Barracks or proper housing and will the company take it out of their paycheque? That minimum guarantee is just that, a minimum. FAs are there for your safety: The younger the FA, the stronger they are. 2. Guess if you cannot beat them, whisper sweet anti-mormon cult. As the app is described: That app, Neeleman says, is designed to convince customers to shell out for upgrades and extras, from food to rental cars, which Breeze is depending on to turn a profit. 5) I will meet many travelers and may be able to network my way into other opportunities when I graduate. I dwelled on my sad fate at length. *No insurance provided. . Of Course, Oops: Jetstars Embarrassing Bali Flight Blunder. The pay scale offered is not "borderline exploitative", it IS exploitative. Please use the form below to contact our customer service or sales team. Breeze Airways Customer Reviews - SKYTRAX Classes are 100% online. Feel sorry for the FAs but this guy could be either a genius or just throwing at the wall to see what sticks. Do you see 50 yo or 70 yo lifeguards on the beach? My regional airline was a casualty of covid and Breeze seems like a great fit for someone like myself. Must have 2,000 hours total time in large, Group II transport category, fixed-wing aircraft (turbojet aircraft of more than 41,000 lbs. The founder of the airline is David Neeleman, the same guy behind JetBlue. The significant wage difference may be in anticipation of the economic recovery process ahead. New. but if your salary stays low, you cannot build a family. Be honest. Within a few years, she decided ENT surgery would be somewhat more interesting work and spent more than a decade training up at a resident wages that most union folk would scoff at. That 20-hour difference each month makes a huge difference in annual salary, regardless of the hourly rate offered. *No insurance provided. Aviation is amazing!! Mar 23, 2022 the percentage of revenues it gets to keep, but because Spirit makes so little revenue on their high-cost investments they don't add up to much. Profitability is how many dollars you make your investors, i.e. At the end of the day your skill set is only worth what the market will pay. By clicking the Send button, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and to the use of cookies described therein, and you also consent to the collection, storage, and processing of your data in the United States where the level of data protection may be different from that in your country. Attn: Airline Pilot Central This is a prime example of how capitalism is at the cancer stage in the United States, and rapidly approaching stage 4. While perhaps not quite as controversial, Breezes approach to hiring pilots is also raising some eyebrows, as flagged by @StringAndRuder and @AirlineFlyer. Sounds like 4 years of indentured servitude! What we have here is an attempt to hornswoggle naive, inexperienced workers by adding a meaningless term to an employment contract. Please use the form below to contact our customer service or sales team. I am over the moon thrilled! Not for everyone - dah. America is Great! And they likely will try to launch with no union, am I right? Breeze Airways | Love it! No per diem or overnight trips means you can forget about exploring any new cities (not that you could afford to do anything in another city anyway). Even the ME3 flight attendants start on a salary of around $3,000 per month plus housing and that is tax-free. I interviewed at Breeze a few months back. 1) Against unions: not every employee is good at negotiating. Ability and respect is earned. Does the fact that all FA positions are, looking at the website, classified as "part-time" allow them to avoid paying for health insurance? @Samuel - Housing is a big plus and at Breeze it is included. Kinda like this site makes money signing people up for credit cards. This airline is banking on their 4 year contract holding up. The Breeze pilots, once hired, will see the minimum hour guarantee as a point of shame and quickly set up union representation. This is not to fault or say any of my peers who's airlines have gone defunct (through no doing of their own) are underskilled pilots - they are well seasoned vets of an industry that was finally recovering from 9/11, the recession, age 65 rule and now COVID. But.can't raise interest. Not Germany, France, the UK, Japan, no one. Many of those interns go on to be millionaires, build businesses, and manage to be +5 insightful and funny. You can't have a million dollar dream with minimum wage work ethics. The new carrier, founded by serial aviation entrepreneur David Neeleman first teased the idea, code-named Moxy, in mid-2018. Please view our advertising policy page for additional details about our partners. Certainly in today's world that is a luxury. The airline should do fine, at least up to a certain scale. They make expensive mistakes. The wont to have pilots on there books, but wont have at the beginnig a lot of flightsSo from a business point it makes sence to have more pilots who only fligh 55h instead of having less pilots with 75h. I hope he's prepared to pay pilots a real premium, otherwise why go to a startup when the legacies will be hiring big-time. Sure, theres the free market, but this also seems borderline exploitative. Your feedback is important in helping us keep our community safe. This is a disappointment in many ways. And if I had a time machine I would go back and slap, poor, poor me silly and tell me to redirect my attention to the unlimited opportunities that were sitting right in front of me every day I drove across the lake and clocked into work. Age of planes? Seems oppressive, so they wont be seeing my business. Editorial Disclosure: The editorial content on this page is not provided by any entity mentioned herein. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Just as the cure for high prices, are high prices, the cure for low wages, are low wages. Alaska Airlines Business Card Review: 70K Miles & Lufthansas Boeing 787 Business Class: Exactly As Expected. Neeleman hopes to cut costs by designing the airline around technology, including a smartphone app that he hopes will handle all customer interactions until the day of travel, and also generate a lot of ancillary revenue. Sounds awfully low especially with a 55-hour minimum pay. First Officer 1st year $89 and $130 in year six. At 55 min, it seems like a part time job. No Per Diem. The next step from airlines would probably challenge the FAA rule of 1 FA per 50 pax. Or what if you Wow, quite a few idiot comments: 2. Friday, September 30, 2022 Contact; Advertise; About Us; Subscribe; Videos; Accessibility; 0 items $0.00; Sign in. I am over the moon thrilled! I'm much more concerned about the pilot pay scale than whatever arrangement Breeze works out with its FAs. Does New Carrier Breeze Airways Pay Pilots Enough? But I guess everyone agrees that the duties of FAs are just going down day by day. Filet mignon is perhaps being used intentionally as an example of something you can't buy onboard even a full service airline but which many people would pay for. I think they are going Myrtle Beach Direct Air style. I worked for the now defunct Bar Harbor Airlines in the 80s. And even if you talked endlessly to that reassuring gray-haired physician in the lead-up to your surgery, you know, the guy or gal who wrote the textbook on your ailment and who appears a shoe-in to be the next chairman of the school of medicine at the cutting-edge research institution where you've opted to get the very best care (you deserve it! Founded in 2018, Breeze Airways was advertised to become the Worlds Nicest Airline. 100% Upvoted. I commuted weekly on Southwest out of MDW got an apartment with 5 other classmates. There's a lot Obviously, a lot of people are not aware of what a flight attendant's role is (listen up Neeleman). Criticizing workers for lack of professional ambition is part of our toxic "professional achievement & success, income as identity" culture, especially where there are so many ways to live fulfilling lives that are not defined by constant growth of income. There have been several regionals that have gone under recently which have temporarily flooded the market with pilots. If the labor model is as stupid and exploitative as you seem to believe it is, it will fail. Its all about price. Breeze has started hiring pilots, and its making pay at some regional airlines look lucrative by comparison (and keep in mind pilots often work at regional airlines to gain experience, and eventually get a job at one of the major carriers). So, that will be difficult. Great idea. They can't profitably or even just realistically offer higher minimums than that at this point because they won't have the volume of flights. They are offering an employment model that will appeal to some people and no other airline can/will match it so the cost differences should be sustainable. May be this a good business model. With the A220 entering service in early 2022, the company will rapidly expand its network throughout the US and beyond, creating new base opportunities, very attractive lines of flying, very quick upgrades, and excellent quality of life. Maybe 3 hours. May I ask the age range that they are seeking @TravisFromORD? The initiative will see flight attendants be paid a fixed sum of $1,200 each month. Think lifeguards. I sure appreciate it. These numbers are minimums. According to the hiring website, the maximum you can work is 60 hours a month and a maximum of 12 days. Because it is an opportunity to teach them the skills to land a career or job that they would not have otherwise had a chance for. And you're worried about the quality of housing? Site Support. Never found out what would happen if you fall below 3.0. Find Salaries Clear All Claim your Free Employer Profile Website: Headquarters: Cottonwood Heights, UT Size: 501 to 1000 Employees Founded: 2018 Type: Company - Private (E-190) American would attempt to get the lowest pay rates in the industry on comparable equipment. In fact, the concept seems brilliant and hope I make it through the process and get selected. Does Breeze offer enough pay to pilots? The concept does turn on to be "too good to be true" at least for me, just based on the insurance matter alone. Students hired by Breeze under the program, however, can only work as flight attendants while they are completing the university course. For example, I recently wrote about how Breeze is only hiring flight attendants if they enroll full time in college, and live in company housing. Breeze Airways First Officers: $62,000 by year six, JetBlue First Officers: $117,000 by year six, Breeze Airways Captains: $94,000 by year six. Stay connected with the latest travel, aviation, and credit card news. For those who get hired by Breeze in this first round, I would imagine they'd be happy campers in a few years. There are rules about pilots moonlighting in order to ensure they are properly rested for duty. To help clarify that, the DoL requires that the intern cannot displace any worker, receive instruction equivalent to or complementary to enrolled coursework. Your speculation about how Breeze flight attendant will or will not make ends meet is rank speculation. 35 developed countries around the world have better healthcare than the USA and many of them don't leave their citizens without a safety net. As a retired Flight Attendant after 34 years of service I find this both offensive and sad. We wont pay for nice things. I wish more airlines provided housing options. Forgot to add to my previous post that it is two person corporate housing with private bedrooms (think Residence Inn by Marriott, like SkyWest training). I think these "internships" are not meant for people looking at a career as a flight attendant, but rather college age kids looking for a unique experience. Oh, and first crew base is MYR. So, before any taxes at all, they would be looking at $20-30/hr. The low cost price they originally show you is a scam. Only Skyworst has no union in the regional game, and they continue to get guys to sign up by force feeding the kool-aid by the tankful. The airline carrier has opted to utilize a fleet of Embraer 195s. Most people care about price and reasonably courtesy interactions. Years ago right out of college I worked as a contractor on-site at one of the biggest technology companies in the world. Generous contracts of yesteryear reflect a pre-COVID world that is nothing like the current situation. Past Flight Receipts. Per the website, FAs can work a maximum of 60 hours per month. Hire new, low hours FO with a salary that is 30% lower than the market on the promise that they will be promoted to captain in 1 year. Breeze Airways Wants To Pay Pilots How Much?! [Breeze] Airways - Airline Pilot Central Forums Eight months later our crashpad lease expired. I'm not sure anything this post really supports the hypothesis that they're underpaid. @Wendy B Gates - Breeze didn't specifically tell me I'm too old, they said I was overqualified. In this post I wanted to cover a few of the highlights of this story, because there are some really surprising tidbits in here. Housing and travel to/from work provided. David Neeleman, the founder of Breeze Airways, also started JetBlue not too long ago, but the pilot payscale for both companies is quite different. Have you gone to college? Great article !!! Schmucks! The pay scale also looks good. They are not hired to be sex symbols and keep men sexually entertained through out the flight; therefore, I could care less how old you are as long as you can save my life in the event of an emergency. The sharpest students looking for a college education do not choose online learning only from a second-tier state school. The number of terrible domestic airlines keeps increasing. And they likely will try to launch with no union, am I right? Our fares are low! $1,200 a month is an embarrassment. Not how youd describe most 70-year-olds. I'm assuming Breeze knows there's going to be a number of unemployed pilots and $77K+ a year is better than unemployment benefits. PEOPLExpress anyone? This page was updated on October 13, 2022 (Quicktake, Payscales, Fleet). It is a pity that in this country, health care should fall on the shoulders of an employer or the employee. An airline, perfect for SLC. People may weigh each differently but those are the top three for nearly all travelers. So, that will be difficult. Arron, Im neither fat, unfit or rude, ugly well maybe. Are all the posts from FAs at other airlines? An airline that keeps harassing me with upsell offers on my purchase? By clicking the Send button, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and to the use of cookies described therein, and you also consent to the collection, storage, and processing of your data in the United States where the level of data protection may be different from that in your country. Working at Breeze Airways: Employee Reviews | AFTER 4 YEARS YOUR CONTRACT IS OVER AND CANNOT BE RENEWED. This hasnt been without controversy, though. That sounds part time and probably better since you are getting paid for all of your time. Posts: 36,185. Is there a penalty for leaving early? They had over a hundred applicants. There is nothing wrong with it: young doctors tend to be closest to what's cutting edge and have read the latest medical studies and literature. You have successfully