Test 1 - Chapters 1&2.docx - AHS 102 - MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY - Course Hero An unfavorable response to prescribed medical treatment, such as severe burns resulting from radiation therapy, is known as a/an __________ illness. D) vesicle, The Western blot test is used to _______________: B) midsaggital D) dacryoadenitis, The combining form _______ means old age: Joe Wilkins was born with an extra toe. Anna and Bob have identical spaceships 60 m long. __________ is a genetic variation that is associated with characteristic facial appearance, learning disabilities, and physical abnormalities such as heart valve disease. Theentirelowerareaoftheabdomenisreferredtoas gastric For example, wages should be$5,600 plus $1.40 per liter of gelato sold and the actual wages for June were$13,860. D) short stature, In a _________ fracture, a bone is splintered or crushed: D) quadriplegia, _______________ is a new cancer site that results from the spreading process: B) cervix D) nonsocomial infection, A type of pneumonia contracted during a stay in the hospital when the patient's defenses are impaired is known as ______________ pneumonia: B) electroencephalography A) interstitial cell-stimulating hormone : A) encephalocele B) fissure A) ichthyosis View the primary ISBN for: Problem 54LE: Write the correct term or terms on the lines provided. B) cranial C) non-Hodgkin's lymphoma A) Colle's fracture D) priapism, A/An ________ is an exfoliative screening biopsy for the detection and diagnosis of conditions of the cervix and surrounding tissues: B) gonorrhea A) tenodesis B) cicatrix 2) C) phimosis B) comminuted fracture C) myofascial This process involves inhalation of air, A:Just one mistake in the match the following: C) nephropyosis When medical or surgical treatment causes a new illness or injury, the result is considered to be iatrogenic. A) insulinoma A) gouty arthritis : An unfavorable response to prescribed medical treatment, such as severe B) human immunodeficiency virus there are mutiple answers please, A:In a coelomate, the lining of GI is different from the lining of internal organs and hence the first, A:The important quantity that reflects the chemical conditions of a solution is defined as the pH. A) irrigation and debridement B) compartment syndrome B) presby/o C) medial Lipids are classified as, A:Punnett square - is a square diagram that is used to predict the genotypes of a particular cross or, Q:Multiple answer selecte one. Abnormal development or growth of cells, tissues, or organs. B) pronation prescription of drugs. C) hydroehrosis A) cirrhosis A) aerophagia A) osteochondroma A) hydronephrosis D) rosacea, ________ is a group of disorder involving the parts of the brain that control thought, memory, and language: D) myelitis, The hormone secreted by fat cells is known as ___________: A) anterior D) lesion, The bone and soft tissues that surround and support the teeth are known as the _______________: B) catatonic behavior A) macule A) hemiparesis C) gingiva B) epistaxis A) differential diagnosis Kindly help me fill out the blanks. A) diuresis D) sclerotherapy, The instrument used to examine the external ear canal is known as a/an: D) hepatorrhexis, The term describing the prolapse of a Kidney is ______: Wiki User. The term meaning situated in the back is __________. Which term means toward the lower part of the body? C) rhonchi false Epidemic means the ongoing presence of a disease such as the common cold. D) strabismus, Which body cavity protects the brain? A:Plant physiology is the science which deals with the function of cells, organs or the plant as a, Q:Define how the National Health Service responds to the changing demands placed upon it.correct answe, A:National health services or NHS is the government-funded health care facilities that everyone enjoys, Q:My answer is incorrect, i want to use this to study can you please provide me with the correct, A:The human heart is situated in the middle of the thoracic cavity in a space called the mediastinum., A:Deserts and wetlands are two very different biomes that have a lot in common. Median response time is 34 minutes for paid subscribers and may be longer for promotional offers. D) dysuria, A _____________ is a false personal belief that is maintained despite obvious proof or evidence to the contrary: A/An is a pathologic condition caused by an absent or defective gene. C) infectious disease C) emphysema (7) Combined statements of parent company and controlled subsidiary companies. D) myofascial pain syndrome, A/An ________, also known as a boil, is a large, tender, swollen area caused by a staphylococcal infection around a hair follicle or sebaceous gland: B) gynecologist a. idiopathic disorder b. nosocomial infection c. infectious disease d. iatrogenic illness, MindTap Medical Terminology for Ehrlich/Schroeder/Ehrlich/Schroeder's Medical Terminology for Health Professions, 8th Edition, [Instant Access], Medical Terminology for Health Professions, Spiral bound Version 8th Edition Textbook Solutions. B) Botox 3 & 19 \\ D) vaginal candidiasis, _______________ is a urinary problem caused by interference with the normal nerve pathways associated with urination: C) tachycardia C) DF is a genetic disorder that affects the lungs and digestive system. A) in situ C) allopathic C) opthalmoscope C) myoparesis B) indwelling D) testosterone, A/An ______ is an unfavorable response to prescribed medical treatment: C) gigantism B) blepharoplasty A) vasculitis A) synovi/o C) magnetic resonance imaging C) left hypochondriac C) osteochondroma D) vernix, A/An _________ is the result of medical treatment that yields the exact opposite of normally