Paul Flores is charged with the murder of Kristin Smart, who disappeared from Cal Poly in 1996. On April 19, father and son each pleaded not guilty, according to The Associated Press. Jonathan Vigliotti: What toll over time did this have on your parents? As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Chris Lambert: Kristin became incredibly intoxicated, whether she was drugged or whether she just had a lot to drink in a short amount of time She ends up passed out on the lawn next door. Paul Flores is charged with first-degree murder and is accused of killing Smart while attempting to rape her. Produced by Lisa Freed. She feared for her life, so did not tell anyone at the time or for years after. He refused to answer questions during a deposition in November 1997, citing the Fifth Amendment. "48 Hours" looks back to their arrests and how the saga began. Klicken Sie auf Alle ablehnen, wenn Sie nicht mchten, dass wir und unsere Partner Cookies und personenbezogene Daten fr diese zustzlichen Zwecke verwenden. In one of Paul's police interviews he mentioned that he wanted to be let out of the interview because he needed to help clean up concrete at his mom's house So, what was being done in Susan Flores's backyard in the weeks after Kristin went missing? Wenn Sie Ihre Auswahl anpassen mchten, klicken Sie auf Datenschutzeinstellungen verwalten. When they reached the turnoff to Cheryl's dorm, she says Flores tried to hug and kiss her. Man charged with 1996 murder of college student Kristin Smart. Cole said investigators checked out the skateboard ramp location but did not find a body. Billie Eilish Explains Her Complicated Relationship With Social Media: 'I Don't Look at It Anymore', Theres no evidence of a sex crime in the charged crime (the murder case) itself, van Rooyen says. From the start, investigators. Denise Pearce: Kristin hasn't come home And we're not sure where she is We don't know anything. To think that you're going to finally get some resolution, and then it doesn't happen the way it's supposed to. And these girls are inviting us out. Devastating. James Murphy: Every day. Cadaver dogs were sent into Paul Floress dorm room. PODCAST EPISODE 5: If you were making a film about a new law enforcer who's coming to a small town to save the day, you'd probably cast Parkinson. Sheriff Ian Parkinson was able to confirm that forensic physical evidence that authorities believe is linked to Kristin was located at, at least two homes. Paul Flores did not have a car on campus, so Murphy surmises he had to have had help. Remember, Flores's room had been emptied and thoroughly cleaned. Prior to the arrests, in February 2020, Flores home, his parents home, and his sisters home were searched by police. With them is a group of FBI evidence response team members and a search warrant. Paul Flores, lower left, remained in jail without bail while Ruben Flores, upper right, was able to post bail after a judge agreed to lower the bail amount from $250,000 to $50,000, San Luis Obispo County Superior Court/Zoom, How a tragic boating crash is connected to the family of Alex Murdaugh, Five deaths with a connection to Alex Murdaugh's family investigated, Chilling details revealed in JJ Vallow and Tylee Ryan deaths, Mother at center of international manhunt speaks out to "48 Hours". JAMES MURPHY: What is your present residence address? Her books are available on Amazon. They're known for being a really safe school.". You can go." Chris Lambert: I wish I knew why. The judge in the case has issued a gag order preventing lawyers, investigators, witnesses and others from speaking about the case or releasing documents. Lambert says Kristin could not stand on her own, so fellow student Cheryl Anderson who was also at the party began helping her back to campus. The arrests of the father and son came after investigators using ground-penetrating radar and cadaver dogs discovered evidence connected directly to Smarts death last month during a search at Ruben Flores home, authorities said. People are watching Ruben Flores and Susan Flores and Paul Flores. So, they did not immediately get a warrant to search Susan Flores's home. Paul Flores convicted of killing Kristin Smart after 26 years of Ms. Smarts acquaintances were interviewed. Kristen Modafferi | Unsolved Mysteries Wiki | Fandom By the time Cal Poly police began investigating, Kristin had been gone for four days. to California to search for Kristen Modafferi. D.A. She withdrew money from the bank, a surveillance camera capturing what are . Chris Lambert, who worked as a CBS News consultant, pieced together what he learned from people who were there that night. Police investigated whether Durst, 71, who