Chinese art focused on close-range combat, using striking and grappling. Our curriculum is based on two manuscripts: The New Text on the Art of Arms (1536) by Achille Marozzo and the Treatise on the Science of Arms with Philosophical Dialogue (1553) by Camillo Agrippa. Click here. Learn more about our method then contact us below or at 206-789-2411. The first version, is where you use just your empty hands. The practice of Kali teaches us flow and how to transition from weapons to empty hand. Sifus unique style has taught me striking, trapping, grappling, locking and takedown skills. What areas do you serve. His system is very empowering for women and children, and I now trust my abilities to defend myself. The Sun Sword class uses lightsabers and will teach you how to swing your lightsaber so that it is flashy and still maintains a martial basis that will allow you to look good and be able to fight with it. Our system combines techniques from the Longsword and Side Sword classes with a flair of Rapier thrown in. Appropriate for students of all ages and abilities. After the war Giron would return to Stockton, California to raise a family. Eskrima-Kali-Arnis, also known as "Filipino stick fighting." The instructor, Edie M. Mesina, has been training for almost 30 years and has trained with the world renowned Doce Pares Club in Cebu City, Philippines. (W.B. Traditionally, these martial arts develop ones skill with sticks (both short and long); knives, swords, and other bladed weapons, including hatchets and tomahawks; various improvised weapons; thrown weapons, such as throwing knives; bow and arrows; and even firearms. Few martial arts schools can match EAMAs breadth of instruction; it is common to see a student finish a BJJ class and go straight into Wing Chun, or follow a Muay Thai class with Kali. You pay for hours, not specific classes, and therefore can train in any of their programs. Martial Arts Program. It is more like a family where members of the family or carefully vetted. It's probably the best self-defense out there. Empty hands training is then taught as the stick is merely an extension of the hand. The styles and movements are scientific, yet so simplistic and economic. Sifu Louis and Guro Brenda- we want to thank you for being such excellent teachers. Open Google Maps Elite Academy of Martial Arts, est. Its a win-win-win for everyone (except the other gyms with their inflated private FMA training prices). ] BONUS: Free Fundamentals of TRUE Mixed Martial Arts eBook and 1 & 1/2 hour class VIDEO preview instantly. Our goal is to keep the training in our system as close to what might happen in a real altercation, incorporating unexpected angles of attack from all sides. Our primary method is the Inosanto Lacoste Blend as taught by the legendary Magulang Na Guro Dan Inosanto and one of his highest level representatives, Guro Rick Faye. The Pekiti-Tirsia Kali- Kaluyugan de Palares (PTK-KDP) training group intends to promote the Pekiti Tirsia Kali System and to unify its practitioners in an atmosphere of mutual cooperation and respect. Filipino Martial Arts. ), "This is a great martial arts school with top notch instructors." Jeet Kune Do This philosopy created by Bruce Lee is incorporated into all classes. We get your membership dues, the trainers keep what they earn, and you get huge savings. The Louis Kali Combat System is tailor made to fit the individuals body mechanics and natural flow of energy. This is a very difficult method of training that our students have to steadily work their skill level up to, but we believe that the more mistakes our students make in the training hall, the fewer mistakes they will make outside where it really counts. As a student, we are trained in all ranges of combat and prepared for multiple attackers. Dress of the day is sweats, a t-shirt, and comfortable shoes. Email : Hes been teaching a long time, been training a long time and really still looks for the best training. This is unfair to the trainer and the client. The weaponry training covers a wide spectrum featuring stick, blade and knife as well as flexible weapons and weapons of opportunity. Kali Knife Course Introc 02. I have effectively used techniques and skills at work without having to think about it. Coaches and many training partners are serious martial artists, but treated us newbies like family. "latitude": 32.7545903, In addition, provide a framework for leading a positive healthy way of life by following a true authentic traditional warrior path that will lead to enlightenment in the mind, uplifting of the spirit, health in the body, and honesty in the heart, while continuously evolving into being one with mind, body, and spirit. We teach Kali Combat System, a powerful integrated warrior art designed for the street and for real life confrontations. I'm looking for Filipino Martial Arts near me. Our multi-style system arms you with stick and knife techniques that could save your life. "opens": "09:00", He was known as the Father of Larga Mano in America. Also, his successor Master Elmer Ibanez held a degree in Human Kinetics and inserted into the system a