He knew that after the lawsuit he was not going to be easy, but he was drowning more and more. Eddie is cuddling a very sleepy Buck, who just so happens to be wearing Eddie's work coat. Delirious almost as he stumbles to the couches where Eddie has settled down. Or Bucks nervous about his first day as Captain of the 118 but Eddies there to encourage him because he knows Buck can do it. I don't know what am I supposed to do? Rain, crashing against the visor, the flashlight still on and flickering in the storm. While the amnesia is temporary, perhaps what he learns from a brief fresh start won't be.------Or, the typical Buck gets amnesia fic that everybody loves. Or can his new and old life blend seamlessly into something better? Hes shocked at the things he sees because all of the ingredients are sitting on the kitchen table and Eddies just looking at them like he doesnt know what to do first. It takes a breakdown, a factory fire and a hospital visit for Buck to finally come to terms with some things. I didn't want to drag you into my shit again. He's literally trying to hold onto air. He was met with the most lovesick look on the other his face. Howard Chimney Han thinks of himself as a very tolerant and laid back man. Buck thought that Eddie felt the same, that their feelings of more than just being platonic best friends was mutual. But a simple question sends him into an anxiety attack. (Which, as they realized later, should have been the first clue that something was not right with Buck. Experimentally, Evan looks down at his hands and bunches them both into fists. Whats so special about tonight?, Eddie blinked, Um- Its Chris science fair. He looked out the window and over at the people talking by the kitchen. Buck thought that Eddie felt the same, that their feelings of more than just being platonic best friends was mutual. Tagged as Buddie because chances are, it'll happen eventually.Tagged as Minor Character Death because they're first responders not super-heros. By June 21, 2022 springhill elementary school calendar on 911 fanfiction buck ignored June 21, 2022 springhill elementary school calendar on 911 fanfiction buck ignored - Cmo sabes que no me haba quedado dormido? That time Buck was a liar who lied about a cold hours before he was about to perform.
forgotten by some, remembered by you, a 9-1-1 fanfic | FanFiction Thats just so He lets out a strangled laugh. For a moment, he closes his eyes against the emotions building like a maelstrom, struggles to take in another breath of his own, before he tries again. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), Hed hit the ground, wind knocked out of him, but it didnt matter because Buck was stranded, suspended in the air as a perfect, unmoving target for the next strike. Javy "Coyote" Machado.
Tired Evan "Buck" Buckley - Works | Archive of Our Own Buck is moving in with Eddie and Chris. He knows that his captain has a sad past that no one talks about. Please consider turning it on! Buck celebrates Christmas together with his boyfriend. suddenly evan buckley feels like maybe he has a fighting chance. Without thinking, Eddie took his hand, pulling Buck up sharply. Buck his head sprung up, and he looked right into Eddies eyes, he studied his face looking for anything, anything that could display his feelings. A heavy sigh fell from those pretty lips of his, the ones Eddie had all but memorized at this point. He's spent the last few years learning how to trust himself and others again, will a couple of chance encounters with those he used to call family change all that? He took her from camp that night. After the lawsuit things get worse for Buck. A Navy Seal who was injured on the tour.
the person you'd take a bullet for (is the one behind - FanFiction.Net The aftermath is heavy. So, the night after his first shift back, he went out and bought a new guitar.For months he played in the comfort of his own home, not yet confident enough to share with the 118. Everywhere he has gone, he's been chased or thrown out for being himself with his dragon. Buck is sure they will make it out alive, what he's not sure about is whether his friends will still be able to look him in the face at the end. Shed wanted to scream, but hed covered her mouth so she couldnt scream. Buck could see his own body lay in the balance between the ladder and the surface, unresponsive. 5 times Eddie gifts candles to Buck and 1 time Buck does. I had him do the coffee run, you know, change of scenery. But the moment hes inside, Eddie stops dead on his feet and its like a cold rush of air making his hair stand on end, sending shivers down his spine. But what was he supposed to say? Buck has never been scared of the dark before, but this feels different, somehow. Hes reached through fire and over cliff sides, across blood-soaked asphalt and between a decades worth of trauma, all for Eddie. Eddie lets a confession slip while stuck in the dregs of sleep, and Buck panics about it. When he eventually returned to LA, things had settled. Uh, one year since. After meeting with the lawyer and his team, Buck is distraught. Im so proud of you! Theyre staring at each other while theyre still sitting at the red light but the light turns green without Buck noticing it and the car horn the motorist blows from behind them gets his attention. He finally starts to think back on Maddie's worried face when she told him about it, and he thinks that maybe Maddie knew before he did that he was sick. He knew that after the lawsuit he was not going to be easy, but he was drowning more and more. Hes also pissed at me for some reason and it kind of feels like we broke up a few hours ago and I dont know why. (By special request. When he wasn't completely ignoring Buck he would yell at him for even the most minor screw up. Has he left the station in two days?, Bobby blew out a breath of air and shook his head. Buck lost his virginity when he was fourteen years old and his girlfriend was about to move away. I will be uploading every week.
The Darkness Won't Have You Chapter 1, a 9-1-1 fanfic | FanFiction He has been hiding his dragon's existence since he joined the 118. in which Evan "Buck" Buckley is an aviator, Eddie Diaz is jealous, and Chimney would really like to know why that man's name is Bradley Bradshaw. after the lawsuit, buck is still shunned by the 118. he doesn't show it to them but it affects him so much he tries to take his own life. "Look, I tried to be careful, I tried to keep myself safe-". There were many moments in the army hell, in the Dairy Freeze he worked in the summers in high school where the inclination wouldve made much more sense than a figure he viewed as family. "Uh can I ask you something?" Buck stops because hes not sure how Eddie will take it if he offers to cook for him. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (6353), Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) (17041), Maddie Buckley/Howie "Chimney" Han (2275), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) (2255), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Maddie Buckley (1565), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV) (1257), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Christopher Diaz & Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) (1044), Christopher Diaz & Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) (1003), Henrietta "Hen" Wilson/Karen Wilson (725), its the heart that really matters in the end, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Pre-Relationship Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Evan "Buck" Buckley Takes Care of Eddie Diaz, COUNT MY LITTLE SCARS (i've got dozens down inside), which was the only thing that was available when I started, The Buckley Siblings Have Bad Parents (9-1-1 TV). Maybe the umpteenth time's the charm. Buck was tired, okay. He needed a break, he needed to find himself again. He was home. Buck shrugs half-heartedly. It's Valentine's day and Buck decides to take a gamble in giving Eddie some chocolates. I uh, Buck tries to say. originalcharacter 911tvshow fanfic +19 more # 3 When Danger Strikes by Alexa Rose 3.2K 74 2 - Y me ests abrazando con mucha fuerza, como si no quisieras que me fuera. Figures he will run out just as he begins to accept its time to find a life he can bear living. Instead, hes unilaterally focused on the helmet sitting on the ground as innocently as if someone placed it there. But he only takes advantage of Buck.Months later he finds out that he is pregnant.He has to cope with many problems. . But moving on doesn't mean forgetting, and even when you make the best attempt to rebuild your life, the past will always catch up with you. Eddie was cleaning out one of the drawers in Buck's bedside table when he froze and sat down on the bed hard.
I deleted it after a short time because it had many mistakes.Many have asked if I can post it again. Buck remembers his first New Years kiss, crowded up against the wall of an alley in New York with his best friend of two years pushing him back. He met someone once, years ago with matching scars and haunted eyes who had told him, "You either get better, or you die, Evan. Ashes Scene in Avengers: Infinity War Part 1, build me a home underground (free from light and sound), Eddie Diaz Takes Care of Evan "Buck" Buckley, Established Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Callie Adams Foster & Mariana Adams Foster, Evan "Buck" Buckley & Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Christopher Diaz & Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), i would've loved you forever (it's never enough but i wanted it to be), Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)/Original Male Character(s), Childhood Best Friends to Lovers to Exes to Lovers if you want to be specific, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, hints at buddie because these boys need a wake up call, Eddie and Buck share one brain cell and neither has it, Bobby took the brain cell and Athena has it protective custody because Buddie can't be trusted, Discord: The 118 (9-1-1 TV & 9-1-1 Lone Star), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), I misunderstood the (secondary gender) assignment, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics. While Josie is sleeping, a week after they had been at camp, a young man, supposedly a camp counselor, came into Josies room while she was sleeping, unknown to anyone else. Buck's quiet voice cracks as he speaks. Athena Grant and Bobby Nash are Evan "Buck" Buckley's Parents. The aftermath is heavy. OR: Almost exactly ten years after Buck leaves home to avoid more heartbreak, Eddie returns into his life, and it seems that closure was never an option in the first place. You were helping me dress, and there werent that many mirrors in the hospital a-and the angles all wrong " He falters, turning back to the mirror to stare at the scarring along his chest. Buck gets burned at work and worries that he's blown his shot with Eddie when he runs late to meet his friends. But everyone thinks he is at home. He savoured each and every Eddie hug he got. Eddie buys bath products during his self care journey and ends up using them on Buck instead. Almost on instinct, Buck reached out to rub at his previously deemed injured leg, the one that was still covered in scars. He is stupid with exhaustion. Please consider turning it on! A Tortured Musician Buck story. Buck has been a dragon rider since birth, and he has hidden this fact for most of his life. O, Buck tiene problemas para dormir por dos semanas, afortunadamente Eddie est con l para ayudarlo. A car accident leaves Eddie without ten years of memories. "What, uhm, what are you doing in LA?". After the lawsuit, the team doesn't realize how badly Buck is doing.
911 fanfiction buck ignored - cartershomecare.com After the tsunami, they bond and become mates. Pre-Relationship Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz. Going somewhere that wasn't really home anymore when he was barely awake enough to make his feet move might not have been the best idea. by Rachel 77.4K 1.4K 14 After catching her fiance cheating with his realtor partner, Aubrey Peters decides to sell everything and move cross country to LA. Yea, that would be stupid. Buck-switched it?, Bobby nodded. Firehouse 118 Crew (9-1-1 TV) A year after what seemed like a fever dream, Buck is actually thinking his life has turned around. Please consider turning it on! It's about the friendship between Buck and Athena. At least he gets to go home to his boys at the end of the day. Suicide Attempt. Buck was silent the whole way back to the station. Eddie why Bucks still laughing and trying to catch his breath but he continues. Maybe with a little help, you can even begin to heal. He tells no one. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Hed hit the ground, wind knocked out of him, but it didnt matter because Buck was stranded, suspended in the air as a perfect, unmoving target for the next strike. Team TVLine recently listed "the irrefutable romantic chemistry between 9-1-1 's Buck and Eddie" as one of the TV blessings for which we're most thankful and we're . - De acuerdo, ganas esta discusin. In the grand scheme of things, there are worse things someone could do to cope. In front of the man he left behind all that time ago because he simply couldn't stay. Bobby may have given you a great recommendation but you earned this promotion because you did the work.. Eddies mouth drops into a little o of understanding. By chance they find out about his problems and want to help. Follow Josies story. Only a small drop spilled the glass he was trying to hold, drowning him.Maybe it's time to stop fighting the water. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Starts the morning after 'Do You Think I'm Gay?' Eddie thinks his boys are safe, but is soon to discover the complete opposite. He still has to try.-----------------------------------------------------------------------Whumptober Day 18: CPR, Buck hates the feeling of blood on his hands, especially when it's someone he knows. Buck leaves LA after the lawsuit.Over a year later, the 118 meets him on a call. Eddie joins the 118. Through pure adrenaline he was scaling the ladder, acutely aware that he was screamingvoice cracking through the thunder begging Buck to be okay and to just hold on. Eddie considers Buck for a moment, Just people, I guess, sometimes the things they do are just., Yawning again, Buck leans forward, resting the side of his face against Eddies right shoulder blade. And that gorgeous purple curled hair.he's never seen hair so thick.not since.