lived in San Francisco at the time Modafferi went missing, was connected to her disappearance. Her dorm entrance is right over here. Cole testified that Hudson told him about Paul's statement and that she'd also seen Paul with his white pickup truck at the skateboard ramp in Huasna. They also uncovered videos in a folder labeled practice that featured women wearing ball gags and in other fetish positions. Kristen Modafferi, Kristin Smart & Kent Jacobs. and offers to help. How could she have gone out of town? A trailer was reportedly parked at Ruben's residence at odd hours and Paul's mother, Susan Flores, and her boyfriend were there. Denise Pearce: To be almost there. The 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time Little is known since the proceedings are kept secret, but no charges were ever filed. And I was, like, "uh OK, fine.". Bei der Nutzung unserer Websites und Apps verwenden wir, unsere Websites und Apps fr Sie bereitzustellen, Nutzer zu authentifizieren, Sicherheitsmanahmen anzuwenden und Spam und Missbrauch zu verhindern, und, Ihre Nutzung unserer Websites und Apps zu messen, personalisierte Werbung und Inhalte auf der Grundlage von Interessenprofilen anzuzeigen, die Effektivitt von personalisierten Anzeigen und Inhalten zu messen, sowie, unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln und zu verbessern. Denise Pearce: The investigation was completely botched by the campus police. San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office, via Associated Press. And there are more horrifying allegations about what may have happened to Kristin after she was last seen with Paul Flores. By herself, which is pretty amazing. The hearing began August 2 and is expected to last into at least next week. She adds that Flores said he put Smart under a skateboard ramp in Arroyo Grande. Nineteen-year-old Kristin Smart disappeared Memorial Day weekend of 1996. As of 2021, Kristen Modafferi's case remains unsolved. suddenly major pieces of evidence came forward. Judge van Rooyen objects to this assertion, though: Just because (Lamberts) been served does not necessarily mean he should be excluded, he says. The then eighteen-year-old . 1 of 47. During Tuesdays hearing, San Luis Obispo County Sheriffs Detective Clint Cole testified about a conversation he had with Ruben Flores at his Arroyo Grande home when Cole was there to obtain a DNA swab. It did produce some information that I believe was valuable, he said. Chris Lambert: Paul worked with a number of women that he made incredibly uncomfortable girls who he tried to make a pass at sexually, girls that he tried to force to kiss him. She disappeared in 1996 after attending an off-campus party and while she was declared legally dead in 2002, her body has never been found. Det. Defense attorney Robert Sanger, in turn, tries to poke holes in Flemmings recollections. Anyone would have been terrified if they heard it.. Cole also testified that the Flores family was wiretapped for 30 days starting on January 5, 2020. Nineteen-year-old Cal Poly student Kristin Smart went missing after a campus party 25 years ago, and, this summer, her case is finally getting its day in court. D.A. She was looking forward to hearing from Kristin that Sunday. I'm going to go back to the dorms. Kristin Denise Smart (born February 20, 1977 [1] [6] -declared legally dead May 25, 2002) was an American woman who was found to have been murdered by Paul Flores at the end of her freshman year on the campus of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly). My job was to hunt them. You just don't talk, and you get away with it. She was never seen again. I don't know if Kristin knew anybody there. Any evidence that might have been there was long gone. The 100 Best Albums of 2022. They might have found evidence in those vehicles. JAMES MURPHY: Does your son have any information as to where Kristin Smart's body is located? Disappearance of Kristen Modafferi - Wikipedia Murphy and his wife, Garin Sinclair, agreed to take the case pro bono promising to go after Paul Flores and put pressure on the sheriff's office. Smarts family issues a statement following the news about Flores going to trial: Yesterday was a very good day and we want to take this opportunity to thank all of Kristins supporters in San Luis Obispo and beyond. On Monday, he questioned why investigators needed to keep searching for evidence after making arrests. 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Kristin's mother, Denise Smart, spent Memorial Day weekend at a swim meet with her two younger kids. 7,781 days.. That is all it took. Margarita Campos: She was absolutely sober when I left her. Lindsey Smart Stewart: It just amazes me the amount of evidence that's available, yet nothing has happened. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. But the Flores's have fought back, suing the Smarts for intentional infliction of emotional distress. Kristin Smart's body once buried in suspect's backyard - NBC News Denise Pearce says that was a crushing blow for the Smart family. Kristen Deborah Modafferi (born June 1, 1979; disappeared June 23, 1997) is an American woman who, at the age of 18, in the early summer of 1997, disappeared in mysterious circumstances after leaving her work at the Crocker Galleria Mall in San Francisco, California. PDF KRISTEN MODAFFERI - Federal Bureau of Investigation Cole said that Ruben then clarified that he meant he was the only one of the three to have been arrested. Dennis Mahon's Podcast Paul invoked the Fifth Amendment when the DAs office subpoenaed him to testify before a grand jury in 1996 and after the Smarts filed a $40 million wrongful-death lawsuit against him; during a 1997 deposition, he again pleaded the Fifth. That's when the campus police finally handed the investigation over to The San Luis Obispo Sheriff's Office but they did not find Kristin. Chris Lambert: As they describe it, Paul Flores just sort of appears out of nowhere. The authorities removed items from Paul Floress home in Los Angeles in February 2020. Ms. Smarts family declared her legally dead in 2002, but the search, and the investigation, continued. Mesick declined to comment Tuesday, citing the gag order. An important tip came in after a February 2020 search of Paul, Susan and Ruben's properties. The defense argued that other skateboarders who were at the San Luis Obispo location said they never saw Paul there, and Hudson's boyfriend denied ever seeing Paul in Huasna or anywhere else. So now you've got three different stories about how he got that black eye. Book Author Jenn is a lawyer-turned-author and true crime writer. Authorities made clear that they plan to use Flores' alleged predatory behavior against him. They believe they can prove Paul Flores is responsible for the disappearance of Kristin Smart. and I was like, "Noooo.". September 15, 2017. How are we not all talking about this every day until shes found?, Editors picks She was gone. But Lindsey says her sister was happiest when she was traveling. I did have guilt about that. Paul Flores, right, in court with his attorney Richard Hutton in 1996. They took in soil, I assume, for some kind of analysis. Peterson may or may not have been at the party Smart disappeared after. Chris Lambert: So much was lost in those first few days where if that very first phone call was taken seriously answers might have been uncovered the first week. Additionally, the documents include information about a March 15th, 2021 search by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriffs Office of Ruben Flores Arroyo Grande property that included ground-penetrating radar. Kristin Smart, a bright, adventurous communication studies freshman at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, went missing May 25, 1996. Even more difficult to understand was why they waited two months to search the family home where Paul Flores was living with his father, Ruben. The last person to see her alive,. The county sheriffs office searched his room once more during the weekend of June 29th, when a team of cadaver dogs signaled the smell of human decay. We feel like the stars aligned when the podcast aired, she told Rolling Stone. Smart was talking with and socializing with several different males at the party. Ian Parkinson: Yes. On Oct. 18, Paul Flores was found guilty of murdering Ms. Smart. to find the next challenge. They had become close friends despite their differences. Jonathan Vigliotti: And that weighs on you. Ms. Smarts family said they had faith in the justice system, comforted in the knowledge that Kristin has been held in the hearts of so many and that she has not been forgotten.. JAMES MURPHY: What is the name of your father? They seized digital devices during the search and, in April 2020, executed another search on Paul Flores property in San Pedro. In March 2021, investigators used cadaver dogs and ground-penetrating radar to search Ruben Floress property in Arroyo Grande, Calif. Paul Flores was taken into custody at his home in the San Pedro section of Los Angeles on April 13, 2021, and was charged with murder. And she was growing as an individual. JAMES MURPHY: Do you have any information as to where Kristin Smart's body is located? JAMES MURPHY: Has your son ever told you that he did not kill Kristin Smart? Smart was declared dead in 2002. When they showed up, it was Paul Flores.