scientific approach using knowledge of physiology, methodology, anatomy etcThus the training was based on scientific principles in order to reach maximum performance. Branch school owners are high level martial artists with a passion for teaching and using this art to develop themselves and their students. Why Choose The Arena for my Filipino Martial Arts Gym? Its pressure tested and its very effective. kali stick fighting classes near mestaten island aau basketball kali stick fighting classes near me. "opens": "06:00", Law Enforcement / Detective. The style emphasizes minimal movement with maximum effect and extreme speed. Originally from the Philippines, Guro (Filipino for Teacher) Willie has a vast amount of experience in FMA, first starting his training in 1980 with the world famous Dan Inosanto. But with the expert help and advice of Sifu Louis, I found myself addicted, and martial arts quickly became a huge part of our lives. Adults; Teens; Kids; Prices; Schedule; Try A Free Class; Search. We teach our classes in a way that provide our students individualized attention in a safe and fun learning environment. Our goal is to teach real world techniques that can be used to keep our students safe, whether in the streets or in the field. He continuously incorporates effective body conditioning techniques in the training program. Benefits include: Give us a call at 206-789-2411 or click on the Get Started Now button below for more information. All other things being equal, an armed person with training has the clear advantage over an unarmed person with similar training. Our most popular unlimited training membership is under $100 monthly. Most systems of Kali apply a single set of techniques for the stick, knife, and empty hands, a concept sometimes referred to as motion grouping. Since the weapon is seen as an extension of the body, the same angles and footwork are used with or without a weapon. The training is done in a safe and positive controlled environment, and takes into account factors such as age, physical condition, and skill level. (L.P.), "Excellent curriculum that promotes progressive skill development using modern training methods.The instructors are world class and each brings their own focus and flavor to the art. We appreciate your feedback regarding the new platform so we can continue making improvements. Private training with our instructors must be pre-booked, with training times listed below. Members come from all over San Diego to train at The Arena. You dont need to be stronger than your attacker, nor do you need to be a black belt to be safe. Filipino Martial Arts/Kali: passed on by Sifu Paul Vunak to Sifu Kirby Tucker, the Kali system developed by Dan Inosanto consists of 12 Areas, including the Single Stick, Double Sticks, Stick and Dagger, Single Dagger, and Empty Hands. I have been studying under Sifu Louis for over 6 years. Our entire purpose of our San Diego FMA training program is to enable people of different ages, abilities and experience to become safer in this world. You will learn striking and grappling, stand up and ground as well as weapon fighting and defense in all ranges of combat. Cross-training in multiple disciplines is encouraged to promote a well-rounded training regimen. Eskrima fighters can use single-stick, double-stick and stick-and-dagger techniques. I love this Tai Chi class! Update: I am now going on my 3rd year at the school and thought it would be a good time to give an update. ), "This is an exceptional PTK school. Phoenix Filipino Martial Arts Group (Eskrima, Kali, Arnis) 243 Eskrimadors . (N.J.D. Weaponry training in our Kali classes emphasizes safety first. "Friday" Extensive resources and training options were made available to facilitate our progress." Grand Master Giron left us with a legacy that we must all carry on with all of those that would like to share in his system.. Training Prep Show Content. This regimen presumes that empty-hand moves are acquired naturally through the same exercises as the arguably more complex weapon techniques; the muscle memory necessarily developed via weapon training thus informs weaponless combat, rather than forcing students to learn uphill the other way around once they have mastered hand-to-hand techniques. Beginners will benefit from the fundamental drills that serve as the core of our FMA classes, while everyone will obtain a better understanding of balance, movement and real world self-defense. As GM Tony Somera wrote, He gave us all the Liberty of freedom to learn of life and the arts, Equality in having the necessary ability and strength, Fraternity in which the same beliefs in work along with fellowship and family. ), "This Filipino Martial Arts School has become a close knit community and welcomed me from the start. Everyday objects, such as umbrellas, books, bandannas, etc., become effective means of self-defense in the hands of a properly trained individual. "streetAddress": "3350 Sports Arena Blvd", "dayOfWeek": "Sunday", Filipino Martial Arts - Kali/Escrima/Arnis (Adult & Teen) Armas De Mano Filipino Arts Academy: A blended system of Filipino weapon-based