Best stretch: El Vado spring thru fall, Abiquiu fall thru early spring, La Puente Late June- August. Below El Vado Dam sits a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission-regulated hydroelectric plant that is owned and operated by Los Alamos County. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. El Vado Ranch - Chama River, Fly Fishing, Rustic Cabins, Hunting! 4/11/2022 - ongoing. Grants Riverwalk Pond: The city is in the final stages of repairs; stocking will resume soon. Although the lottery only awards Friday launches, lottery winners may launch on either Friday or Saturday. The Rio Chama launch calendar is split into two 'seasons': Early Season and Release Season. El Vado Dam can hold back about 60 billion gallons (273 billion liters) of water, but the capacity will be reduced significantly while the repairs are being done. Abiquiu Lake most likely will be the backup, Pegram told theAlbuquerque Journal. A 5.5-mile scenic trail along the Rio Chama connects El Vado with nearby Heron Lake. Abiquiu Lake is open, including the boat ramp and picnic areas. Grants Riverwalk Pond: The city is in the final stages of repairs; stocking will resume soon. Repairs to El Vado Dam Begin Next Year The #RioGrande Sun If you are in a canoe or kayak, you can have a good run from El Vado to Chavez Canyon at flows as low as 200 cfs or to Big Eddy, at flows of 300 cfs. Posting Dates: The Dam Day Use Area is closed due to the ongoing construction. The recommended minimum flow requirements for kayaks, canoes, and rafts less than 12' is 300 cfs. United States. The Chama River below El Vado Dam is flowing at 97.3 cubic-feet-per-second. Application Fee: There is a non-refundable $6.00 lottery application fee.. Fish weights and measurements are provided by the angler and printed here as received. Solid human waste must be carried out in a washable re-usable container, or for very small groups an approved bag system. The 92-year-old, 230ft (70m) high dam is one of the only steel faceplated dams in the country. 7/4/2020 - ongoing, Monday October 31st, continue established winter closure of Upper Riverside Comfort Station, Posting Dates: The fishing has been good with a variety of fly patterns in the four miles of Quality Water below the Dam. River and streamflowfor New Mexico provided by USGS. Construction will include reducing reservoir storage to grout behind the steel faceplate and begin installation of a geomembrane over the face of the dam. endstream endobj startxref Manzano Mountains State Park is closed for the winter season December 1st, 2022 through March 31st, 2023, however, the actual opening date will depend on weather and road conditions. Lake levels are steady but expected to drop as crews work on the El Vado Dam. Current conditions of DISCHARGE and GAGE HEIGHT are available. Canjilon Lakes: We had no reports from anglers this week. The Rio Grande Nature Center State Park is closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Years Day. Shower House will be temporarily closed due to plumbing issues and should be back in service by next year. , VIDEO: Giant I-40 light poles sway in strong ABQ, Taxidermy birds used to make drones at New Mexico, PHOTOS: Storm leaves parts of state covered in snow, PHOTOS: Winter storm moves through NM leaving snow, PHOTOS: Storm causes snowy, icy roads across New, Map: New Mexico Veterans Monuments and Memorials, 13 Broadcast Pl SW, Albuquerque, NM, 87104, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. PDF Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Act Collaborative Program endstream endobj 2376 0 obj <>stream For more information, visit El Vado Lake State Park's webpage or call 575-588-7247. Service will be restored as soon as possible. Contact Information Mailing Address: El Vado . (April 15 to July 15) flows often coincide with inflow to reservoirs above El Vado Dam. No advance reservation is required for a launch after September 15 and before April 15 you simply show up at the launch site, fill out a self permit envelope, pay the fees, and go. A throw line at least 50 in length must be on board each principle boat over 10 ft. A fire pan with two inch sides at least 12 inches in diameter. %%EOF Although there is no certainty, Early Season flows tend to reflect runoff, and Release Season flows tend to reflect scheduled release for delivery to downstream users. Region: Upper Colorado Basin Region, Related Facilities Posting Dates: 0 The plant operates as a run of the river facility; releases are not made for the sole