroy from a photograph police showed him.

NEXT. A source reportedly made the discovery under a bridge near the rural community of Los Indios just west of Matamoros. In the parking lot of a He and his brothers had gone out to the bars, wading through the thousands of American tourists, looking for a victim that fit El Padrinos criteria. Get an all-access pass to never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more! In PaloMayombe,offerings are made to the gods in aceremonial cauldron knownas a nganga, which containsconsecrated sticks and bones. Gravitos department had a long history of working with the Matamoros police, so Gravitos was surprised when they claimed that Kilroy had gone missing in the US; therefore, it wasnt their problem. It drove right through the roadblock, leading to a high-speed chase. Same here. Editors Note: This article is part of Breitbart Texas Cartel Chronicles. Grupos armados se enfrentan en Matamoros, noreste de Mxico The photos paint a grim picture of the raging war taking place just south of the Texas border. He readily admitted that he and his brothers had kidnapped him and taken him to the ranch at the behest of El Padrino (the godfather). He opened shop in Mexico Citys Zona Rosa, or pink district, known for being welcoming to gays like Constanzo. Search Results for Santiago matamoros Stock Photos and Images (269) Page 1 of 3. Esto les pasa por ayudar a los ciclones (This is what happens when you help the Ciclones), the Narco message revealed referring to one of the cartel factions. He holds dual bachelor's degrees from Pace University and a master's degree from New York University. Adolfo Constanzo was the focus of the 1st episode of Unexplained Realms the podcast, titled.
SEEING THIS MAKES ME APPRECIATE HUMILITY, HONESTY AND CIVILITY IN ALL HUMAN BEINGS. "Que triste morir por una causa podrida. No le hagas dao. They were tortured and beat pretty bad before they were shot.Knowing what they do I still can't be down with torture and killing girls,fucked up they have to make choices to become sicario, Thats a shit load of money for them, especially when the average job pays 500-700 a week.

