Benelli is not giving me any additional information, but have stated it is damaged and they will not repair or replace the wear I have apparently done. I bought the field version 2 months ago and I love it-Lights out in field and sporting clays-LOVE IT!!! Recoil with the Browning using the two light loads was well within the comfortable range, and spent shells were ejected with authority each and every time there were no malfunctions of any kind. An 828U sport with 30 inch barrels. Benelli 828U Black Anodized & Blued 12 Gauge 3in Over Under Shotgun - 28in - A shotgun that feels and shoots like a Benelli from the moment you pick it up to the moment you break it open. Shotgun Review: Benelli 828U - Gun Dog An added benefit of the levers graceful design is that the shooting-hand thumb can rest naturally alongside it atop the receiver. Combine those conditions with several inches of snow on the ground and a temperature that failed to rise above the single digits, and the hunt proved to be the ideal opportunity to test the mettle of a gun that, at that point, still posed far more questions than it answered. I doubt anyone would have bet that the most innovative gun of the year would be an over-and-under, but that's what Benelli pulled off with the 828U, earning an Innovator's Award for 2015. - Benelli. Our shooters documented no handling problems in any of our testing. Our Team Said: We were disappointed in the looks, feel, and handling ability of Benellis first venture into the over-and-under market. I did get an exceptional deal on it. As far as technology is concerned, the Benelli 828U Shotgun stands out from the crowd with the help of next generation of recoil reduction and progressive comfort; custom fit with the QuadraFit Buttstock and Custom Fit Stock that is adjustable drop and cast; and Crio system for more uniform pattern. Add in the sub-par patterning performance, plus some ineffective target busting time on the range, and our shooters said the new 828U stack-barrel does not live up to the standards of the high-quality semiautomatic firearm innovator. The new model features a rounded forearm designed with a slight palm rest, high-relief engraving on the receiver, and ivory front and mid-bead sights. We smacked most targets with authority. 828U Sportcirca 10k carts later - Guns - ShootClay Forum It then recocks the strikers and resets the automatic safety unless a spring steel clip (below, l.) is removed. This, despite its low build cost, means that the 828U is a product condemned to please no one. I apologize if I mistook your replies for rudeness. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I have watched Benelli videos, and have owned several over under shotguns, and have never had any issue like this before. The detachable trigger module has a cocking plate that is pressed rearward by a projection when the top lever is moved to open the action. We should note that the version of the Benelli made available to us was a 26-inch-barrel anodized-aluminum receiver model, while the Browning provided featured 28-inch barrels and a silver nitrite receiver. I was in Walker MN this week and Reeds Sports had a few. Realize, too, that this was legitimate wild-bird hunting among wide-open crop fields and across rolling terrain that was as natural as pheasant habitat gets. Both the Modified and Improved Cylinder tubes delivered just under 40 percent of the strikes within a 20-inch circle around the center of the targets. As for the dimensions of the new introduction into the over-and-under market, the drop of the adjustable comb was set at 1.5 inches and drop at the heel was set at 2.25 inches when we assembled the shotgun for testing. I think that I had the barrel seared firmly in the receiver, like I said done this many times over quite a few years with other over under without issue. Make one with a steel receiver, adjustable rib 30" and 32" barrels, improve the trigger a little bit, and get rid the funky comb and people would be breaking down their door to buy one. Both receivers are sculpted to evoke the wings of a mallard in flight. A ragged pattern that might only cause a chip to fly off a clay target is acceptable on the range, but a crippling shot on a bird in the field because of ineffective pellet trauma is not. With that being said, every gun I have bought I have shot beforehand, so it would be uncharacteristic for me to buy one without trying it, though it is clear there aren't many of these around. I have been wanting to buy some benelli pens for a while now, so Im glad I bought it at a discounted price. I don't particularly care for the looks but I'm old school. It is designed to provide a stronger, tighter seal, but to our eyes, it looks like something that could be found in a semiautomatic shotgun. I'd like to hear from thoughts from some owners. ozs. But againit's hard to build a field gun with a steel receiver under 7.0 lbs in 12 ga. Reliability issues, and it was just too light for a serious competition gun. A point of potential mechanical wear, the hinge pins, while relatively small in diameter, are made of steel and serve only to pivot the monobloc on the receiver. Both versions have sold very poorly and have had issues. I'm seriously into shooting, I'm not a troll, and I have a lot of respect for the knowledge and experience of the people who post here frequently. Removing two more screws frees it for access to a nut on a stock bolt that fixes one of two metal drop plates. It tipped the scales at 7.75 pounds and measured 44.75 inches in length, with our team finding no fault in its heft or handling ability. Benelli 828U Shotguns for Sale - They point and swing super well. In combination with five drop shims and four cast shims, each of which fits between the receiver and buttstock, a few minutes of tinkering can result in 40 different combinations of stock adjustment. Excellent - 95%+ condition with or without box. This, despite its low build cost, means that the 828U is a product condemned to please no one. Discuss firearms, politics, 2nd amendment news. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Plus, there are some markets not open to semi-automatics, such as Australia, that we wanted to enterto expand and add an additional horse to the team. He said the gun was initially conceived as being less for competitive clays shooters and more for general sporting and hunting customers. Barrel lengths offered are 26-, 28-, and 30-inch. Pressing it fully through its arc first withdraws two barrel locking pins from their recesses in the monobloc then rotates a lever fitted with a roller within the receiver that presses back a cocking plate in the trigger module to load the striker springs. That truism may be one of the reasons why the release of a first-ever over/under produced by veteran semiautomatic manufacturer Benelli was greeted with such fanfare. Oof. 31,328 views Sep 10, 2020 460 Dislike Share Save Go Shooting 15.5K subscribers Subscribe Russell and Lauryn Mark review the new Benelli 828u Sport, a firearm that breaks many of the traditional. People are not being rude, but they are probably of the opinion that casting rose petals on a pile of dooty will not improve the stench. And the birds we encountered were not only tough and of good size, but wary, running and flushing sometimes hundreds of yards ahead of the dogs. A carbon-fibre rib sits atop the 30in barrels, and a unique, patented steel locking system has been developed by Benelli's engineers to reduce wear and tear on the action. Feb 5th, 2020. Download the appropriate manual for your Benelli shotgun or rifle. They do support the Franchi line, which isn't exactly an endorsement. American Rifleman Assistant Editor Christopher Olsen, a dedicated hunter and clays shooter, described it as fast-handling and its balance as perfect. His sentiments were reinforced by his sister, Samantha, another NRA employee and a collegiate-level trap shooter. Benelli 828u Sport Review - sirfasr 828U Sport, always black, steel action so heavier, better recoil characteristics. I've own 'B' guns, SKB's, and Rizzini O/U's. The 828U does not disappoint in that regard, balancing well directly at the hinge point. Benelli 828U Questions | Shotgun Forum When innovation and inspiration collided the 828U was born the first over/under worthy of the Benelli Not sure how far you are from Ogden UT or Salt Lake City, looks like Impact Guns has a few in stock. My friend that I go to S.D. Poor patterns, weak target hits, and uninspiring features all contributed to our low grade for this shooting tool. Its not like its a Chevy Have you got Scheel's where you live? The Benelli 828U is a major disappointment and an outright embarrassment. It makes the gun handle, and perform better in the long term. Benelli 828 U | Ultimate Pheasant Hunting Forums Following the sale of Remington Outdoor Company's assets in September 2020, Vista Outdoor purchased Remington Ammunition. Barrels are soldered to a monobloc that is machined to accept sears that are set to either extract shells or, if activated by the impulse of the shells expanding hull, forcefully eject them from the gun. The stock A subject close to my heart, and one I can grasp more easily than the benefits of a replaceable breech face, is gun fit. & hasn't had any problems with it that I know of. ETHOS Shotgun Product Manual (11 MB) For: ETHOS Sport Shotguns, ETHOS . Both inserting and withdrawing shells and spent hulls, even with a gloved hand, is noticeably less difficult than with many other over-unders and a real boon in the field when reloading. Culminating in the 1993 introduction of the Super Black Eagle, one of the first semi-automatics capable of firing 2", 3" and 3" shells, the Inertia Drive system proved reliable to a fault throughout two-and-a-half decades of service in a series of models. Benelli Armi SpA of Urbino, Italy, is a relative newcomer to the gun business, having emerged in 1967 from its parent motorcycle manufacturing concern with an idea for a new type of shotgun action. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. BE SURE TO SHOOT IT FIRST! Benelli has very little experience with over/unders. The design provides steel-on-steel lockup that fully contains the forces of firing. The company promoted the design as Inertia Drivea form of delayed-blowback operationbut, in a twist of literary serendipity, the ID label came to be synonymous with its corporate identity. Benelli 828U Sport Over/Under Shotgun Review - Guns and Ammo Should not take a lot of force to snap closed. Better triggers - when they work - mine used to go 'click' fail to strike the primer , target lost. I can keep both pens in one pocket and write with the one that is bigger and easier to reach. The breech block also contains the spring-loaded firing pins, making them easily replaceable should the need arise. They are not cheap as they run about $2,300 for the black receiver and $2,600 for the silver receiver. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. But if you look at the under side of the safety lever with the trigger group out and work it back and forth you can see studs on both sides that ride under spring arms. I.e Beretta, Browning, Ceasar. I believe his 828 has 30's and that might have been by choice as he is a smaller guy. It fit me very well (needed to switch to a lower drop shim). I have to admit I pondered getting a Benelli 828U as a 'wet weather gun' rather than taking the 'P' gun out on foul days - it's not like it comes to any harm but it's a beautiful tool that deserves better (maybe an owner that could match it's capabilities would help too ).). They introduced a 20 gauge version this year. Says they are LH in 12 gauge, but should give you a feel for the gun and you can order what you want then. Buddy went with the Fabarm. I thought it felt very much like my super vinci in regards to the balance and mounting. 8 shot and an average muzzle velocity of 1,200 fps. Back at the office, during the course of several weeks shooting in different settings and throughout several hundred shells worth of varied ammunitionwhether plastic- or paper-hulled, having high or low brass heads and in various payload weights and velocitiesan informal test group encountered no failures with our nickel-finish, 28"-barreled test sample. Shooting just a little high is exactly what a field shotgun should do to handle rising targets. The 828U and it's sporting counterpart are simply ill designed for heavy sporting use.