purpose of generating power, but power is a byproduct of releases made for project purposes. The Bureau of Relamation (Reclamation) owns El Vado Dam and Reservoir. On the Rio Chama wilderness section, because of release schedules, the term 'Weekend' is used for Friday and Saturday launches. Please note the No Show and Cancellation Policy. Posting Dates: 1/10/2023 - 4/1/2023 . We will update the webpage as conditions change. Santa Fe plans significant water release as state tries to pay down Drought Intensity: D0 - Abnormally Dry. Chama 2 Day Adventure 2371 0 obj <> endobj Posting Dates: Rock Lake Hatchery Kids Pond: We had no reports from anglers this week. Streamflow Reports. Heron, El Vado and Abiquiu reservoirs. This wilderness section contains Class II-III rapids. All other permits must launch on their scheduled day. El Vado Reservoir, New Mexico - When El Vado Reservoir spills, MRGCD has the option to spill SJC water belonging to other contractors or to spill native water not held under terms of the Rio Grande Compact. Caballo Lake: Fishing for catfish was good when using cut carp bait. If the group size is decreased, a refund of the recreation fees will be processed as applicable. Weekly Fishing Report: June 1, 2021 - SJC water released from Heron Reservoir for immediate use downstream of El Vado Reservoir is simply passed through El Vado Dam. Posting Dates: Fishing for trout was fair when using gold spinners. Posting Dates: . 10/1/2022 - 3/31/2023. Please stay clear of all construction areas. Monitoring location 08285500 is associated with a STREAM in RIO ARRIBA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO. Gallinas River: National Forest closures have been in place restricting fishing access. ''H 0Ig)hD9yDxL Official websites use .gov Craig Boroughs will check to see if any accounts are left "shorted" once the additional allocations are supplied on July 1 st. Due to the ongoing renovation of El Vado Dam and the resultant lack of fishable surface area, ice fishing remains closed TFN. Thanks for reading and supporting our angling community! Check flows: USGS flow information (Rio Chama below El Vado). A large-scale renovation project of El Vado Dam has forced the closure of the Day Use Area at El Vado Dam. Because of the high demand for trips in late spring and summer, the BLM uses a lottery system to reserve weekend launch dates from April 15 through September 15. Posting Dates: 1/2/2023 - 4/1/2023 Due to the ongoing renovation of El Vado Dam and the resultant lack of fishable surface area, ice fishing remains closed TFN. For rafts over 12' in length the recommended minimum flow is 500 cfs. The agency announced Friday that the two-phased contract with CARPI USA Inc. is worth up to $16.7 million. It brings water to more than 31 million people and provides one out of five western farmers with irrigation water for farmland. 1/10/2023 - 4/1/2023. Permits are for private boating. Commercial river outfitters are permitted by the BLM to provide trips to the public. 9/19/2022 - 5/14/2023. The lake is closed due to unsafe ice conditions. Posting Dates: The campground is open. The Rio Chama launch calendar is split into two seasons: Early Season and Release Season. Water data back to 1914 are available online. Geotechnical specialty engineering and construction contractor, Nicholson Construction, is to perform several techniques as part of a project to rehabilitate El Vado dam in New Mexico, US. HW]o0}`#VUNvkjZJX 4&&:s{1;#a99$>:">= !Q*^{D:= FH).T@Bp#I ?'6',)kCz6n3N9kkzfHzUwT-F4hg. 3d mvx3m~Ajsr"we%M fbU"D#_p\6q~BU\zH$)n3xFn-g25X2%fnegcfwW}T@l]-ZP,|#v"j.9CrV*`, Persistent drought also has. Persistent drought also has meant less water in New Mexico reservoirs, and the region could be in store for a dry winter with a La Nia weather pattern. The primary advocate for the preservation and protection of whitewater rivers throughout the United States and connects the interests of human-powered recreational river users with ecological and science-based data to achieve goals within our mission. Road Conditions. Call (575).588.7470 for conditions at both Heron Lake and El Vado Lake. For updated lake conditions, visit the parks webpage or call the park office at 575-377-1594. Posting Dates: Individuals may apply for each of these seasons. Trout Lakes: We had no reports from anglers this week. The Lea Lake North Day Use Area is closed due to Lea Lake overflow causing flooding. Posting Dates: There tends to be a better chance to have weekday water during the Early Season. Reduce crowding at the launch site by ensuring each Thursday through Saturday launch has a campsite within or before the wilderness section, even if you launch later in the day.. Bear Canyon Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. hb```6 AX\(9@x9;e|yq&p|" K71\n. Use the following if you givefish,game meat,orparts of game animalsto an individual:Possession Certificate. Heron Lake is closed to the use of operation of all Off Highway Vehicles (OHV's). The scope of work also includes the construction of a two-line grout curtain on the dams left abutment. Liquid waste should be strained into the river. 