At one point, his mother was arrested for keeping 27 animals in her tiny apartment; the floors were covered in feces and blood. One question is this the same flaca That back in 2011 the article about the shootout in Zacatecas that left 15sicarios dead and 17captured was telling ppl off in BB's comments section ..if so she had it coming with the replys she made to two or more go back check it out she cursed like a person with no respect to others on BB's comments section for that shootout she cursed at the ppl congratulating the MX military for a good job she took up the Zs side.. The objective is to promote history on Medium and demonstrate the value of historical writing. [2] His cult was said to be associated with the notable Gulf Cartel.[3]. His legs were hacked off with a machete, while his spine was removed and his brains were found boiled in a cauldron. Former Brownsville, TX, deputy sheriff George Gavito recounts the 23 grisly "palo mayombe" human-sacrifice torture-sex killings perpetrated by the gang led by Adolfo Constanzo in Matamoros, Mexico which ended in April, 1989 and are basis for the Zev Berman feature film Borderland (2007). matamoros killings photos. While the big bosses are sitting somewhere in a private party listening to Tucanes or some other band live partying it up in mansions and giving orders through a radio. The police put up wanted posters and offered a reward. Adolfo de Jess Constanzo (November 1, 1962 - May 6, 1989) was a Cuban-American serial killer, drug dealer and alleged cult leader who led an infamous drug-trafficking and occult gang in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, that was dubbed the Narcosatanists (Spanish: Los Narcosatnicos) by the media. You're standing in a butcher shop shocked by the how butchers make the baloney (or their exchanging recopies for it )?That is just a photograph of a pretty girl that used to beand I'm especially sorry that pretty girls turn themselves into serials and then become victims of them (the ugly ones are just a waste of my time; ja, ja). She leaves behind two young children. Adolfo Constanzo and Martin Quintana dead in closet. 1 photo Storyline Former Brownsville, TX, deputy sheriff George Gavito recounts the 23 grisly "palo mayombe" human-sacrifice torture-sex killings perpetrated by the gang led by Adolfo Constanzo in Matamoros, Mexico which ended in April, 1989 and are basis for the Zev Berman feature film Borderland (2007). The episode was entitled "El Padrino". Police unhearthing bodies at rancho Santa Elena. He admitted that his family grew cannabis at the Santa Elena Ranch outside of town, where Comandante Juan Benitez Ayala, of Mexicos Federal Police, discovered 75 pounds of marijuana. Adolfo soon made friends with a new cartel - the Hernandez brothers, who believed that with the help of Adolfo they were invisible to their enemies and saw a profitable opportunity, making Adolfo Constanzo a wealthy, powerful and well-respected man. Hey, I'm going to kill you !! victims at a cult in Matamoros, Mexico. The resulting killings soon totaled more than twenty victims, whose mutilated bodies were found in and around Mexico City. El Padrino, the officers would soon learn, was Adolfo de Jess Constanzo. Ayala took the Hernandez brothers, in handcuffs, back to the ranch. . His legs had been chopped off below the knees. South Padre Island, Texas for spring break. it is what it is you live by the sword you die by the sword same shit that has been going on for 100's of years all around the world. Born in Miami to a Cuban immigrant mother, Constanzo had been raised in the Palo Mayombe tradition, an Afro-Caribbean religion related to Santera, but considered to be much darker. I herd it was ice nd a bucket with El Nio loco runin all round wit a gun in hiz hand pretendin to be a gurl. I mean look at her damn tv's they ol skool as fuck. With dive bars and cheap drinks all along Calle Alvaro Obregon, the Matamoros strip provided no shortage of fun. killing, obviously prior to dismemberment, were sent out with a message from 65, who claimed responsibility Constanzo then cut his skull open with a machete. Scary. When local police arrived at his apartment building on May 6, 1989, they were responding to a call about another disturbance. When he was 21 years old, his mother performed the final initiation on him, presenting him with anganga, an iron cauldron central to Palo Mayombe rituals. 5,528 Matamoros,_tamaulipas Premium High Res Photos RMBAEF6C - Spain, Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO, St. James statue, Matamoros killing Saracens. Constanzo was portrayed by actor Aldo Uribe. He relocated there and worked occasionally as a model. The search for Mark Kilroy started as a routine missing-persons case. Aldrete was not the type anyone would suspect of belonging to a murderous cult. 1,400 Matamoros Tamaulipas Premium High Res Photos Hope they took the beer out of the cooler before the body went in wasting beer should be a crime. They offered a $15,000 reward. By the end of the investigation, however, they would discover more bodies suspected of being killed by Constanzo, bringing the number of known victims to 23. Body parts were put in thengangaand boiled, making a foul brew that cult members then drank, believing it made them invisible and bulletproof. I just wish all the innocent people these scum bags could actually see them roasting in hell, if there is one (I hope so), it would be so beautiful to hear their screams as their skin boils off and knowing it will continue for eternity is the topping of the cake. Ayala put the Hernandez brothers to work digging up graves, and even requisitioned a neighbors backhoe to aid in the dig. The Kilroys also met with representatives of several key Texas officials, including Attorney General Jim Mattox, Governor William Clements and Senator Lloyd Bentsen. A few days later the Kilroys returned to their home in Santa Fe but vowed not to give up their search. The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time Kilroys uncle was a special agent with the U.S. Customs Service and withindays his disappearance was reported byUPIand investigated by multiple law enforcement agencies from both countries. Propaganda says they get paid X amount in pesos every month, and "steaks"Why all of them maruchaneros only eat maruchan?Clearly propaganda is one thing, reality another ETERNAL HELL FOR WHAT? Create a free profile to get unlimited access to exclusive videos, breaking news, sweepstakes, and more! In two of the photos that were reportedly taken this week, three dismembered bodies were left behind in a box and in an ice chest with cardboard that the reported cartel hitmen used to write a message on.

The source indicated that the yet unidentified man was dumped behind a hotel in the outskirts of Matamoros. There, Lt. George Gravito took their statements. Not likely. Ayala was listening. Matamoros is a popular place for teenagers to visit because of lenient laws on alcohol and nightclubs.