arts as developed by the pioneers of the arts: The late Grandmaster Angel Cabales, Grandmaster Remy Presas, and Guro Dan Inosanto, and other blends of kali systems. Proud Wife and Mother. Not only are the weapons based Filipino martial arts extremely practical and essential they are also fun, interesting and develop subtle athletic characteristics that benefit you in other arts and life in general. Absolutely essential for a true martial artist our study of the Filipino Martial Artsinvolves the combative motions and their applications. Kali is an excellent warfare-based martial arts for self defense that teaches you how to use any weapon. . I would highly recommend to anyone even remotely interested. Class is an hour long and consist of individual drills, partner drills, and sparring. If you would like to learn more about Filipino Martial Arts or you're looking for a new group to practice with, please join us. "longitude": -117.20890859999997 He is an authentic second generation Jun Fan Gung Fu/Jeet Kune Do instructor. It can benefit other Martial Arts and Guro Willie is just one of the best guys to do it with. Simulating both the speed and aggression of a real attack. The Arena has an outstanding FMA program with some of the best coaches anywhere in Southern California. FMA is absolutely a good martial art for beginners. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. I have been with Pekiti Tirsia Kali Kaluyugan De Palares School for over a year now. "Tuesday", "Thursday", "name": "The Arena", Grandtuhon Leopoldo T. Gaje, Jr., the grandson and heir of the Great Grandtuhon Conrado B. Tortal, is the present Keeper of the Pekiti-Tirsia Kali System and the training director of Pekiti Tirsia Kali DC/MD/VA. The name Lightning was attributed to Mang Ben since he was fast and strong like lightning. PTK teaches stick, knife and empty hand skills all the way to the ground and as such is a very well rounded art." In addition to training to fight at a distance, students will also study the use of the dagger and wrestling within the context of the sword fight. Ive had around 8 years of previous martial arts training and in my experience he is an excellent teacher. The weaponry training covers a wide spectrum featuring stick, blade and knife as well as flexible weapons and weapons of opportunity. It is highly practical and deals with the real world. Concord, ON L4K 1K2, Canada. It is a mostly weapons-based fighting style that combines punches, kicks, takedowns and joint lock techniques with stick and sword or knife fighting techniques.>. He is a thorough and effective instructor, adapting classes to each students level of experience. "Monday", I have learned stand up and ground fighting, as well as weapons fighting and defenses, since the first class. This is an espada y daga serrada system which puts emphasis on the powerful and swift use of sticks and specializes in the use of stick/sword and knife. I looked into several schools in Medina and Summit counties. In my opinion, there is nowhere else you can experience this type of full spectrum of martial arts training. More importantly, they work! It offers realistic solutions to real life confrontations. It includes different styles (such as Apulian or Sicilian styles) and different sticks (one handed, cane or walking stick, two handed, small stick, double sticks). We will be working outside with masks and maintaining an appropriate distance to protect ourselves, our friends, and our family. Fort Worth Martial Arts, Self Defense, & Fitness Training. I walk out of my session feeling refreshed. - Don G. As students progress they also study from Filippo Vadi's manuscript De Arte Gladitoria Dimicandi written between 1482 - 1487. "addressRegion": "CA", "closes": "14:00" We offer Filipino Martial Arts classes for both children and adults. }, Using and dealing with weapons that one can actually encounter in the streets and turning ordinary items into improvised weapons are integral parts of training FMA. Filipino Kali Escrima in Manhattan, NYC, New York (NY), New Jersey (NJ), Colorado (CO), Maine (ME), Ohio (OH), California (CA), and Tokyo (TY), Japan. Monday - Friday 09h - 20h. "addressCountry": "US" Empty hand training techniques are translated from the use of the Daga (dagger) or Baston (stick). Weaponry training in our Kali classes emphasizes . It's pressure tested and it's very effective. "closes": "21:00" All our instructors are knowledgeable and wise; Tuhon Arlene and Tuhon Malcolm pull from a wealth of years of experience training with Grand Tuhon Leo Gaje, Jr. ), "Excellent school with amazing teachers that care deeply about providing quality instruction for their students. It is also a diverse environment with men and women of different ages and backgrounds. Combat sport of Thailand focusing on the versitale use of "the eight limbs," which include the arms, legs, elbos and knees. My only regret is not finding it sooner. Looking for the best Filipino Martial Arts training program gym near you? After finding the Combat CFMA website, meeting with Sifu Louis, and visiting the school, I knew I found what I was looking for.