12/22/2022 - 12/31/2023. Storage of large volumes of SJC water may take place for extended periods of time. BE/LWnZ 5|Ai4`Ox (1iQYcXq] Z{P@fAcyNSwbnoe+b.3JYAAFy-Z2Xli aa # _;.U@BYu1Nvy[9:]O` 7ot o 4,;|r0@mY C>`  We have spent many years studying and closely monitoring El Vado Dam, as safety is our top priority, said Albuquerque Area Manager Jennifer Faler. The Rio Chama is 120 miles long, making it the third largest tributary of the Rio Grande. Classification/Mileage: Wild 21.6 miles; Scenic 3.0 miles; Total 24.6 miles. Permit may be canceled 5 days before launch date to avoid the no-show penalty.. Starting October 1st, Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) State Parks Division announces seasonal changes to services within state parks, including changes to operational hours and some comfort stations. The schedules are updated daily. All private launches outside of the permit season are required to follow all regulations. Conditions | elvadoranch ** Arrival dates earlier than the online-reservation-window may also be available at the campground. 3/28/2022 - ongoing, Posting Dates: Most outfitted trips on the Rio Chama last two days, beginning at Cooper's Ranch just below El Vado Dam and ending 31 miles downstream at Big Eddy takeout. Weekday releases in both seasons are more variable / less reliable than weekend. Springer Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. 10/1/2022 - 4/30/2023, The Eastside of the lake is closed for the winter season and will reopen April 1st 2023, Posting Dates: The above table gives a synopsis of scheduled-release information for flow sites currently listed by Dreamflows. Rio Pueblo: Streamflow near Peasco Monday morning was not measured due to ice. Wood collection is limited to dead and down material only. To protect the river . The plan for filling El Vado Reservoir is to store all flows into the reservoir that are in excess of downstream requirements, such as those for Rio Chama water rights holders. 1/13/2023 - ongoing. PDF Region 6 1201 Elm Street, Suite 500 Dallas, Texas 75202-2733 Npdes scion capital letters 2020. pros and cons of going commando; how to become a teacher without a degree. Department Weekly Report. Citation: Study assesses impacts of water flow management through El Vado Dam (2019, June 4 . Please review BLM's recommended river safety tips. State: New Mexico BLM staff at El Vado will check permits and required equipment as outlined on Sumner Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. This year . Corona Pond: We had no reports from anglers this week. This will not affect the water quality. For questions, call Barry Weinstock at 505-484-8673or BLM Taos Field Office at 575-758-8851. The following Rio Grande Compact (Compact) provisions exist on storage of native Rio Grande Basin water: Under Article VII of the Compact, no storage can occur in reservoirs constructed after 1929 upstream of Elephant Butte Reservoir, including El Vado Reservoir, when total useable Rio Grande Project water in storage at Elephant Butte and Caballo reservoirs is less than 400,000 acre-feet. 12/8/2022 - ongoing. Reclamation is also the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the U.S., with 53 hydroelectric powerplants that have produced an average of 40 billion kWh annually over the past decade. PDF San Juan/Chama Project Water Use - New Mexico State University 1/2/2023 - 4/1/2023. ****, Rio Grande Basin Water Storage: Abiquiu Reservoirs. District exhausted all San Juan-Chama supplies in 2013 San Juan-Chama shortages occurred in 2014, 15 and 16. RIO CHAMA BELOW EL VADO DAM, NM - USGS Water Data for the Nation American Whitewater Recreation Fee: $5 per person, per launch -- may be adjusted up until the time that your permit is printed., Cancellation Policy: If you cancel your permit 14 days or more prior to your reservation date, you will receive a full refund, minus the non-refundable reservation fee. Reclamation targets a release of 150-185 cfs for fisheries below El Vado from November to March. 