On November 13, Hopkins was indicted in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania for sexual assault, based on accusations of two women who are former employees of YEA. "For 86 years, The Cadets have been leaders and innovators in performing arts education," Bonfiglio said. Hopkins is out on $50,000 bail. In February 2023, CAE announced a long-term partnership with the Erie Sports Center, resulting in a decision to move The Cadets and all operations of CAE to Erie, Pa. She told police that she passed out in his apartment and when she woke up, Hopkins was gone. This is our director.". There was an error processing your request. In 198385, the Garfield Cadets became the first DCI corps to earn a three-peatthree consecutive DCI titles. The judge did not issue a ruling from the bench on Bergstroms motion. Her twin sister, Linda Riley, also a Cadet, said Hopkins had sex with her without her consent two summers later, when she was 19. Chief Deputy District Attorney Matthew Falk said the woman in the 2008 allegation decided that not pursuing these charges are in her best interest, and we support her in that.. On Wednesday, he told Lehigh County Judge James Anthony that the Inquirer has refused to provide the full video. Through his attorney, Hopkins denied "any nonconsensual relations" with the sisters and also denied having "any relations whatsoever" with Lee Ann Riley while she was a minor. Now, she told Hopkins, who stood a few feet from her in the courtroom, she feels stronger than ever. If you forget to do a step-off, someones going to collide into you with a 20-pound tuba.
Renowned former drum corps leader charged with sex assault | Fox News "[12] As a part of the terms of probation, the corps' reassessed their planned travel to the West Coast to open the season, and instead decided to proceed with a schedule redrawn for East Coast shows. YEA! George Hopkins, the director of The Cadets, talks about the 2017 show, "The Faithful, The Fallen, The Forgiven." George talks about the process of designing the show, the use of the singers, the three different uniforms worn by the corps, and about the issues the activity is facing around amplification separated from YEA and became the nonprofit Cadets Arts & Entertainment Inc. Hopkins called the allegations an orchestrated smear, Report: Drum corps leader threw things at work, called women little girls, California residents do not sell my data request. The whistleblowers say they went public after receiving a feeble response from the Troopers legal team. It carries the same weight at sentencing as a guilty plea. George Hopkins, who also ran the youth arts education nonprofit that operates the Cadets program, pleaded no contest to the charges in 2020 and is now serving two years of probation. After the hearing, Hopkins' lawyer, Thomas Bergstrom, called the probationary sentence a fair result and said there were many inconsistencies in the accusers' stories. Never thought for once you were a liar!! Board of Directors Resigns, New Board to Guide Organization", "Former drum corps director George Hopkins charged with sexual assault", "Finding no resignation letter, YEA board fired Hopkins with no severance", "DCI action on YEA! Even snow plows and emergency vehicles were. ALLENTOWN, Pa. | The defense attorney for the former drum corps director accused of sexual assault is demanding that a newspaper turn over its unedited video interview of his clients accuser in order to prepare a proper defense. He resigned his position in April 2018, but the YEA board rejected his resignation and fired him, citing the sexual misconduct allegations lodged against him.
Genesis from Austin, Texas performs during Drums Along the Rockies at Cheney Alumni Field Friday evening, July 12, 2019. By Staff. The women are among roughly a dozen connected to the Cadets organization who say they were sexually assaulted by Hopkins dating back to the 1980s. Man missing since 2021 was murdered, co-worker arrested: DA, Brian Laundrie was 'emotional bully,' Petito family lawsuit says, Pa. woman missing since 1992 found alive in Puerto Rico. For those of you who do not follow the drum corps news, George Hopkins recently resigned as the director of the Cadets because of sexual misconduct allegations from nine women. Marching as the Cadets of Garfield; wearing uniforms of white shorts, red golf shirts, and "Aussie" hats; and using instruments borrowed from the Chicago Cavaliers, the corps managed to finish in second place (one spot ahead of the defending champion Cavaliers). Allentown's Cadets drum and bugle corps forming non-profit, separating from YEA! Lehigh County Judge James T. Anthony also fined Hopkins $5,000, the most allowed by law, and called him flatly disgusting.. The Troopers Alumni band open during Drums Along the Rockies at Cheney Alumni Field Friday evening, July 12, 2019.
A Failure to Protect - Inquirer.com If his probation officer recommends it, Hopkins will have to undergo sex offender therapy. ALLENTOWN, Pa. -- The longtime leader of a champion Pennsylvania-based drum and bugle corps has resigned in the wake of a newspaper report that contained allegations of sexual misconduct spanning nearly four decades.
