A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Fax: (312) 886-0513, Phone: (303) 864-2000 Field Office Location. VA OIG Office Locations & Headquarters | VA OIG History Frequent leadership turnover and associated shifts in leadership priorities have contributed to DHS OIG's long-standing management and operational weaknesses and impeded efforts to address them. The headquarters of VA OIG is located in Washington D.C. and serves as the central hub for all of the agency's operations. Southeastern Region Office of Inspector General U.S. Department of Labor - Contact OIG - DOLDepartment of Defense Office of Inspector General > About - DODIG OIG Hotline: (844) 694-2347 Fax: (404) 463-5496 inspectorgeneralhotline@dhs.ga.gov Office of Inspector General page Visit: 2 Peachtree Street, N.W. Consistent with CDC guidance, most Office of Inspector General employees are currently serving the American people remotely. (Recommendation 11), The Inspector General should implement a process for developing, reviewing, approving, and managing its organizational policies. > Agencies HUD OIG, Office of Audit Room 103 Field Office 5757 Corporate Boulevard Baton Rouge, LA 70808 (225) 448-3975. They demonstrated how the dashboard can be used to assess performance against DHS OIG's performance measure for the percentage of completed audits, inspections, and evaluations that adhere to established or agreed-upon time frames (a measure in DHS OIG's FY 2022 and FY 2023 annual performance plans). Inspector General; The White House; DHS Components; USA.gov; Mobile Menu Bar. (Recommendation 14), The Inspector General should develop and implement an organization-wide quality assurance program, including establishing a structure, responsibility, and authority for implementing quality assurance in all DHS OIG work. DHS OIG also agreed with that recommendation, which if implemented, could result in additional organizational changes. HSI Houston | ICE (LockA locked padlock) 245 Murray Lane SW In September 2022, officials said they expect to complete work on a workforce plan by December 2022. (Recommendation 15), The Inspector General should develop and implement a process to ensure that DHS OIG's internal quality assurance reviews are comprehensive and that these reviews regularly assess Office of Audits and Office of Special Reviews and Evaluations work that is conducted according to each of (1) audit; (2) inspection and evaluation; and (3) other standards or authorities. If you have contacted other . Report West Virginia Recipient Welfare; Report Health Care Crimes; Office of Inspector General/MAIL STOP 0305 Phone: (202) 616-4620 Contacts & Locations | Office of Inspector General, Department of Organizational Chart | Homeland Security - DHS Such processes should include (1) developing a strategic plan that documents goals, objectives, and performance measures; (2) developing annual performance plans that translate strategic priorities into outcome-related goals, objectives, and performance measures; and (3) collecting and using data to assess progress as well as identify areas for improvements or corrective actions. (Recommendation 13), The Inspector General should develop and implement guidance to govern how Office of Audits or Office of Special Reviews and Evaluations work that does not adhere to (1) government auditing standards for audits or (2) CIGIE standards for inspections and evaluations is to be planned, completed, and reported. In June 2021, we reported that DHS OIG had a July 2019 directive about strategic planning, however DHS OIG had not been implementing the directive to develop strategic plans or other organizational performance management processes. Office of Inspector General . 4141 N. Sam Houston Parkway East #300 Houston, TX 77032 United States. Information and guidance about COVID-19 is available at coronavirus.gov. HHS Region 5 - Chicago directly serves state and local organizations in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. NOTE: If you choose to file a complaint via the mail and include documents supporting your allegation, do not send original documents, as they will not be returned. We will continue to monitor DHS OIG's efforts to address both of these recommendations and, in particular, how risk assessment informs DHS OIG's annual work planning process. We will continue to monitor DHS OIG's efforts to address this recommendation. ICE Field Offices Adelanto - OPLA Office of the Principal Legal Advisor, Los Angeles (Adelanto) 10250 Rancho Road Adelanto, CA 92301 (760) 561-6460 Annandale - OPLA Office of the Principal Legal Advisor, Washington, D.C. (Annandale) 7619 Little River Turnpike Suite 900 Annandale, VA 22003 (703) 962-2800 Mailing Address: In January 2022, DHS OIG officials said that through NAPA, they have conducted research to identify best practices and model succession plans in the OIG community and they had begun to draft a workforce plan. Contact Us | Office of Inspector General | Government Oversight | U.S State of Oregon: Local Offices - Local Offices Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. (Recommendation 5), The Inspector General should develop and implement a process to allocate human capital resources based on the organization's current and emerging strategic objectives and priorities, once DHS OIG establishes them in its strategic plan. In addition to its headquarters in Washington, D.C., the OIG operates audit and investigative regional and field offices across the country. Email. These actions address the intent of our recommendation. Norm Robinson is the Assistant Administrator for the Field Operations Division within the Law Enforcement/Federal Air Marshal Service (LE/FAMS). The Office of the Inspector General assists agencies and facilities in prevention efforts by investigating all reports of