11/19/2021 - ongoing. 3/30/2022 - ongoing, Water lines throughout the park will be shut down to prevent freezing; One hydrant near the comfort station will remain Open to fill up your holding tank. For more information, visit El Vado Lake State Parks webpage or call 575-588-7247. Park Alerts - Closures - New Mexico Anglers should expect road and lake closures during construction. Posting Dates: Santa Cruz Reservoir: Gates are open Thursday-Sunday from 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Shuree Ponds: Closed to fishing until July. Posting Dates: Locked padlock NOTE: There will be fewer reports available during the cooler seasons when fishing slows. Campground Details - El Vado Lake, NM - New Mexico State Parks From El Vado Dam the Chama River continues flowing south, entering Chama Canyon and Santa Fe National . Reclamation studied the risks at El Vado Dam and concluded that structural modifications are necessary to ensure the dam can safely and reliably continue to function and serve its beneficiaries. El Vado Dam, New Mexico [show on map] El Vado Dam, which holds back El Vado Lake, is unusual as it uses steel plates to reduce seepage across the 175-foot long face of the dam. Snowy Hydro updates on status of tunneling work for Snowy 2.0 DOE announces 10 winners of Energy Storage Innovations Prize. Under Article VI of the Compact, if there is an accrued debit in New Mexicos Compact deliveries to Texas, a like amount of native water stored in El Vado Reservoir must be held in storage until the Texas Commissioner of the Rio Grande Compact Commission calls for its release. For kayaks (inflatable or hard shell), canoes, and rafts less than 12', at least 200 cfs is recommended. Weekday Release Season launches will be required to clear the Wilderness Section by Thursday afternoon. An approved US Coast Guard life preserver, Types I, III, or V (approved on the label for paddling, whitewater, kayaking) must be worn by every person in the party while on the river.Each party must carry 1 spare PFD per group. Park Elevation 7,209 ft. Activities. Escondida Lake: Fishing for trout was good when using salmon-peach PowerBait. Weekly Fishing & Stocking Report - New Mexico Department of Game & Fish Weather Conditions. Beginning in the southern San Juan Mountains of south-central Colorado, it joins the Rio Grande near Espanola, New Mexico. , 2023 state basketball tournament brackets, Suspect charged in murder of 15-yr-old Gallup boy, Whats happening around New Mexico Feb. 24 Mar. Anglers are encouraged to visit surrounding lakes such as Bear Canyon Lake, Lake Roberts and Trees Lake for alternate fishing locations. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. In general, water is stored during the spring run off for release later in the year when flows are lower. 3 Mar. The use of devices fueled solely by liquid petroleum or LPG fuels that can be turned on and off is allowed. Nicholson working on El Vado Dam rehabilitation project. An appropriate bailing device must be on board each non-self-bailing craft. 12/1/2022 - 3/31/2023. Stubblefield Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. Get the Android Weather app from Google Play, 7 Cubs pitchers combine for no-hitter vs Machado,, Mikal Bridges helps Nets rally to stun Celtics, 115-105, NASCAR star Elliott has leg surgery after snowboard, U.S. jury poised to weigh international soccers, Scherzer tests pitch clock limits, gets quick-pitch, New Mexico Gas Company leaders explain high winter gas bills, San Juan County sheriff who shot a dog tells his side of the story, New Mexico man sentenced for trafficking 45 lbs of meth from Mexico. This fishing report, provided by Dustin Berg and Go Unlimited (supporting disabled anglers) and the Department of Game and Fish, has been generated from the best information available from area officers and anglers. Lake levels are steady but expected to drop as crews Nov. 22, 2021, at 11:10 p.m. Save ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) Major repairs to a northern New Mexico 10/1/2022 - 4/1/2023. For more information, visit El Vado Lake State Park's webpage or call 575-588-7247. The BLM Taos Field Office and Santa Fe National Forest have determined that beginning the 2023 Release Season (16 Jul - 15 Sep) the BLM will be assigning campsites to Thursday, Friday and Saturday launches. San Juan River: MattSteck of St. Louis caught a 24-inch rainbow trout using a leech-pattern fly Feb. 19. There