This amount of the lawsuit included recovery for lost sponsorships and pledged donations to The Cadets and YEA!, a major loss of participants in the US Bands program, as well as legal fees incurred due to the scandal. Get local Breaking News alerts sent directly to your inbox. The Troopers and other corps under the Drum Corps International umbrella are now left to reckon with the allegations brought against them on a deeper level, beyond personnel. The Cadets Drum Corps (formerly the Holy Name Cadets, Cadets of Garfield, Garfield Cadets, and Cadets of Bergen County) is a World Class competitive junior drum and bugle corps. [21] Committees were created in the areas of Health and Wellness, Equality and Inclusion, Performing Arts Education, Governance, and Finance. The. Calhoun ended up pulling a hamstring, but wasnt sent to a clinic for treatment. She said the memories can, at times, still knock the wind out of me, but I get up., I dont just get up and go to work to hide my pain and put the abuse behind me, she wrote. Anthony warned Hopkins that if he violated any conditions of probation he could be sent to a state prison. They became the 507 Hornets -- I marched there from 1971-1974. Philly.com reported the alleged misconduct ranged from lewd comments and groping to rape. You need complete concentration on everything you do because if you dont, you could get someone else hurt or you can hurt yourself, Calhoun said. The 36-year-old woman addressed Anthony and spoke about years of fear, shame and depression as a result of the crime, which she did not immediately report. In my opinion, its impossible to march drum corps and not be broken in some way when you come out, because its a very rigorous physical and mental activity, said Calhoun, a former baritone. says every person associated with its drum corps programs must sign a code of conduct, , There's another twist in the ongoing investigation over sexual assault allegations targeting, Documents obtained by 69 News appear to show former Youth Education in the Arts CEO and Alle, The investigation into sexual misconduct allegations at the Allentown Cadets drum and bugle , The organization that oversees Allentown's famed Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps. An order filed Tuesday in federal court says Hopkins and YEA have reached an agreement. There is an interview with Beyer that is readily available to the public that will allow the Bergstrom to build his defense, Berry argued. The woman told police that when she stood up to leave the bar, she felt like she was moving in Jell-O.. They sleep on hard gym floors, take water breaks on the run and get an average of one day off per month. Hopkins also served as CEO of the Cadets parent organization, Youth Education in the Arts. Some people may be able to give 12 hours a day to the cause, and that is great for them and you, but my life is outside of YEA! You have permission to edit this article. There was upset from some people, as you can see, and others saw the progression as an effort to maintain the Cadets as an organization steeped in tradition but also very, very progressive when it came to new ideas, new concepts, and fresh presentations. In a no contest plea, a defendant does not admit guilt, but concedes that prosecutors have sufficient evidence to secure a conviction.
The woman addressed Anthony in court, telling him of years of fear, shame, and depression as a result of the crime, which she did not immediately report. Value of cutting back on your screen time, What the Tech? Als u niet wilt dat wij en onze partners cookies en persoonsgegevens voor deze aanvullende doeleinden gebruiken, klik dan op 'Alles weigeren'. I know this sub loves a good Hop story, so here you go. Copyright 2023 by The Associated Press. ACLU says it could take legal action over Saucon Valley School District rescinding approval for After School Satan Club, Big rig crashes from I-81 bridge onto street below in Schuylkill, 'He was a very humble guy': Reading High soccer coach remembers player killed in Route 33 crash, Eat, Sip, Shop: Refresh your ride at new Lehigh County store, selling high-quality car detailing products, Former Allentown Cadets director issues statement claiming innocence, Charges filed against former Allentown Cadets director, Investigation into YEA sexual misconduct allegations complete, Report clears former YEA interim CEO of wrongdoing, YEA! "We are now opening a new chapter in the storied history of The Cadets by creating a 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity guided by the following founding principles: To educate youth from around the globe on the value of teamwork, inclusiveness, kindness, self-expression, and open communication; To create a safe and inclusive environment for all participants; and To enrich lives by teaching critical development skills required for the pursuit of personal excellence.". I get up because Ive done the work to make myself whole and understand the evil that was done to me was not because of me, but because of you.. "There were some tears. They wanted to shed a light on his behavior and for him to have a criminal record, he said. It comes from a lot of different places.. After roughly a month of trying to leave, Calhoun said he finally did it in July, cutting his touring season short. As part of a plea agreement, prosecutors withdrew two charges of felony sexual assault and added the indecent assault count, a misdemeanor, and Hopkins pleaded no contest to that charge. The members and staff, however, were not willing to cease the corps operations, and reorganized as a new organization, even though the parish kept the uniforms and instruments. It wasnt rape, and it wasnt sexual assault, Bergstrom said. [16] Hopkins and YEA! It is clear that this is not something you are okay with. Sean King was named as interim CEO for YEA!