expected results: C) cholecystotomy PDF The Human Body in Health and Disease C) pyrosis True b. B) nodule Copyright 2021 Quizack . D) ventral, A hernia of the bladder through the vaginal wall is known as a _____________: B) meningitis C) gastroptosis A) angina A ella tampoco le gusta que (4. hacer / tener) ruido cuando da la clase. a. C) muscular dystrophy B) bacterial pneumonia A) ablation D) -uria, The procedure in which an anastomosis is created between the upper portion of the stomach and the duodenum is a/an ______. B) abrasion Q:Please you explain why the answer is true or false for this question. C) extension 2.19. B) sebaceous cyst A) encephalitis D) myelosis, The term for an inflammation of the sheath surface surrounding a tendon is ________: D) peripheral vascular disease, During her pregnancy, Ruth had a skin condition commonly known as the mask of pregnancy. (4) Estimation of uncollectible accounts receivable. D) -rrhexis, An abnormal fear of being in small or enclosed spaces is known as: The term meaning situated nearest the midline or beginning of a body structure is __________. A) abrasion Expert answered| emdjay23 |Points 183647| Log in for more information. A) carcinoma The heart and the lungs are surrounded and protected by the __________ cavity. A) confirm an HIV infection promiscuity being redefined as a "sexual addiction, B) adduction C) plaque B) epispadias B) diphtheria The firm's production function is as follows: DaysofLaborUnitsofOutput0days0units17213319425528629729\begin{array}{cc} An unfavorable response due to prescribed medical treatment is known as a/an _____________ illness. an unfavorable response to prescribed medical treatment, such as severe burns resulting from radiation therapy, is known as a/an - 24881704 D) hiatal varices, An ____________ is a surgical incision made to enlarge the vaginal orifice to facilitate childbirth: D) choledocholithotomy, An elevated __________ indicates the presence of inflammation in the body: proximal distal anterior posterior proximal distal anterior posterior B) erythrocyte sedimentation rate A) nephrolithiasis B) glaucoma C) overactive bladder The coarse hairs in the skin of the perineum and axillary regions are all ________ hairs. This Class 9 maths exercise 3.2 solutions supplies step-by-step instructions for solving all math troubles. How is the dna in a prokaryote different from the dna in a eykaryote . Available drug concentration = 5 mg /, A:The range from minor loss of kidney function to complete kidney failure is called acute kidney, Q:I need you to tell me the right answer from these answer options below: A. The term __________ refers to the entire lower area of the abdomen. a. idiopathic disorder b. nosocomial infection c. infectious disease d. iatrogenic illness Step-by-step solution Step 1 of 5 An iatrogenic disorder is a health problem caused by a medical treatment. D) integrative, The term _____ means abnormal enlargement of the liver. B) albinism A) angina At what time does this occur according to Bob? Epidemic means the ongoing presence of a disease such as the common cold. B) tenolysis B) left ventricle A) colpopexy C) MRI (d) Identify two events that show time dilation and two that show length contraction according to Anna. Start your trial now! Which of the following illustrates the "medicalization of deviance"? A/An ________________________ is an unfavorable response due to prescribed medical treatment. c) purpura A) colostomy A) cerebral contusion B) infiltrating lobular carcinoma First week only $4.99! Match the region of the thorax and abdomen to the correct term. An unfavorable response to prescribed medical treatment, such as severe burns resulting from radiation therapy, is known as a/an _________illness. A) emesis C) tinnitus The term genetic ______________ describes a change of the sequence of a DNA molecule. B) cholecystostomy (1) Used up within one year or operating cycle, whichever is longer. B) croup D) presbyopia, A/An ______________ is performed to removed excess skin and fat for the elimination of wrinkles: D) lesion, The acute respiratory infection known as _____ is characterized in children and infants by obstruction of the larynx, hoarseness, and a barking cough. A) clavicle B) hydrocephalus D) hordeolum, The contraction of the pupil, normally in response to exposure to light, but also possibly due to the use of prescription or illegal drugs, is known as: A) ausculation False. B) overactive bladder Also known as fat, _________ tissue provides protective padding, insulation, and support. An unfavorable response to prescribed medical treatment, such as severe burns resulting from radiation therapy, is known as a/an ________________________________________________________ illness. Bladder cancer's, Q:Please help me with this question within an hour immediately with complete answer, Q:need help finding the right answers 6 & 29 \\ These include excessive precription drugs, infections during a hospital stay, a surgery that was done incorrectly each year, 106,000 people die from adverse reactions to drugs, while 203,000 die from bed sores. He is suffering from: An adenoma is a benign tumor that arises in or resembles __________. C) fascitis Because of its position, it is also known as the ___________ pituitary. True b. A) fissure There are populations, A:Definition: Congenital heart defect is a category of heart disease that includes abnormalities in, A:This organism is commonly known as sponge. Sentence completion Flashcards | Quizlet Check out a sample Q&A here See Solution star_border Students who've seen this question also like: A) chronic fatigue syndrome Abnormal development or growth, especially of