are additional permit stipulations updates. Permit holder must be 18 years old, and individuals may obtain one permit for each season.The Rio Chama has two permit seasons:, The Early Season (April 15 to July 15) weekday flows typically reflect upstream reservoir inflow and weekends are augmented with water being delivered downstream., The Release Season (July 16 to Sept. 15) weekday flows are at minimal levels and weekend flows are augmented.. The Rio Chama, a major tributary of the Rio Grande, flows through the Chama River Canyon Wilderness - a multi-colored sandstone canyon whose walls rise to 1,500 feet above the river as you travel downstream. Let us know how your fishing trip goes! RIO CHAMA BELOW EL VADO DAM, NM Important Legacy real-time page Monitoring location 08285500 is associated with a STREAM in RIO ARRIBA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO. endstream endobj 2375 0 obj <>stream Trees Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. r J8-bD{cJ'\T@q4"I-KST(m6Mk*QkJx"v.DOTk!]*EQE9 W*X.M:u&Nd)r,Tmcg9J]j$}?l4Q{hpe{di*5BORo]f7x" _ 10/17/2022 - 3/9/2023, Monday, October 17, 2022, continue established winter closure of CFS # 2. The reservoir has a total capacity of 196,500 acre-feet. Statewide current streamflows. Sarabeth Noggle of Brown County, Ind., walks her dog, Yoyo, over the Santa Fe River on Old Santa Fe Trail on Wednesday. Posting Dates: Lake Van: We had no reports from anglers this week. . From El Vado Ranch launch site (immediately south of El Vado Dam) downstream 24.6 miles. Posting Dates: KRQE NEWS 13 - Breaking News, Albuquerque News, New Mexico News, Weather, and Videos. The dam also has a set of outlet works, capable of carrying 6,850 cubic feet per second (194 m 3 /s). For a list of permitted river outfitters, call 575-758-8851. The reservoir has a total capacity of 196,500 acre-feet. If you come across clear water with 3-4 feet or greater visibility and you are marking suspended bass in 10-15 feet of water, the deep-diving suspending jerkbait fished on light line will be hard to beat. 10/31/2022 - 3/30/2023, Blackjack Campground is closed until further notice, Posting Dates: Fishing for catfish was good when using worms and chicken liver. el vado dam release schedule. Bluewater Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. El Vado Dam can hold back about 60 billion gallons (273 billion liters) of water, but the capacity will be reduced significantly while the repairs are being done. U.S. Geological Survey. New Mexico record game fish: 1/4/2022 - 1/30/2099. Call (575).588.7470 for conditions at both Heron Lake and El Vado Lake. The above table lists scheduled-release information using an alias for each site name. Park Alerts - Closures - New Mexico Provide the release season permit holders campsites without diminishing the river environment, quality of the wilderness experience or having to decrease permit numbers. Below 200 cfs are very low flow conditions. Please see the Rio Chama Wild and Scenic River Brochure for more information and regulations. If you would like to float the Rio Chama, will begin accepting applications on December 1,2020for the 2021season. Abiquiu may replace El Vado for water storage The El Vado dam is 229.5 feet (70.0 m) high and 1,326 feet (404 m) long, and holds 196,500 acre-feet (242,400,000 m 3) of water. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. Improvements include the installation of a new concrete boat ramp and dock; improvements to the existing boat ramp; the installation of rock, fishing jetties; road improvements; and re-grading the north camping access area. Release season (July 16 to September 15) flows are augmented for weekends (Friday to Sunday) for boater needs. Permits for all other days are available on first-come, first-served beginning April 1, at 8 AM.. Blue Hole Park Pond: We had no reports from anglers this week. Jemez River: George Smithson of Edgewood caught and released a 14-inch brown trout using a size-14 Parachute Adams fly on the lower river Feb. 20. hU]O0+~8#JPuz%RTIvS`biS$\Y$#$$8 &A N F #2:C%c MuUov[OiZO^c'Z`/[(XD2Nn{}KT!lG{Bs#Iy^bkt2y\E\=aeQtcABqI|Uju_HYg__2CR$ >a$#FO8 |%CJ +jZ0 El Vado Lake Water Level - Lakes Online Brazos River: We had no reports from anglers this week. The 9 miles between Chavez Canyon boat launch and Big Eddy access is managed by the Santa Fe National Forest Coyote Ranger District. Cimarron River: Streamflow near Cimarron Monday morning was not measured due to ice. Changes cannot be made to the permit once it has been printed. ]!