Twelve human bodies were found at the cult site, including the body of

The following night, after dropping in at a party thrown by some of Kilroys fraternity brothers, he and his friends decided to pay a second visit to Matamoros. It's not the same girl..Well the girls usually call themselves after Santta Muerte like this girl La Flaquita(the skinny girl)They make big mistakes putting these pictures up for everyone to see.. However, as their second night rolled on, Mark Kilroy vanished without a trace. 15 mutilated corpses were dug up at the ranch, one of them Kilroy's, whose body was dismembered - his heart, genitals and spine were used to make a magic stew. ' Huddleston recalled. First, however, he was instructed to take them to Kilroys remains. Lessons from History is a platform for writers who share ideas and inspirational stories from world history. GAFE in Reynosa and Ciclon 7 in matamoros. From Rio Bravo with support from GAFE. they beat the shit out of them before the final blast! When police searched the shack, they found evidence that human sacrifice and mutilation had occurred there: a machete caked in blood and tissue; bottles and jars filled with a putrid mix of blood, hair, and other tissue; a 55-gallon drum apparently used to boil victims flesh off their bones. The Believers: Cult Murders in Mexico. Donald Wells, the U.S. consul in Matamoros, was contacted, and a description of Kilroy was circulated in jails and hospitals. The ciclones are bad people so is the metros they all kidnap, extortion and tax people. Aldrete was hiding in a bedroom, unharmed. El Padrino Needs a human sacrifice: The Matamoros Cult Killings He graduated from high school, but was expelled from prep school. Like tens of thousands of other high school and college kids, they had walked across the international bridge from Brownsville, Texas, to spend part of their spring break in the raunchy border town of Matamoros, Mexico, where the legal drinking age was only 18. with the chicken was shown to inside an abandoned truck. They also noticed a small shed on the property. 6:15 "they" warned, apparently you can't readSome of us like to see all the dirt, it is really needed to see how things really go in Mexico, grow up or leave Corrrect, she lost all respect once she picked up the gun 4.03My god there are some imbeciles on here?The mistake I was referring to was Joselyn for allowing her identity to be posted online where enemies can see it,,nothing at all to do with BB..I too believe in showing the truth.Try and be a bit more perceptive,if possible? They get left behind. According to Constanzo, the greater the sacrifice, the greater the power it bestowed. missing college student Mark Kilroy. 16 offers from $5.85. including the body of missing college student Mark Kilroy. Speaking casually, with no hint of remorse, Serafn detailed the last hours of Kilroys life. The cult was lead by Adolfo.

The Reynosa faction killed this girl in retaliation for the ass kicking that lost metros gave them here recently. Anybody that gets shocked by this anymore is living under a rock. Santiago matamoros hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy they love to work over rivals with clubs. Sara Aldrete and Adolfo de Jesus Constanzo.


Adherents seek favor with different representational deities and make offerings to them, including food, with ritualistically slaughtered chickens being the most common, according to theBBC. He said that El Padrino had wanted them to bring him a smart, handsome American, one who was studying to be a doctor. At the same time, Elio and Serafin Hernandez and two other cult members were sentenced to 67 years in prison which was reduced to a 50-year sentence in 1998, according toThe Brownsville Heraldnewspaper. The cops probably turned them in, that's how the dirty cops operate in shit hole Mexico dude. That's weird . check out the shape of it. [4], On March 13, 1989, Constanzo's henchmen abducted a pre-med student, Mark Kilroy, from outside a Mexican bar and took him back to the ranch. WHY? Most had been mutilated, some had been burned and one had had its heart removed. Crazy shit man. Aldrete took part in his initiation ceremony, according to the Los Angeles Times. Photographs after the Hardcover. 21-year-old Mark Kilroy, victim.

FOR A FEW PESOS IDIOTS, Whats up with the 65 guy ? Constanzo started to raid graveyards for human bones to put in his nganga, or cauldron. Any news on him cutting down his own why not bring cdg together. Yes, that ice will feel good for a time, but where they are "all" heading there will be no escape from the heat, and it will be agonizing.
The police returned fire. While the Kilroy family was finally able to achieve closure, the families of Constanzos other victims didnt have the benefit of two national police forces and media helping them. Neither of the said psycho killers actually know me or give a rat's hoot about me.but hey. But she was grooming him for something much darker than telling fortunes. [1] His cult members nicknamed him The Godfather (El Padrino). Not even a mom yet, proaly. David Serna Valdez

De Len was given a 30-year term. Chin-gao! Previously no one cared about the missing drug dealers, figuring they were the victims of an ongoing drug war. ..or maybe the angel of death coming after her? He ducked into a darkened, overgrown park, only 200 feet from the border. His skull had been cut open and his brain removed. If co-leader Aldrete is ever released from prison, American authorities plan to prosecute her for the murder of Mark Kilroy. The episode is titled "Sacrificial Evil". group-Los Ciclones. About 200 feet from the American border, Huddleston ran ahead to urinate behind a tree in the small park that lies at the beginning of Calle Obregon. Rituales de Sangre: The True Story Behind the Matamoros Cult Killings If those dumb shits on either side had half a brain they would leave it at putting a bullet in each others brains because as they all know it, one day it's going to be their turn, and for me I'd rather just have a bullet put in me instead of all the other bullshit. March 14, 2018 Following a 45-minute gun battle, Constanzo orderedde LeonValdezto shoot him and his lover Martin Quintana Rodriguez, rather than let them be captured alive. Oxygen Insider is your all-access pass to never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more. She got exactly what she deserved. Shepherdedby charismatic cult leader Adolfo Constanzo and his witch, Sara Aldrete, they are responsible for 15 murders, maybe more. He became their high priest and further enmeshed himself in their operations, performingritualistic animal sacrifices that he claimed would help their business prosper and protect them from police and bullets, according to theChicago Tribune. De Leon and Sara Aldrete were immediately arrested. 100% agree on ur comment can someone give this comment a HELL YEEEEAH!!! It is there where he carried out more sadistic ritual murders, sometimes of strangers and other times of rival drug dealers. The war that reignited this month has pitted two rival factions of the Gulf cartel against each other turning the cities of Matamoros and Reynosa into war zones where the residents are forced to go about their daily lives while trying to avoid firefights and gory crime scenes.


flaca got beat up pretty bad also. State police: Mexican gulf cartel leader among those killed in deadly Matamoros shooting 1 year 4 months 3 days ago Saturday, October 23 2021 Oct 23, 2021 October 23, 2021 9:20 AM October 23, 2021 .
She was really pretty and innocent on her photos posted on her Twitter before she joined the gulf cartel. After learning about the Mexican cult sacrifice of Mark Kilroy, read about Richard Ramirez and the twisted Night Stalker murders. Obsessed with true crime. His body was exhumed, along with 14 others, according to OklahomasTulsa Worldnewspaper. Looks like La Flaca's wrists were duck taped and both bodies looked bruised as if tortured before death,P.S. Their bodies turned up later with fingers, toes, ears, brains and even (in one case) the spine missing. When are these people gonna realize that they are being used just to take up space in back of a truck and on their caravans when they go on missions. As for what happened to Kilroy after that, the old man didnt know. YouTubeBy the time a reward was offered, Mark Kilroy had already been butchered. Multiple graves which held the bodies of ritually sacrificed murder victims at a cult in Matamoros, Mexico. The writers would face certain death at the hands of the Gulf cartel if pseudonyms were not used. We have many And of course, the nganga, which contained a stew of rotting flesh both human and animal including Kilroys brain.

Not even a mom yet, proaly.

She believed that he had strong clairvoyant abilities and that he could speak to the dead; they both claimed he had accurately predicted the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in 1981. Thats messed up! Aldrete was apprehended as she tried to flee the apartment. Is dis the flaca erbodys talkin bout in florda. Kilroy and his fraternity brothers travelled from South Padre Island to Mexico to do what all young people would party and have fun. Along the way the friends stopped at a hamburger joint and hooked up with a foursome of Kansas coeds who were looking for directions to Matamoros. He suggested that they burn the shack, and most importantly, the nganga, to metaphorically smoke Constanzo out of hiding.

Copyright 2020 CVLT Nation. When the authorities learned about the ranch, Adolfo fled to Mexico City with four of his followers.

The Devil's Ranch revealed the details of a twisted cult: horrific scene of murder, torture and human sacrifice. He believed this offering would grant even greater supernatural powers to himself and his followers. His legs were hacked off with a machete, while his spine was removed and his brains were found boiled in a cauldron. Check out my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdxTGygvkRU4fABcuCTBLhQ, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdxTGygvkRU4fABcuCTBLhQ. (Where a woman's place truly is). Ayala wasnt in the mood to play games. Border / Cartel ChroniclesBreitbart TexasCartel ViolenceGulf Cartel. Eventually, they would exhume the remains of 14 more people. Mark Kilroy, a Texas college student who had crossed the Mexican border to party Constanzo and his followers eventually set up operations at Rancho Santa Elena, property owned by the Hernandez familyin Matamoros and less than a mile from the border. also sinembargo picked it up today and gave us a nod, daily beast mentioned us in their article as well. On July 13, 2013, the Investigation Discovery Channel profiled this crime in its Poisoned Passions series. As he left Kilroys side, Huddleston noticed a Mexican man motioning in their direction. reporters on a tour of the cult's ranch. you are exactly right bro,they believe every word from all the corridos and some! matamoros killings photos (Bettmann/Corbis), Alvaro de Leo Valdez El Dubi The National Human Rights Commission says the evidence points to marines and the personal security detail of the former mayor as being responsible for the ki. In the early morning hours of March 11, 1989, college students Mark Kilroy, Bill Huddleston, Bradley Moore, and Brent Martin decided their . Constanzo, of Miami, Florida, was raised practicing witchcraft, and began profiting from it after emigrating to Mexico City. Adolfo de Jess Constanzo was born in Miami, Florida in 1962. probablemente de unos 25 de edad de esa generacion de abandonados que vino a el mundo despues de Gortari y Zedillo, despues del libre comorcio. As a teenager, he became apprenticed to a local sorcerer and began to practice a religion called Palo Mayombe, which involves animal sacrifice. Tall and athletic, with sandy blond hair, he attended the University of Texas in Austin, where he was studying to become a doctor. @ 04/18/15 at 13:51 :yesI must admit; I'm no exception when speaking about how one can almost never have enough in the holster :-(, but one doesn't need much to have fun, anyway You think I might be too small for you? Probably stolen from an armory recently. After about two hours, they began getting worried.
Copyright 2023 Penske Business Media, LLC. All Rights reserved. Adolfo named himself El Padrino de Matamoros - The Godfather of Matamoros and gave Sara the nickname La Madrina, Spanish for godmother. By the time a reward was offered, Mark Kilroy had already been butchered. He convinced several high-level drug kingpins that he could cast spells to make them invisible to law enforcement and that his clairvoyance could tell them which days to move their product safely. Constanzo made Aldrete second-in-command of his cult and directed her to supervise his followers while he was shipping marijuana over the border into the US. Warning: Graphic photos on following page. Rituales de Sangre: The True Story Behind the Matamoros Cult Killings The nganga is believed to hold the essence of the spirits, and the priest must sacrifice the appropriate items to the nganga to receive various blessings. The cult was lead by Adolfo When Kilroys remains were uncovered, they spoke of a shocking death. Constanzo, a drug dealer, serial killer and con man. The drug dealers, in particular, interested Constanzo, as this was where the real money was. Constanzo, in a state of paranoia, began burning all his cash on the stove and flinging wads of cash and coins out to the street below.

Kilroy was nowhere to be found, and his case began to go cold. last But weeks went by with no luck. you dont mean la guera loca video ?Thank you. global health 101 3rd edition houston tumlin girlfriend penn's peak deck parties renate hall bio heather yerrid married at first sight peach bellini strain viola concerto pdf jefferson county pa court records calabrese chicken wings bertucci ddo library search nitrome must die without flash.

plans and enthusiasm The filthy shack went up in flames, and the nganga was dumped out and set aflame as well.
By the time police reached the apartment, both Constanzo and Quintana were dead. Twelve human To keep creating Born on March 5, 1968, in Chicago, Illinois, Mark Kilroys family moved to Texas when he was young. He ran, and nearly got away, when one of them shouted in English, Freeze! Out of instinct, Kilroy stopped, and the Hernandez brothers caught him and tied him up, placing duct tape over his eyes and mouth. THESE PEOPLE WERE LOST MENTALLY.