The Cadets - Hopkins needs Help From George Hopkins A | Facebook Allentown Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps separated from YEA and became the nonprofit Cadets Arts & Entertainment Inc. in May, stating it had lost $1.5 million in sponsorships, donations, and ticket sales after the allegations against Hopkins were made public in the 2018 Inquirer account. Value of cutting back on your screen time, What the Tech? These PEOPLE are your most important asset. During training, 150 members aged 14 to 22 rehearse for 12 hours a day, on their feet from morning to night. The Allentown Cadets drum and bugle corps lost sponsors, donors and engagements because of sexual misconduct allegations against its then-director George Hopkins. Overall, the deficit was about $200,000. Brisk with west to northwest winds around 10-20mph gusting to 30mph.. Mostly cloudy with less wind and a few breaks in the clouds overnight. On April 5, 2018, allegations were made in published reports that the longstanding corps director, George Hopkins, sexually harassed or abused multiple members of the corps and staff over a period of years.
Renowned drum corps leader resigns amid abuse allegations In the criminal case, prosecutors allege Hopkins, of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County, sexually assaulted a former employee at his Allentown apartment after they met at a bar to discuss drum corps rules. They sleep on hard gym floors, take water breaks on the run and get an average of one. In 1937, the corps song, "O Holy Name", was written for the corps. [19] On May 1, 2020, The Cadets announced the creation of a new 501(c)3 non-profit organization: Cadets Arts & Entertainment, Inc. Caren Blundetto-Frech John Hannigan, is there more than one child? George Hopkins, who led The Cadets to renown and a slew of national and world championships, stepped down from the Allentown-based group after Philly.com reported Thursday that nine women had accused him of sexual harassment or abuse. In 2003, Yea! with the Cadets as DCI World Championsthe first eastern corps ever to hold The lyrics are taught to new members each summer and sung to the tune of "O Tannenbaum". Vicki Ferrence Ray, Interim Executive Director of CAE, subsequently signed an agreement to make the Erie Sports Center The Cadets' year-round home.
His credentials, his experience, his talents, his imagination, and his intellect are formidable. To honor their 75th anniversary, the corps was called the Holy Name Cadets for the 2009 season. There, she said, he gave her a glass of wine and sexually assaulted her. Berry cited precedent in which a federal court found that the defense had not exhausted all other avenues for getting information before a media outlet was forced to hand over an interview. . Life long member, teacher, and administrator of Drum Corps (from 19682019). And those folks do it without flinching. Former drum corps director expected to plead guilty to sex assault charges, Fire broke out in a Lower Macungie apartment building, Champions of Magic's Alex McAleer gives an exciting look at the upcoming live show, Pet of the Month: Nina from Ruff Life Rescue, Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor needs volunteers, Allentown Public Library celebrates Dr. Seuss's birthday with children's activities, Kindness Project teams up with Flavor Nation to give away free tacos, History's Headlines: The Lehigh Valley's music man, Berks County Parks invites people to their Winter Wellness Walk, Royals host "kids takeover" game where kids get a taste of the sports business, Wilson School students raise $83k to fight childhood cancer, Berks County Intermediate Unit receives $3.18 million in grants for Head Start programs, 'First in the nation' bill to provide free screenings for breast cancer to receive full Pa. Senate vote, Reading Area Water Authority looking for leak on North Heidelberg Township line, Former Penn State Berks soccer player among dead in violent Monroe County crash, Biden expected to tighten rules on US investment in China, Paid express lanes grow more popular in once-reluctant South, Ukraine ally Kallas fights for reelection in Estonia vote, In Chicago, adapting electric buses to winters challenges, Pot vote has Oklahoma hungry to rake in green from Texas, Global race to boost electric vehicle range in cold weather, In Britain, warm hubs emerge to beat soaring energy costs, 6 Nigerian states drop suit to void presidential vote result, The implications of Walgreens' decision on abortion pills, What the Tech? The dozen women who accused Hopkins of harassment ranged in age from 16 to 37 at the time of the alleged incidents, which dated to 1980. : p or should it be, willing away the cash cow?Someone sold our souls to this legacy (too) many years ago. With no 2020 drum corps season, Cadets Arts & Entertainment focused its attention on establishing clear policies, strict safeguards and strategic committees that meet regularly to help guide The Cadets forward. also sponsored the recently inactive 2016 DCA Champion Cadets2 Drum Corps, 2014 WGI Independent Open Champion Cadets Winter Percussion, and Cadets Winter Guard; USBands (formerly United States Scholastic Band Association); the Urban Arts Center of the Lehigh Valley, which included the Xcape Dance Studio.[18].