abuse, neglect and mistreatment in a timely manner, to foster humane, competent, respectful and caring treatment of persons with mental and developmental disabilities. We will continue to monitor actions to fully establish the offices created in April 2021 and DHS OIG's actions to evaluate the organizational structure in response to Recommendation 10. This office is critical for ensuring independent and objective oversight of DHS. The OIG is led by an Inspector General who is appointed by the President and subject to Senate confirmation. West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. In October 2021, DHS OIG officials said that the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) will provide support and guidance in the development of a human capital plan for DHS OIG. Need help applying for benefits online? Fax: (617) 748-3965, Phone: (312) 886-7050 In September 2022, DHS OIG officials said they expect to have a workforce plan finalized by December 2022. Dallas, TX 75201 Officials demonstrated the dashboard's capabilities-such as visualizing comparisons of current project timelines against standardized goals based on project type (e.g., audit, inspection/evaluation). Ruth Dunlop, Assistant Regional Inspector General for Audit, Atlanta Regional Office (Georgia) DHS OIG officials offered training to all managers on year-end performance management in September 2021 and October 2022. Fax: Fax: (818) 863-1919, Phone: (954) 496-8178 No. Menu; Search; En Espaol; Contact; In June 2022, the Office of Innovation provided this catalog to responsible DHS OIG offices for review and comment to identify whether each policy should be archived, updated, or combined with another existing policy document. Preventing Terrorism and Enhancing Security; Enforcing and Administering Our Immigration Laws; Funds Recovered /Deobligated:$12,914,996, Recoveries, Fines,Restitution, Asset Forfeiture:$71,793,867, Investigations Referred to Prosecution:95. Deepwater Fraud - octagon.lhohq.info DHS Mailing Address Media Contacts Media inquiries and department press contacts. The Office of Investigations (OI) conducts criminal, civil and administrative investigations of fraud and misconduct related to HHS programs, operations and beneficiaries. : DHS OIG agreed with this recommendation. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. (312) 730-1620 Call 1-855-503-SAFE (7233) if you suspect abuse or neglect of an adult or child.
Actions to satisfy the intent of the recommendation have not been taken or are being planned.
Actions that partially satisfy the intent of the recommendation have been taken.
Actions that satisfy the intent of the recommendation have been taken.
, Executive Candidate Assessment and Development Program, The Inspector General should follow key organizational transformation practices when implementing any future changes in its organizational structure. Contact the Secretary Mail Delivery Instructions Freight Delivery Instructions Keywords Contact Point of Contact (POC) Secretary Last Updated: 10/04/2022 Was this page helpful? Espaol 1-401-272-8090. Inspectors General: DHS OIG's Structure, Policies, and Procedures Are Available locations for. > HHS Regional Offices. Region 1 HHS Region 1 - Boston directly serves state and local organizations in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Consistent with CDC guidance, most Office of Inspector General employees are currently serving the American people remotely. Having a current performance management policy will better position DHS OIG to maintain a workforce that collectively possesses the core competencies needed to accomplish its mission. Consistent with CDC guidance, most Office of Inspector General employees are currently serving the American people remotely. Menu; Search; En Espaol; (LockA locked padlock) (Recommendation 3), The Inspector General should implement organizational performance management processes that are consistent with professional standards and leading practices. To provide independent oversight and promote excellence, integrity, and accountability within DHS. Fax: (212) 908-9035, Phone: (415) 355-2740 Washington, DC 20528-0305, Report Corruption, Fraud, Waste,Abuse, Mismanagement Or Misconduct, DHS Office of Inspector General/MAIL STOP 0305 Fax: (313) 226-4006, Phone: (915) 745-1654 (816) 268-0519 Select your region below for information on your Regional Office andRegional Director. (202) 566-2549. In January 2023, DHS OIG issued an updated report review directive. or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. An official website of the United States government. (800) 869-4499 provides assistance in criminal, civil, and administrative investigations conducted by OIG's Office of Investigations and the Department of Justice; oversees non-Federal audit activity, including conducting quality control reviews of audits of State and local governments, colleges and universities, and nonprofit organizations; and DHS OIG has made progress in developing these key organizational performance management documents in recent years. County Offices - MichiganDHS OIG Hotline Complaint Form The Office of Investigations (OI) conducts criminal, civil and administrative investigations of fraud and misconduct related to HHS programs, operations and beneficiaries. Michele Weaver-Dugan, Regional Inspector General for Audit Region 2 HHS Region 2 - New York directly serves state and local organizations in New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The toll-free numbers to call are 1 (800) 323-8603, and TTY 1 (844) 889-4357. Listing of key contacts organized by component agency. DHS Office Locations - Oklahoma We can help at (405) 522-5050. OIG_WEBCOMMENTS@epa.gov (Use the subject "Suggestions for Audits") Phone. Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services