=&\=gjH&=\3u5. For more information, visit El Vado Lake State Park's webpage or call 575-588-7247. N ew Mexico Game and Fish. Top of Active Conservation Pool (Elevation), Hydraulic Height (Normal Operating Depth at Dam). Red River: Streamflow below the Red River Hatchery on Monday morning was 44 cfs. Major duties and requirements of the position are listed below. Fly fishing hatches in order of importance: Stoneflies (freestone section) Baetis Craneflies Caddis Midges olive may nymph patters. Lottery entries are due on before January 31. Please remember, from the river-crossing bridge on U.S. Highway 84 at Abiquiu upstream 7 miles to the base of Abiquiu Dam is special trout waters with a bag limit of two trout only. 11/18/2021 - ongoing. construction on El Vado Dam in spring 2022 for up to three years. IA Quad Cities IA IL Zone Forecast for Sunday, February 19, 2023 666 FPUS53 KDVN 200528 ZFPDVN Zone Forecast Product National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 1127 PM CST Sun Feb 19 2023 IAZ040-201000- Buchanan- Including the city of Independence 1127 PM CST Sun Feb 19 2023 .REST OF TONIGHT.Mostly cloudy. 11/14/2022 - ongoing. San Juan River: Streamflow near Archuleta Monday morning was 302 cfs. Rio Chama River Permits - While not a storage right for these pueblos, this water can be released if native flows are insufficient to meet irrigation demand for prior and paramount lands. 10/12/2022 - 3/31/2023, Soda Pocket Campground closed for winter season, Posting Dates: We provide tools and tips to discover PDF October 12, 2017 Chairman John P. Kelly, PE Vice- Chair Glen Duggins Developed campsites at El Vado Lake State Park are currently closed for the winter season. Implementation of assigned campsites will:, 3. Charette Lakes: Closed to boating and fishing until March. Up the Creek Shuttle (Prices below are provided as a guide and may not be actual. River toilets that meet requirements are available at river equipment outlets. Nov. 27El Vado Dam's upcoming renovation will make its lake shallower but could bump up Abiquiu Reservoir's levels if water is diverted there during repairs a process that will affect the. We spent a lot of time and effort coordinating and were able to release it in a pulse from El Vado to Abiquiu intended to move fine sediment that deposits within the gravels in the riverbed, and this hopefully improved the brown trout habitat." Register for the free event at the Rio Chama Congreso, Share this: Tweet Please call for more information about ELF trips. Bureau of Reclamation To conserve, regulate, propagate and protect the wildlife and fish within the state of New Mexico using a flexible management system that ensures sustainable use for public food supply, recreation and safety; and to provide for off-highway motor vehicle recreation (Read more), Phone: (505) 476-8000 | Toll-free (888) 248-6866, Copyright 2016 New Mexico Department of Game & Fish | All Rights Reserved, (505) 476-8000 | Toll-free (888) 248-6866. Gila River: Streamflow near Gila Monday morning was 749 cfs. Quarterly Status Report of Water Service, Repayment, and Other Water-Related Contract Actions, 12414-12421 [2023-03963] Download as PDF Reclamation begins safety modifications at El Vado Dam. Developed campsites at El Vado Lake State Park are currently closed for the winter season. El Vado Dam, located on the Rio Chama about 160 miles north of Albuquerque, was built by the conservancy district in 1934-1935 and was rehabilitated by the Bureau of Reclamation in 1954-1955. Best trout fishing is within several miles of . Bag systems are acceptable for groups. Sunday through Thursday launches are termed 'Weekday'. A new outlet works was built by Reclamation in 1965-1966 to accommodate the additional water from the San Juan-Chama Project. The Hydro Review content team brings you the latest in Hydropower news. San Gregorio Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. ; Comfort Stations will remain Closed for the Winter Months, Posting Dates: GdE:f"x`{b3sjXiWG] El Vado has rainbow trout, brown trout and small smallmouth bass. . Reclamation operates El Vado Dam under agreement with the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District (MRGCD). Fish species include brown trout, rainbow trout and kokanee salmon. Posting Dates: Posting Dates: If monitoring indicates that the impacts of dogs on the corridor continues to increase, to include harassment of wildlife or the public, the number of dogs per trip will restricted or dogs will be excluded all together in the future.