Hopkins, George | WDCHOF [2][3][4], In 1972, the Garfield Cadets, along with the nine other corps from the Alliance and the Midwest Combine, plus the Anaheim Kingsmen, Argonne Rebels, and De La Salle Oaklands were founding members of Drum Corps International, which remains as the sanctioning body for junior corps in North America. CEO while denying the allegations. II, III, & IV) by, The Pines of the Appian Way & The Pines of Villa Borghese by, Devotions: Kyrie Eleison, Simple Song, De Profundis, Agnus Dei, Things Get Broken, Pax: Communion, and Offeratory (all from Mass by Leonard Bernstein) with incidental music by Drew Shanefield, Tom Aungst & Omar Carmenates, O Holy Name (Traditional) / Opening Scene by Drew Shanefield, Tom Aungst, and Omar Carmenates / Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel / Sensemaya by, Adrenaline City by Adam Gorb / St. Louis Blues by, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1990 (tie), 1992, 1993, 1997, 1998, 1983, 1984 (tie), 1987 (tie), 1990 (tie), 1993, 1998, 1983, 1984 (3-way tie), 1985 (tie), 1987 (tie), 1995 (3-way tie), This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 17:00. Please subscribe to keep reading. Morning call file photo/Special to The Morning Call, Former Allentown Cadets band leader pleads no, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Former Allentown Cadets band leader pleads no contest to indecent assault; judge calls him disgusting, Trump supporters who drove Hummer with guns and ammo to Philadelphia vote-counting site spared more jail time, Paul Muschick: Would money motivate Pennsylvania businesses to move to a four-day work week? In an online post last year, Hopkins called the allegations an orchestrated smear by those who disagreed with his management. Newspapers publish newsworthy items all the time, and they cant be dragged into court every single time a defense attorney wants to know what other information is out there, Berry said. Consent matters.. gant \er--gnt, a-r-\ : having or showing the insulting attitude of people who believe that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people : having or showing arrogance.thats GH. In both cases, the women say after meeting with Hopkins on business, they were drugged and sexually assaulted. The charges stemmed from alleged incidents involving two women. Hopkins did not testify Thursday. On July 4, 1986 the Cadets performed as a part of the Liberty Weekend celebrating both the hundredth anniversary and the restoration of the Statue of Liberty. Most of the time, the individual is NOT an assistant but someone who would like to assist. George Hopkins, former director of Allentown's elite Cadets drum and bugle corps, pleaded no contest to indecent assault after an Inquirer investigation revealed years of misconduct. Hopkins, 61, has not been charged and denies criminal wrongdoing. It carries the same weight at sentencing as a guilty plea. I am not a Trooper, Im just a sack of meat, just sitting on the ground being worthless.. money, and members. Her husband, based on everything hes heard about drum corps from Connell, says he wouldnt let any of their children march. Allentown's Cadets drum and bugle corps forming non-profit, separating from YEA!
Defense in sex assault case wants newspaper to hand over accuser's George Hopkins, the former director of the Allentown Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps who was accused of sexual misconduct by nearly a dozen women, pleaded no contest to indecent assault and was. There are so many other things that Ive witnessed as a marching member, but theyre not my stories to tell, Connell said. Since the assault in the apartment occurred in 2010, before a recent amendment to Megans Law, Hopkins is not subject to sexual offender registration. Nickelodeons Kids Choice Awards: What Is Slime, and Why Do We Love It? Rachael Ray Ending After 17 Seasons: Its Time for Me to Move On, Shania Twain 'uncontrollably fragile' after husband's affair, 48 Hours: Natalie Morales Reveals How Social Media Helped Solve Case, Uriah Heep believe they have 'some merit' to be considered for Rock and Roll Hall of Fame entry, Amanda Seyfried wants to a role in movie version of Mean Girls: The Musical, Aaron Taylor-Johnson joins Nosferatu remake. George Hopkins, former director of Allentown's elite Cadets drum and bugle corps, pleaded no contest to indecent assault after an Inquirer investigation revealed years of misconduct. The charge to which Hopkins pleaded no contest stemmed from a woman who said she was sexually assaulted in 2010. A six-month investigation into Allentown's Youth Education in the Arts is now complete. Lees ons privacybeleid en cookiebeleid voor meer informatie over hoe we uw persoonsgegevens gebruiken. [8] On April 11, the Board of Directors tendered its resignation and a new Board and officers immediately took over operations of the organization. There was an error processing your request.