joined our subscriber list. . It does sound like not much at the moment, but I think the idea behind it, that for a starting Airline and in the pandamic, to only offer 55h minium is understandable. As a college student, I love the idea! I think Breeze will likely be cheaper while SW offers 2 free checked bags. Wondering about pilot recruitment/requirements. Many young girls and guys want to be a flight attendant from 20-65 or older. There is not a lot to do these days in an aircraft cabin. Neeleman is known for building airlines with great cultures, but I kind of have a hard time getting behind this whole concept at Breeze. Sounds very ME3. Breeze Airways PAYSCALES CAPTAIN PAY SCALE (Hourly) FIRST OFFICER PAY SCALE (Hourly) PAY CALCULATOR (Click and drag the sliders) Pay Rate: $150 Credit Time: 75 Hours Bid Periods: 1 Percentage: 1 $11,250 PAY NOTES Monthly Pay Guarantee for Line Holders: 70 hours Monthly Pay Guarantee for Reserves: 70 hours PER DIEM Scheduled pay raises: Yearly This says to me that the quality of pilot they will be recruiting will be far from the best and hence, an airline to swerve. Fingers crossed and ready to go! Log in or . Love! I think the FAA needs to look into this. They are not hired to be sex symbols and keep men sexually entertained through out the flight; therefore, I could care less how old you are as long as you can save my life in the event of an emergency. Given the circumstances, the airline carrier will be in dire need of profits to recoup its initial investments. Seems like they could be taking advantage of this particular moment in time, and the situation the industry is in. Breeze Airways Pilots are responsible for ensuring safe and timely flight operations in accordance with all Company policies and Federal Aviation Regulations. I suppose you're also going to apply the company town line to the internships that MIcrosoft, Google, and many other corporations have going for aspiring developers. I will make $15-20 per hour for my hard work on average when you figure all the work we do for free. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); My neighbor is in this program. Corporate apartments with two bedrooms. The industry does need an overall. Opinions expressed here are the authors alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities. Captains will be paid $117 per hour in year one, and $143 per hour in year six We don't really know enough at this point. Interesting model. maximum takeoff weight), Must have 500 hours of PIC in large, Group II transport category aircraft (turbojet aircraft of more than 41,000 lbs. Only Skyworst has no union in the regional game, and they continue to get guys to sign up by force feeding the kool-aid by the tankful. Scary and for sure a company that will NEVER see me on any of there planes! It's extremely spot on that the second comment on this article was written by a guy whose photo is a selfie in his car while wearing sunglasses. I knew one guy that slept in the crew lounge and wandered DEN between trips. The salary is 22.50 an hour sounds good but there is so much you don't get paid for that other airlines do. Breeze Airways provides nonstop service between underserved routes across the U.S. at affordable fares. Let's seean airline you interact with almost completely on an app staffed by young folks with no vested interest in the company or it's success.what could possibly go wrong? Before we get into the details of Breezes pilot pay, and compare it to pay at other airlines, note that: First year Breeze pilots will make $36,300. The old adage "Skilled labor isn't cheap - Cheap labor isn't skilled" still applies. This job is not nor intended to be for every young person. What sets Breeze Airways hourly salaries apart is the monthly hourly guarantee, which is only 55 hours, or at most, $7,865 per month before taxes (for Captains in their sixth year). If a pilot gets into a successful start up, the long term benefit to quality of life could be substantial and shouldn't be dismissed out of hand. Housing and travel to/from work provided. Not exclusively, but the idea of a University education is as much participating in a community of students as it is sitting in classrooms. I was one of them 20 years ago but was not treated close to as bad as this sounds. I think at a pay rate of $1,200 a month, most of their flight attendants will come from A Handmaids Tale! Breeze Airways - Pay Scale Update | Jetcareers Of course we know what Nelson is really up: unions cant stand having to compete and this model could threaten her power and the power of her union. Time away from home and on duty? I'll have fries with that, thanks. High Flex. Of course, what's needed is a severe pilot shortage to really change up the whole industry. Breeze Airways At the end of last month, the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA - AFA United Master Executive Council analyzed Breeze's program. You could sit around half a day, everyday, and not get paid for it. anything less than market rate? Why are we encouraging a race to the bottom? You have 7 days to get yourself there, find a place, sign a lease, move in, get airport badges and be ready to fly on day 8.). American would attempt to get the lowest pay rates in the industry on comparable equipment. These comments are something else. If not the comparison is poor. Breeze has promised to pay flight attendants a fixed monthly rate of $1,200, alongside an annual bursary of $6,000 and free shared company accommodation. of Labor requires that to classify a worker as an intern, the intern has to be the primary beneficiary of the position, not the company. Breeze's schedule is likely to have heavy seasonal flex. And I agree with the fellow poster RE: all very young kids, limited work experience not what Id want in an emergency. That minimum guarantee is just that, a minimum. P Glotzer (United States) 1st March 2023. Stay connected with the latest travel, aviation, and credit card news. People forget that people have different life circumstances than their own. It's not so nice to say, but the truth is that young untrained employees aren't always worth that much. Cringing at the pay rateless than $100 per day and the hours can be brutal. And I'm not convinced a bright college student can't get the job done. ), what most likely happened after you got your paralytic and your anesthesia is some slightly tired, fresh-face resident came in to practice his/her craft on you. Just the other day, the neighborhood Japanese restaurant is using robots to deliver food. Opinions expressed here are the authors alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities. And to survive afterwards, once pilots leave in droves, theyll have to drop their requirements to the lowest legal, AND pay a more than competitive wagetheyre shooting themselves in the left main. Those rates and minimums will almost certainly guarantee an ALPA swooping-in to negotiate better terms for their members. My starting pay clear back in 1983 was1500/month! Can the U.S. not have just one decent, heck even mediocre, airline? And I think at the moment there are a lot of pilots looking for work. This is absolutely exploitive. They understand that our pursuit of Excellence is not a destination, but rather, a journey. I wonder what other benefits and tax breaks Breeze gets, in exchange for providing "jobs". Here's to hoping for an actual pilot shortage in the next few years, and then we'll all be laughing at this ridiculous pay. . I'm sure safety will be first class on Breeze. Bottom line: Supply and Demand principles are at play. Breeze Airways Hiring Flight Attendants - One Mile at a Time If "older experienced flight attendants" feel somehow entitled to higher pay or don't like the legal work conditions or don't like the fact that being a flight attendant inherently means time away from family, that is not Breeze's problem. [Well] flash someone a message, Hey, we see youre flying today. According to Neeleman: Ive shared my general thoughts on Breeze in the past, though based on these updates I have a few more things to add: Breeze should be launching operations shortly, becoming the second new US airline to launch in a matter of weeks. Copyright 2005-2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. JetBlue First Officers: $89 an hour for year 1 and $130 an hour by year 6, Captains at JetBlue: $192 an hour to start, then a climb to $203 an hour by year. 1) Why not schedule surgery with a "doctor as an intern.?". Even if/though they get corporate housing (which could also be really dismal) they've still got to pay for food. It gets so tiresome. $1,200/mo if you have 15 days off and $1,400/mo if only 10. Overall, it sounds like he spent his time in Brazil calculating every aspect of his U.S. comeback. Partying and hanging out with friends is what college students are supposed to be doing. . *The whole Home Monthly is based on operational needs and must Monty, I interviewed at Breeze a few months back. A union can negotiate for the whole group, unity makes force. Good luck with that. What do you make of Breezes approach to hiring? How will Breeze compensate flight attendants? I interviewed with them for cabin crew You must be enrolled at Utah Valley University full-time and maintain 3.0 GPA. Commuting from another city to work is almost impossible when on reserve. Sounds pretty abysmal. Its unfair pay but it is a fun job and these are weird times. Nah man, cars suck. Off topic, sorry. 2) Free Travel! 909 N. Sepulveda Blvd, 11th Floor All applicants are required to have at least 1,500 total hours with 1,000 hours of. New or retreads? They know how lousy the job market is right now, and Im sure they have a very good idea of what the numbers are going to look like, not only now, but in the coming months and years when it comes to out-of-work pilots. No thank you! For the right crewmember this could be an excellent opportunity. We are in search of the best and the brightest to join our dynamic team of aviation and people enthusiasts. There is no contract (at will employment) and health insurance is provided and optional. How many people can't afford to start a new business or begin a new endeavour because they are tethered to their current employer solely because of the insurance.