If your puppy is 7 months old and he still has floppy ears you may consult the wet and try some of the methods many owners suggest such as the Pink roller method, Ear forms, or some other. He has strong protective and territorial instincts. Instead, German Malinois puppies are a cross between a German Shepherd and a Belgian Malinois. The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2022. This can lead to them chasing after cars, other animals, and even children. Quick learners and adaptable, Miniature Schnauzers can be just as happy living in a city apartment or in the country. They're tallup to 2 feet at the shoulders!and always alert, with perked-up ears; kind, dark chocolate eyes; and a slightly bushy tail. Patience is keywhen waiting for your Mals ears to become straight. Get practical pet health tips, articles, and insights from our veterinary community delivered weekly to your inbox. When fully grown, male Belgian Malinois are typically 24-26 inches tall and 60-80 pounds, while females stand about 22-24 inches tall and weigh 40-60 pounds. Ears that hang or fold over at the tip will disqualify a dog for American Kennel Club shows. The Malinois was one of four varieties of Belgian Shepherd Dog in use in the late 1800s. 22-26 in. This is perfectly normal and does not mean that the other ear wont catch up. His ears as well. They were mostly used as guard dogs and herding dogs. German Shepherd Dog vs. Belgian Malinois: How To Tell The Difference if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'pawsandlearn_com-sky-4','ezslot_27',173,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pawsandlearn_com-sky-4-0');Some signs that your Mals ear infection has been left too long include symptoms of: Long-term complications can arise if the ear infection is left untreated. Although it can be concerning for owners, there are multiple reasons why this can happen. They thrive when they have a job and are extremely well-suited to becoming a working dog, such as in police and military operations. These traits can make them phenomenal petsif theyre in the right household with an active, experienced pet parent. Her reasoning was it holds them upright while everything is growing.This is not recommended though because your dog might rebel and try to eat the tampon. First edition, St. Martins Press, 2019. Belgian Malinois Dog Breed Information & Characteristics - Daily Paws Dr. Harrison is part of The Spruce Pets veterinary review board. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'arcanapets_com-leader-4','ezslot_13',141,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-arcanapets_com-leader-4-0');Many Mal owners use Breath Right Strips. The other three varieties are the Tervuren, the Groenendael,and the Laekenois. Both breeds are high energy and need a job to do to help stimulate their mind and keep them happy. Belgian Malinois are born with folded ears but their ears should straighten as they get older. Bathing when dirty, brushing once or twice a week, and clipping the nails will keep your Malinois in great condition. Size: Weight Range: Male: 55-75 lbs. The Belgian Malinois is roughly the same height as the German Shepherd, with males standing around 24-26 inches and females at 22-24 inches, but they are smaller, at 60-80 pounds and 40-60 pounds respectively. It should be very short on the head, ears and lower legs. The tail is likewise strong, curving upwards during work. Since German Shepherds and Belgian Malinois are comparable in a number of ways, breeding these two breeds leads to an intelligent and hardworking dog. Good With: Kids, other dogs, cats 7 Reasons Why your Belgian Malinois Follows you Everywhere! Long-term complications of ear infections. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'arcanapets_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-arcanapets_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'arcanapets_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',114,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-arcanapets_com-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-114{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. . It is even very common for a puppys ears to perk up but then drop back down again before finally coming to their final height. But if your Mal is 7 months old and his ears havent stood up yet, then you might consider a few options to help him. Just make sure your pet is on a diet that is appropriate for their agepuppy food should be given until your pet is at least 1 year old before switching to adult dog food. Leave in until the roller falls out. Oftentimes their ears are thick not only because of their strong cartilage but because they are a double-coated dog breed. Official Standard for the BELGIAN MALINOIS - ABMC We like this glucosamine from Doggie Dailies. Owner tricks and tips to help your Belgian Malinoissears stand up faster. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Talk to your veterinarian, otherBelgian Malinois owners, reputable breeders, dog trainers, and rescue groups to learn more. The Belgian Malinois (pronounced MAL-in-wah) is a large herding dog. Their facial masks and their ears are largely black in color, while the underparts of their body, tails and breeches are light fawn. Bred to work, Mals are packed with powerful muscles, yet their bodies have an elegant appearance. Belgian Malinois are born with floppy ears that fold over adorably into little triangles at the top of their heads. The Belgian Shepherd (also known as the Belgian Sheepdog, Belgian Malinois, or the Chien de Berger Belge) is a breed of medium-sized herding dog from Belgium.While predominantly considered a single breed, it is bred in four distinct varieties based on coat type and colour; the long-haired black Groenendael, the rough-haired fawn Laekenois, the short-haired fawn Malinois, and the long-haired . Disclaimer: This blog and all its content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional pet medical advice. Its not only important for cartilage but also vitamin C is a great source of antioxidants. Belgian Malinois typically weigh 40-80 pounds, while German Shepherds can weigh 50-90 pounds. Back To Dog Breeds. Walks are simply not enough for this breed. The Belgian Malinois dog breed is known for its adorable ears that stand up straight; however, some Belgian Malinois owners often wonder why their new puppys ears are floppy. Since puppies are born blind and deaf they must develop the most critical aspects of their bodies first. Your puppy should have enough protein to help them grow but not so much that they gain weight unnecessarily or grow too quickly. Ears should stand up as soon as the teething process is finished. Why are the ears on some Belgian Malinois floppy? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'arcanapets_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-arcanapets_com-leader-1-0'); If you are looking for a more natural way to include Glucosamine in your Mals diet then whole food might be a good choice : If you feed your Malinois with raw food, the whole food option wont be a problem but if your Malinois is eating only dry food for dogs, try to switch at least 10% of dry food to whole food. They do shed seasonally twice a year, so dont be surprised if you see more hair on the floor in the fall and spring. Will your dog have a job to do to keep them busy and engaged? Dont panic if your Malinois still has drooping ears at the age of 5 months. Their coat is designed to withstand harsh weather. One of the breed's trademarks is its high head carriage. For dogs that have been trained, the level of training further dictates the cost. Belgian Malinois were first bred near the city of Malines in Belgium, where they got their name. Unfortunately, there is no treatment for PRA, but a good Belgian Malinois breeder will screen the parents before breeding so the condition doesnt get passed on to their offspring. This should not worry you, its only temporary. Their strong protective instincts make Belgian Malinoises excellent guard dogs. Size. Breed Group. That would not be a good thing! They approach an equilateral triangle shape. They also can make an excellent companion for the right person, especially an active household. If you have Belgian Malinois, I am sure a food choice is an important issue. Chewing helps your Mals to relieve the pain that comes from teething. It is a good idea to ask your vet how often you should be cleaning your Mals ears because each dog differs. Although calcium is super important for bone development, its not crucial for cartilage. Although appearance is often noted, the feel of a Belgian Malinoiss ears is interesting as well. For more about this topic, visit Neuticles permastay (article link). AKC actively advocates for responsible dog ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports. Simply brushing their coat occasionally with the right dog brushes (a medium-bristle brush, a rubber grooming mitt, or a hound glove will work) is adequate for keeping your Belgian Malinois healthy. Versatile by nature, Belgian Malinois are popular working dogs throughout the military and police communities. You may also want to check your Mals ears often for: Shaving Your Belgian Malinois (When To and When Not to Do It.). Exercise Requirements: >40 minutes/day Energy Level: Very energetic Longevity Range: 10-12 yrs. Zipcode: 70634. She said she did it for about a week and a half and they started to stand up on their own. Do Belgian Malinois ears stand up? There is a video on Youtube that explains how to use those strips. Black Belgian Malinois: Things To Know - The Goldens Club The Belgian Malinois is an enthusiastic and quick dog with a natural tendency to be in motion. Are you wondering when your Belgian Malinois ears should stand up, what you can do to help, and what you should do if theyre not up on time? A breed-specific trainer will be able to help train your dog for jobs that can stimulate their minda critical aspect for this breed. Add some food to your Mals diet that increases the amount of calcium it gets such as a tablespoon of plain yogurt or no-fat cottage cheese. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. They are often used as guard dogs, watchdogs and livestock guardians - there is very little that this hardworking dog cannot do. Example of Malinois puppy with floppy ears. You might read in some articles that this is happening due to a teething process and redistribution of calcium but the truth is that calcium is not needed for proper cartilage build-up. The Belgian Malinois can be quite an intense dog with a high prey drive and instinct to chase and herd. Female: 40-60 lbs. Mar 28, 2016 Date of Birth. Belgian Malinois Puppies For Sale. German Shepherd: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care, Boston Terrier: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care, Belgian Laekenois: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care, Belgian Sheepdog: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care, Cane Corso: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care, Dutch Shepherd (Dutch Herder): Dog Breed Characteristics & Care, Beauceron: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care, Bouvier des Flandres: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care, Icelandic Sheepdog: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care, American Pit Bull Terrier: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care, Spanish Water Dog: Breed Characteristics & Care. The Mali's feet are small and rounded, and they are similar to cats feet. High-quality puppy food should contain enough calcium so never give calcium supplements to your dog without a consultation with your vet. If your Mal puppy has had erected ears at some point and then they both or only one ear has drooped, most probably the reason is the development of Frontalis and Temporalis muscles on top of its head. TheBelgian Malinoisis a medium to large herding dog breed with a short coat and a square, well-balanced build that's native to Belgium. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'arcanapets_com-box-4','ezslot_3',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-arcanapets_com-box-4-0'); The ears are made of cartilage and not bone. This breed also is an excellent candidate fordog sportsor any activity that involves focus and endurance to challenge it mentally and physically. Since there is a number of studies about a raw diet, vets and dogs associations are either for or strongly against feeding We are pet lovers and we want to share our experience with pets that we gathered over the years. Founded in 1884, the not-for-profit AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for all dogs. The history of the Belgian Malinois goes back to the 1880s when these dogs (with German shepherds, French shepherds and Dutch shepherds) were called continental shepherd dogs. They should be fully erected at the age of 8 months. Belgian Malinois. The Belgian Malinois, along with the Groenendael, was the first variety to appear in the United States in the early part of the 1900s. Miniature Schnauzers are square-bodied dogs with wiry coats. The ears are typically firm and small in proportion to the head and body size. Belgian Malinois specifically have very unique communication signals that often involve the ears. Wait for the adhesive to dry to a putty texture so it wont drip but will still adhere. Some people prefer the Pink Roller Method. What to Know About Belgian Malinois - WebMD The coat should be comparatively short and straight, hard enough to be weather resistant, with a dense undercoat. Or check out this popular hack from a dog trainer YouTuber. An early period trauma can also be the cause. | When & How To Help, Why Do Police Use Belgian Malinois? The Belgian Malinois is a double-coated breed and will generally shed twice a year. While this can certainly have its benefits, it can also make it difficult to have guests or strangers come into the house. Insert the roller inside the dogs ears and wrap the ears around the rollers. . The Belgian Malinois is a working breed with needs only an experienced owner can meet. The Belgian Malinois has been one of the most widely used working dogs for hundreds of years, but it recently came to spotlight when Seal Team Six used a Malinois to hunt and capture Osama Bin Laden. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'arcanapets_com-leader-3','ezslot_12',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-arcanapets_com-leader-3-0'); You should regularly check your dogs poop and look for tapeworms, roundworms, or pinworms. These dogs also require proper training and socialization to ensure they are well-mannered. The Belgian Malinois is a stunning purebred dog that was raised to herd animals. Select Your Region (opens a modal dialog), 2021 Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc. As used herein, denotes registered trademark status in the U.S. only; registration status in other geographies may be different. Belgians make excellent pets for the right homes, as they thrive on loving companionship. An untreated ear infection can lead to serious long-term complications or may result in your dog needing surgery. The lips are thin, tight and strongly pigmented black. Here are some things that you can do to set your puppy up for success. That said, Belgian Malinois are predisposed to a few medical issues. For further information to help connect you with a Belgian Malinois, check out: Might not be appropriate for families with small children, Requires lots of activity and mental stimulation. If you bring a puppy with a perfect genetics background to your home, the rest its on you. However, there are a few key differences between them. Belgian Malinois are not your typical dog breed. If this does occur, surgery can be performed by a veterinary ophthalmologist to replace the lens. As the dog gets older, the ears will begin to straighten up. A good rule of thumb is that the ears should be erect by the time your puppy has finished teething. Belgian Malinois are supposed to have erect ears, and ears that flop or have folded over tips are not considered appropriate according to the breed standard. There are several things that need to be considered before bringing a Belgian Malinois into your home. This will influence the cartilage and ears upright position. Although, each Belgian Malinois is different and you must learn what your own Mal is communicating to you. Cleaning your Mals ears is a crucial step in avoiding any potential issues that could arise. Other times, genetics are at fault for an ear that does not straighten. The Belgian Malinois is a confident, intelligent working dog that takes pride in a job well done. Nervous, fearful, anxious, submissive, lack of confidence, Husky Hair Care (Complete Grooming Guide). Today, Belgian Malinois are often seen in the U.S. military and police forces. The Malinois, or Belgian Malinois, is one of four Belgian sheepdogs that originated in the North of Belgium in the 1800s. The temporalis muscle is directly involved in giving a Malinois that upright ears look. Many owners dont think about chew toys as related to the ears, but in fact, having good chew toys will exercise your puppys jaw, neck, and head. Well cover all that and more in the following. Find more dog breeds and dog care information at Hillspet.com. Lifespan. It is also possible they may not be purebred but are mixed with another breed that has floppy ears. the Belgian Malinois breed bounce back in the 1950s and 1960s. Again, training and socialization should begin when your Belgian Malinois puppy is young and continue throughout their life. Its important to assess the following to determine whether this breed is right for you: Are you able to provide this high-energy breed with the physical and mental outlets they need? Belgian Malinois temperament. They are also a very high-energy breed that needs lots of exercise and stimulation. Belgian Malinois dont have very specific dietary requirements. A Belgian Malinois breeder I talked with says that it takes longer for the female puppys ears to pop up than the males. Belgian Malinois are incredibly loyal and smart, but theyre also high-energy dogs that need a lot of exercise and stimulation.