Two more women say they were raped by Cadets' George Hopkins - Inquirer.com Morning Call reporter Laurie Mason Schroeder can be reached at 610-820-6506 or lmason@mcall.com. [2][3], In the second half of the Sixties, the Garfield Cadets became more of an also-ran than a champion. DCI.org: For the uninitiated, give us a brief history of YEA!'s relationship with the Crossmen. Connell said she never had any problems with Jackson herself, but was hurt indirectly watching her close friends being neglected or silenced. He resigned from his post in early April amid sexual assault allegations, but the YEA board said it was firing Hopkins. Brand New App to watch all of WFMZ-TV News and Syndicated Programing 24/7 on your Streaming App enabled TV.
Former Allentown Cadets band leader pleads no contest to indecent In written remarks later directed at Hopkins, she said she had joined the Cadets bright-eyed, eager, and innocently believing that through hard work and integrity most things were possible., Instead, she said, working for the Cadets meant being subjected to verbal and sexual abuse. National Park Service encourages folks to never push a slower friend down in bear encounters, Jillian Balow, former Wyoming schools superintendent, resigns from new job in Virginia, Pressure on House speaker intensifies as Hageman, national voices weigh in, Wyoming's Jeff Linder coaching his heart out for his dad, seniors Hunter Maldonado and Hunter Thompson, Officials investigating death in Converse County, KFC is bringing back a fan favorite after a nearly 10-year hiatus, Wyoming man admits to double murder, avoids possible death penalty, 2023 Wyoming State High School Boys Wrestling Championships results, Quality journalism doesn't happen without your help, Troopers Drum & Bugle Corps director resigns after allegations of unsafe culture, poor conditions, New Lutheran college in Casper announces academic dean. George Hopkins, the former director of the renowned Allentown Cadets drum and bugle corps, appeared in a Lehigh County courtroom Tuesday morning and gave up his right to a preliminary hearing on . (A similar group of Midwestern corps, the Midwest Combine, was formed by the Blue Stars, Cavaliers, Madison Scouts, Santa Clara Vanguard, and the Troopers.) Exercise was often used as punishment for messing up. The Crossmen of San Antonio, Texas perform during Drums Along the Rockies at Cheney Alumni Field Friday evening, July 12, 2019. agreed to take over the assets and liabilities of the Crossmen in 1997.
At the first DCI World Championships in Whitewater, Wisconsin, the Cadets just missed making Finals and finished in thirteenth place in a competition that featured thirty-nine corps from the East, the South, the West Coast, the Midwest and Great Plains, and Canada. This has directed more than enough negative attention to the Cadets when in reality, it should be pointed at George Hopkins himself. Not someone who wants to be an assistant. These sort of militaristic rituals, paired with constant reminders about how grateful members should be for their spot on the corps, foster a culture of negligence that came to light last month when several former members went public with allegations, leading to the resignation of former corps director Kristy Jackson. Youth Education in the Arts governs the Allentown Cadets drum corps. Rescue operations underway as Wyoming blizzard continues to wreak havoc, Applications open for nonprofit 1-cent funding, Global race is on to improve EV range in the cold, Gordon discusses importance of focusing on Wyoming solutions, Moscow reportedly threatened new parents in Ukraine: Register your newborns as Russian or else, The impact of climate change will be felt worse in these three U.S. cities. "I felt pressured and I felt cornered. First, I want to thank you for the opportunity you have afforded me in this role. What is clear ---I need an assistant. In addition, YEA!
With director gone, Troopers now face deep-seated culture of negligence In the suit, Hopkins denied he was fired by YEA, claiming he left the organization through a mutually agreeable cessation of employment.. Hopkins had been suing YEA for $650,000 in severance, vacation and expenses. George Hopkins, the former CEO of the Allentown-based Youth Education in the Arts, faces three felony counts of sexual assault for allegedly assaulting two former employees. Hopkins was hired by The Cadets in 1979 and became director in 1982, coaching the team to 10 world titles. For the 1971 season, the corps stuck together, offering show promoters the five corps as a package. The judge did question how the defense would know if the witness impeached her own testimony on the stand, if it didnt know ahead of time what she may have said in an earlier interview.