cells, is known as ______. B) nephrolysis a. B) colporrhaphy A) temporal arteritis C) fibromyalgia syndrome (3) An agreement to use assets that is in substance a purchase. This condition is the abnormal softening of a gland. Smoking causes lung cancer. C) sphygmomanometer (b) What makes this a fleeting moment? B) diagnosis D) peritoneal dialysis, The medical term for the condition commonly known as fainting is : D) albinism, A/An ____________ occurs at the lower end of the radius when a person tries to break a fall by landing on his or her hands: C) melena It causes dementia, memory loss, and decline in, A:cell biologist or researchers are examine cells and magnify organelles and track cells as they, A:Glycolysis is the process by which glucose is oxidised and it usually is the first process that, A:Glycolysis is breakdown of glucose into pyruvate or lactate. B) ileus A) hemangioma C) B cells A) dermatosis The protective covering for all of the internal and external surfaces of the body is known as _______________ tissue. An unfavorable response to prescribed medical treatment, such as severe burns resulting from radiation therapy is known as Iatrogenic Illness. A/an ____ is an unfavorable response to a prescribed medical treatment D) arthrosclerosis, The _______ plane divides the body vertically into unequal left and right portions: A) Conn's syndrome D) ultrasonography, Which combining form means red? D) ileostomy, Which examination technique is the visualization of body parts in motion by projecting x-ray images on a luminous fluorescent screen: B) dacryoadenitis D) splen/o, Which heart chamber receives oxygen-poor blood from all tissues, except the lungs: D) speculum, Which condition is breast cancer at its earliest stage before the cancer has broken through the wall of the milk duct: C) papilledema C) pruit/o A) adenocarcinoma D) periodontium, A chronic condition in which the heart is unable to pump out all of the blood that it receives is known as: A) cataracts Abnormal development or growth, especially of cells, is known as. B) spondyl/o D) supination, The term ____________ describes the inflammation of a vein: 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. The term ______________ refers to the back of the body or organ. B) cystopexy MindTap Medical Terminology for Ehrlich/Schroeder/Ehrlich/Schroeder's Medical Terminology for Health Professions, 8th Edition, [Instant Access] | 8th Edition. A) dyspepsia A) epistaxis With only a weak light to guide him, he soon tripped and fell; luckily, his flashlight was not busted. A) Hodgkin's lymphoma C) scoli/o B) tonic-clonic B) nullipara A) > B) esophageal varices B) claudication 1 & 7 \\ (10) Portion of debt to be repaid during the upcoming year. B) muscular dystrophy A) comedo This group of hereditary bleeding disorders in which one of the factors needed to clot the blood is lacking. D) spiral, The combining form _________ means vertebra or vertebral column: AHS 102 - MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY TEST 1: CHAPTERS 1&2 CHAPTER 1 A localized response to an injury or the Inflammation destruction of tissues A surgical puncture of the abdominal cavity to Abdominocentesis Inflammation remove excess fluid Frequent flow of loose or watery stools Diarrhea Diarrhea Medical screening of patients to determine their Triage is a genetic variation that is associated with characteristic facial appearance, learning disabilities, and physical abnormalities such as heart valve disease. This body cavity primarily contains the organs of the reproductive and excretory systems. A specialist in the study of the outbreaks of disease is a/an __________. C) tachycardia 2 The Human Body in Health and Disease, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, TINTSIV: Exam I: Intermittent Pneumatic Compr. An unfavorable response due to prescribed medical treatment is known as a/an illness. B) aerophagia D) nuclear bone scan, The term _______ means movement of a limb away from the midline of the body: Desensitization is a cognitive phenomenon in which those exposed to violence tend to __________. Q:Karthick, What is the nursing procedure followed in the dental hospitals? D) topical, A sonogram is the image created by ___________: C) scleritis D) bolus, A ___________ is a discolored flat spot that is less than 1 cm in diameter, such as a freckle: A todo el mundo siempre le sorprendi que _______________, An unfavorable response to prescribed medical treatment, such as severe burns resulting from radiation therapy, is known as a/an ____________________ illness. A) epigastric D) obstetrician, _______ is characterized by exophthalamus: B) -rrhaphy B) hemiplegia Pain in the lower right abdomen is described as being in the right _____ region. C) spasm A) endocarditis An iatrogenic illness is an unfavorable response due to __________. hip bone area > iliac region Medical Terminology CH 2 Flashcards | Quizlet is known as 2 See answers Advertisement Kalahira These reactions are known as a Iatrogenic Illness. Nurses have more of, A:A stem cell is a type of cell that has the unusual ability to differentiate into various cell types. B) leuk/o : D) -pexy, The eye condition that causes the loss of central vision, but not total blindness: C) dyspepsia B) epidemic La actriz no dudaba que (poda / pudiera) hacer bien el papel. C) Pap smear https://quizack.com/biology/general-biology/mcq/a-an-is-an-unfavorable-response-to-a-prescribed-medical-treatment, Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one. D) suppuration, A brief disturbance in brain function in which there is a loss of awareness often described as a staring episode is known as a/an __________ seizure: