to all that support Los Ciclones. The Satanic Spring Break Sacrifice Of Mark Kilroy | Murders and 98 is attacking mata. Believing his magic spells were responsible for the success of the cartels, Adolfo made a proposition to one of the most powerful families he knew - the Calzadas. A foul, rotten stench emanated from the small structure. (Bettmann/Corbis). Former Brownsville, TX, deputy sheriff George Gavito recounts the 23 grisly "palo mayombe" human-sacrifice torture-sex killings perpetrated by the gang led by Adolfo Constanzo in Matamoros, Mexico which ended in April, 1989 and are basis for the Zev Berman feature film Borderland (2007).
NEXT. A source reportedly made the discovery under a bridge near the rural community of Los Indios just west of Matamoros. In the parking lot of a He and his brothers had gone out to the bars, wading through the thousands of American tourists, looking for a victim that fit El Padrinos criteria. Get an all-access pass to never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more! In PaloMayombe,offerings are made to the gods in aceremonial cauldron knownas a nganga, which containsconsecrated sticks and bones. Gravitos department had a long history of working with the Matamoros police, so Gravitos was surprised when they claimed that Kilroy had gone missing in the US; therefore, it wasnt their problem. It drove right through the roadblock, leading to a high-speed chase. Same here. Editors Note: This article is part of Breitbart Texas Cartel Chronicles. Grupos armados se enfrentan en Matamoros, noreste de Mxico The photos paint a grim picture of the raging war taking place just south of the Texas border. He readily admitted that he and his brothers had kidnapped him and taken him to the ranch at the behest of El Padrino (the godfather). He opened shop in Mexico Citys Zona Rosa, or pink district, known for being welcoming to gays like Constanzo. Search Results for Santiago matamoros Stock Photos and Images (269) Page 1 of 3. Esto les pasa por ayudar a los ciclones (This is what happens when you help the Ciclones), the Narco message revealed referring to one of the cartel factions.